Two days later.

Lv Yongchang came to the laboratory very early as usual.

All experiments take a long time, so after completing various basic inspections, he and Mao Zhengzhi sat in the seats near the porthole.

This should be his only rest time besides sleeping.

Sitting on the chair, Lv Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi both looked at the extremely gorgeous black hole accretion disk outside the porthole.

The power of nature, unreservedly vented in front of the two human scientists, reminding the insignificance of human beings from all aspects.

"... Changed! There is a change!"

A familiar exclamation came from a distance.

The exclamation was full of joy and excitement: "Academician Mao! The experiment has worked!"

After a short stagnation, Mao Zhengzhi, who was originally sitting on the chair, quickly untied the electromagnetic adsorption device and stood up from his seat.

He did not hesitate and ran towards the main console!

Compared with Mao Zhengzhi, Lv Yongchang seemed much calmer.

He stood up from his seat, waved his hand and operated the holographic projection beside him.

The experimental data was soon presented in front of Lv Yongchang.

When he saw the bright red radiation intensity curve, he was stunned.

"Ten, ten times the standard radiation??"

The so-called standard radiation is the radiation intensity of the main star in the original star system of the Lost Star after a series of calculations.

Lv Yongchang subconsciously raised his hand and scratched his head.


Are young people nowadays so crazy?

But the problem is that such an outrageous and rough experimental operation was successful!

Looking at the extremely small and thin brown object in the picture that was trembling slightly, he suddenly felt that he was a little behind the times.


"Professor, did you see it?!"

Mao Zhengzhi's excited voice came from a distance.

Lv Yongchang calmed down, waved his hand to turn off the holographic projection beside him, and walked quickly towards the main console.

Although he had seen all the data of the experiment in the holographic projection, he still wanted to witness this miracle with his own eyes.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, frowned slightly, and slowed down his pace.

After a moment of silence, he whispered: "Zero, let He Bilin come to my side."

"Got it."

The electronic synthesized voice sounded beside him.


Through the huge wall made of transparent aluminum, the lucky one was clearly presented to everyone in the laboratory.

The straight trunk, the broad leaves, and the roots that were trembling slightly and just growing...

It was exactly the same as the giant trees on the surface of the Lost Star.

The only difference may be in the size and scale.

"Siyuan, how did you think of using such a high radiation dose for the experiment?"

After satisfying his curiosity, Mao Zhengzhi finally remembered the business and asked Lu Siyuan.

Lu Siyuan smiled awkwardly and scratched his head: "Academician Mao, I said it was my intuition, do you believe it?"

Mao Zhengzhi: "???"

Seeing Mao Zhengzhi's face change slightly, Lu Siyuan hurriedly explained.

"That's right, these giant trees have a very high tolerance to radiation. Even if the radiation intensity and radiation type deviate greatly, they can live normally."

"This has been confirmed in previous experiments."

Mao Zhengzhi nodded gently.

That's true.

Otherwise, these giant trees would not live so comfortably next to the black hole.

"So, I wonder if the stimulation we gave it was too small, so it couldn't activate its ability to differentiate and grow."

Mao Zhengzhi nodded thoughtfully.

"But according to calculations, the main star of the Lost Star does not have such a strong radiation level at all!"

Lu Siyuan shrugged and didn't answer.

He specializes in biology and doesn't dabble in other subjects too much.

Lv Yongchang didn't speak, but just listened to the discussion between the two silently.

He frowned, as if thinking about something.

"Professor, are you looking for me?"

Accompanied by a burst of hurried footsteps, He Bilin's voice sounded on the side.

Lv Yongchang nodded gently and pointed to the data in the holographic image: "Here, take a look at these data."

"Oh, by the way, just look at the experimental data related to radiation intensity."

Hearing this, He Bilin hurriedly turned his head to look at the dense and extremely complicated experimental data.


A few minutes later, He Bilin seemed to have discovered something, and took a breath and said: "This... ten times the standard radiation?"

"This experiment was actually successful?!"

"Whether the experiment is successful or not is not important, what is important is the information behind these experimental data." Lv Yongchang reminded softly.

Hearing this, He Bilin was stunned.

"Behind the experiment..."

Soon, he realized the meaning of Lv Yongchang's words.

Since these giant tree tissues can survive normally under such radiation intensity, and can even activate the omnipotence of those cell-like structures, it means...

"You mean... our previous calculation data may be wrong?"

"The stellar radiation intensity of the Lost Star may be higher than the result we calculated?"

While speaking, He Bilin raised his hand and dragged a holographic image.

He quickly flipped through the calculation data in the image, and at the same time, he used Zero's computing power to verify the calculation.

"That's not right!"

"Professor, I verified it again, and the calculation process should be fine."

"Even if we take into account the fact that the black hole swallowed a lot of stellar matter, the radiation intensity is ten times too exaggerated, right?!"

The same calculation data was also presented in front of Lu Yongchang.

He had already done the verification work.

There was no problem.

But this was precisely the biggest problem!

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