Zero's response did not exceed Lv Yongchang's expectations.

It is easy to understand.

As the distance between the black hole detector and the black hole continues to decrease, the gravity and space-time curvature around it will continue to increase.

The substantial increase in gravity and space-time curvature will cause problems with the flow of time.

If the black hole detectors are not damaged, they still maintain the same frequency, that is, sending corresponding data to the fleet every second.

But according to Lv Yongchang's calculations, after arriving at the predetermined area, the fleet needs more than six minutes to fully receive a short second of information.

As for the quantum long-distance communication device, it has not been affected by the so-called [Event Form] theory, and has maintained good performance until now.

However, due to the existence of the time deceleration effect, information cannot be transmitted quickly.

As a result, the observation and research cycle of the black hole was forcibly extended several times.


Lv Yongchang stared at the dazzling black hole accretion disk outside the porthole and sighed slightly.

Although he knew that this was irresistible, he still felt a little anxious.

Since the Earth era, this is the first time that his research progress has been slowed down by external factors.

At this moment, the fleet is following the accretion disk and slowly rotating around the black hole.

Only by maintaining a certain running speed can the fleet be ensured not to fall into the black hole.

That is why the distance between the fleet and the Lost Star is getting closer and closer.

Lv Yongchang narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the planet in the distance that was slightly yellow-green under the light of the accretion disk, and fell into deep thought.

What kind of existence would the main star in the star system where it used to be?

An inexplicable thought emerged in Lv Yongchang's mind.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, subconsciously clenched his hands, trying to catch the inspiration that flashed in his mind.

"Accretion disk..."

"Star... Star!!"

He finally caught the flickering inspiration in his mind, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"I know!"

"I know where the problem lies!"

Lv Yongchang suddenly turned around and shouted to the dazed Mao Zhengzhi: "It's a problem with the composition of radiation!"

Mao Zhengzhi stared blankly at Lv Yongchang, who was extremely excited: "Ah?"

Obviously, he did not realize the meaning behind Lv Yongchang's words.

"Radiation composition!!!"

Lv Yongchang looked at Mao Zhengzhi, who was confused, with "heartache", and wanted to instill the inspiration in his mind into his brain: "Think about it, what kind of environment was the Lost Star in before?"

"What kind of environment is it in now?"

"Even if it is lucky, can the radiation produced by the black hole and the black hole accretion disk be the same as the radiation produced by the main star?!"

Lv Yongchang's words were like a flash of lightning, splitting the thick fog in Mao Zhengzhi's mind!

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he exclaimed: "So, that's how it is!"

"I understand, professor, I understand too!"

"We went in the wrong direction!"


Only a small part of the main star of the Lost Star is left.

Most of the mass has been swallowed by the black hole.

It is almost impossible to use these debris to perfectly reverse the appearance of the main star at that time.

At least, with the current technological level of human civilization, this is an impossible task.

But with the help of these debris, human civilization can still get some basic information.

With the efforts of Lv Yongchang, He Bilin and others, Zero successfully completed various calculations.

The conclusion is out.

It is a star that emits strong radiation outward.

The main components of radiation are gamma rays and X-rays.

Among them, gamma rays occupy a major position.

And the X-rays produced by the black hole accretion disk are obviously far above the standard for these giant trees.

That is, they have been living in an environment of high-intensity radiation, and their vitality is strong enough.

Otherwise... I would have died completely long ago!


After adjusting the composition of the radiation, the experiment continued.

But the scene that Academician Mao Zhengzhi wanted to see still did not appear in the biological laboratory.

These giant tree tissues were bathed in specially "adjusted" radiation, and their growth was very good, but they still could not differentiate and grow into complete giant tree individuals - they could not grow roots.

The most important purpose of this experiment is to decipher the language system and communication method of giant trees by studying the root system of giant trees!

If there is no root system, no matter how good the experimental data is, it will be useless!

He kept trying various gradients of radiation intensity near the calculated value, but he did not see the result he wanted.

The scene in front of him made Mao Zhengzhi grow several blisters on his lips anxiously.

"Academician Mao, I want to increase the radiation intensity a little more."

Just as Mao Zhengzhi was scratching his ears and cheeks impatiently, a young voice came.

"Lu Siyuan?" Mao Zhengzhi raised his head and looked at the person who was speaking with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

He was deeply impressed by this newcomer.

In order to cultivate this most dazzling biological academician of Gliese's generation, Mao Zhengzhi spent a lot of energy on him.

After all, the rapid development of civilization requires a constant supply of fresh blood from generation to generation to maintain.

The effort and reward are proportional.

In just a few years, this young academician has squeezed into the core area of ​​the Academy of Sciences with his own ability.

"How much?" Mao Zhengzhi slowed down his tone, shook his head and whispered, "I even doubled it, but it didn't work at all!"

"Ten times!"

Lu Siyuan's answer made Mao Zhengzhi's eyes widen: "Ten times?!"

"Do you know what ten times means?!"

"Academician Mao, since you have tried it within one time, why don't you try a higher gear?" Lu Siyuan said softly, "After all, this is alien life, we shouldn't look at it with the usual eyes."

Listening to Lu Siyuan's extremely firm words, Mao Zhengzhi smiled a little.

The courage of young people is better than that of the older generation of scientific researchers.

There are still many samples, so just listen to him and let him try it once.

In scientific research, you have to dare to think and dare to do.

Mao Zhengzhi nodded as he thought.

"Go ahead."

"You know the operation process, go and verify your idea."


"Thank you, Academician Mao!"

Lu Siyuan showed some joy in his eyes, thanked Mao Zhengzhi and hurried to the control console.

ps: Thanks to ArgusFilch for his certification!

More chapters... cough cough, more chapters...

Counting the certifications from all the masters before, how about 10 chapters?

I'll try to write more.JPG

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