Looking at Lu Siyuan's excited look, Mao Zhengzhi's smile became more and more intense.


"Is this the successor you trained?"

Mao Zhengzhi turned his head to look in the direction of the voice, only to see Lv Yongchang walking towards him with a smile in his eyes.

"Professor." He greeted him first, and after hesitating for a moment, he responded in a firm tone, "I think he is a good choice."

"At least, in terms of biology, he is a talent worth cultivating."

"Oh?" Lv Yongchang looked at Lu Siyuan who was busy at the main console with some surprise, "This is the first time I heard you speak so highly of others!"

As his eyes turned to Lu Siyuan, a holographic projection appeared beside him.

The projection clearly showed Lu Siyuan's resume information from birth to the present.

Just a simple glance, Lv Yongchang's eyes showed some surprise: "Gliese's new generation?"

"Yes." Mao Zhengzhi nodded with a smile, "Speaking of which, he is a new human born from the social public support system."

"Moreover, he is also the first batch of new humans to work in the Academy of Sciences."

Lv Yongchang looked at the densely packed resume and became more and more surprised, "The resume is quite good!"

"It turned out that he mastered the most cutting-edge biological knowledge in such a short time!"

"It seems that the education of the social public support system is quite good!"

"It's not all the credit of education." Mao Zhengzhi smiled and corrected Lv Yongchang's words.

"In my opinion, Zero's work in selecting and filtering germ cells is the biggest contributor."

"The continuous optimization at the genetic level has greatly improved the average physical fitness and intelligence of the people."

"The slow evolution of human beings seems to have begun to accelerate under the stimulation of the public support system!"

"Moreover, under Zero's control, the textbooks are also updated at any time according to the intelligence improvement of the new humans."

"This forms a positive cycle."

Speaking of this, Mao Zhengzhi pondered for a moment and spoke again.

"Let's put it this way... The theoretical system of the Earth Age is now the basic textbook for the new humans to enter school."

Lv Yongchang nodded thoughtfully.

"What about humans who give birth naturally?"

"Naturally?" Mao Zhengzhi laughed dumbly, "Professor, you may not pay much attention to the news of the sociology department."

"When the social public care system was first implemented, many natural people were born every year."

"But as time went by, the public care system became more mature, and people gradually discovered the advantages of new humans."

"Extremely high intelligence, coupled with zero targeted teaching..."

"No matter what industry they are in, they have extremely high competitiveness."

"Fortunately, the number of new humans born each year is precisely controlled by zero, and this situation has not caused too much impact on society."

"It's just..." Mao Zhengzhi shrugged and said helplessly, " Just like natural selection, natural people are gradually eliminated by new humans. "

"When we left the Gliese 555 star system, the number of natural births per year had dropped to a historical low."

"With persistent propaganda, people's concepts have also changed a lot."

"Whether it is for the next generation or for other reasons, almost all couples will choose to apply for public support quotas."

"According to the forecast model analysis of the sociology department at that time, under normal development, in about two hundred years, the social public support system can completely replace the original fertility system."

After listening to Mao Zhengzhi's "report", Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense body relaxed a little.

A big stone in his heart finally landed smoothly.

With the help of various data provided by the human civilization of Proxima Centauri, the reform of the human fleet finally landed smoothly.

It's just...

"Didn't there appear any drawbacks in the implementation of the public support system?"

Lv Yongchang's inquiry made Mao Zhengzhi smile bitterly.


"Of course there are."

"The original family concept has been greatly impacted."

"Of course, under the regulation of the sociology department, everything is under control. The original small family concept is slowly developing towards the big family concept as expected at the time."

Mao Zhengzhi's words did not exceed Lu Yongchang's expectations.

The so-called small family concept is the traditional concept of human beings in the Earth era, which is maintained by blood relations.

The big family concept is a new concept proposed by the Academy of Social Sciences for the public support system.

With the gradual advancement of the public support system and education, the new human beings are no longer limited to the small family bound by blood relations.

In a broad sense, all human beings are members of the big family.

Therefore, the new human beings' eyes are mainly focused on the entire human civilization.

The development of civilization is above all else.

It sounds simple, but until now, this idea has only just sprouted in the new human group.

If you want to truly consolidate this concept, I am afraid that it will take a very long time for the education system to make efforts.

In a sense, the day when this concept is completely finalized is the moment when the social public support system will truly succeed.

Thinking of this, Lu Yongchang let out a long breath.

Since the birth of the first batch of public-raised people, humans can no longer be called humans.

Just like fish that have come ashore can no longer be called fish.

But this is a helpless move after all.

In order to survive in this dark and cold universe, the price paid by the human fleet should be considered small.

Thinking of this, Lv Yongchang's eyes showed some helplessness, and he sighed softly: "It's a pity that after the establishment of the public support system, humans can never go back."

Mao Zhengzhi's expression moved slightly.

Of course, he knew the meaning behind Lv Yongchang's words.

He was silent for a while, and responded in an extremely low voice.

"Professor, perhaps, from the day when humans left the earth, humans should no longer be called humans."

Lv Yongchang's expression was slightly moved.

He stared deeply at Mao Zhengzhi beside him, and after a long silence, he sighed silently.

"That's right..."

"After leaving the earth, humans have changed too much and can no longer be called humans."

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