For a moment, the atmosphere in the laboratory became solemn.

The joy of the successful experiment disappeared at this moment.

He Binlin, in particular, has even begun to investigate the possibility of malfunctions in various detectors.

But obviously, all his efforts were in vain.

After finding that all the data was correct, He Bilin exhaled a breath of air.

He scratched his head anxiously: "How could there be such a big deviation..."

"Is it because of the black hole?"

"Professor, do you think it's possible that black holes have some mechanism that we don't know about?"

"Is it this mechanism that affects our observations and calculation results?"

He Bilin's words aroused the agreement of several academicians of astronomy.

Not only that, even Mao Zhengzhi nodded in agreement: "It's possible!"

"Humanity's research on black holes is too shallow. Maybe we can use this opportunity to discover something this time!"

Hearing this, a touch of excitement suddenly rose in He Bilin's eyes.

New discoveries involving black holes…

Don’t think too much, this must be a big discovery!

Thinking of the scene where he "left his name in history", He Bilin's breathing suddenly became faster!

"You don't need to think so complicated."

Lu Yongchang's voice was like a basin of cold water poured on the heads of He Bilin and others: "If it is not necessary, do not add entities."

"Try to think in a concise and effective direction. Otherwise, wasting energy is a small problem, and going in the wrong research direction is a big problem."

"But, but...Professor, if it wasn't the black hole, how could there be such a big deviation in the calculated data? This is a difference of more than ten times!" He Bilin tried to refute Lu Yongchang's concept.

After a moment of silence, Lu Yongchang responded softly.

"What if this star is a flaring star?"

These words, like the rising sun in the early morning, instantly tore apart the dark fog in everyone's minds!

"Dazzling star, shining star..."

He Bilin froze on the spot, repeating these two words softly.

Gradually, his eyes gradually brightened: "Yes, there is still the possibility of shining as a star!"

"I remember that Ross 154 was a shining star at that time!"

Lu Yongchang had a nostalgic smile on his face and nodded slightly: "Yes, that shining star caused us a lot of panic at that time."

"If it's a shining star, it all makes sense."

"The pattern of flare star explosions is almost unpredictable. It may emit extremely powerful radiation in a very short time, or it may become extremely dim in a very short time."

"Thanks to this, giant trees have extremely strong adaptability."

"They can survive a wide range of radiation intensities."

"We can even simulate the growth experience of giant trees on this lost star."

Lu Yongchang said with a look of amazement: "When the Yaoliang occurs, the radiation intensity increases rapidly, and these giant trees begin to expand rapidly."

"When the flare ends and the radiation intensity decreases, they go into sleep..."

"No, it's not dormancy." Mao Zhengzhi interrupted Lu Yongchang.

"After the detector was equipped with a radiation imaging function, we captured image data of giant trees hunting."

With that said, Mao Zhengzhi opened a holographic image.

In the projection screen, there is a light fluorescent green.

The atmosphere, giant trees, giant insects, soil...almost all objects on the surface of Forsaken Star contain more or less radiation.

The radiation imaging function operates based on this point.

Depending on the intensity of the radiation, different shades of color appear.

With the help of the difference in shades of fluorescent green, Lu Yongchang can easily identify the appearance of giant trees and giant insects.

The time mark in the upper right corner of the screen made him realize that the scene in front of him took place during the day on the Forgotten Star.

"It's a cloudy day."

Mao Zhengzhi's explanation voice came from the side, "The radiation content in the atmosphere has been much lower than before."

"Perhaps because it was too hungry, one giant insect chose to leave the canopy and head to the ground."

Following Mao Zhengzhi's explanation, the nearly dark green giant centipede-like insect left the tree crown step by step and crawled slowly down the light green trunk.

And at the base of the light green tree trunk, there are disc-shaped dark green objects.

"These are..." Lu Yongchang's eyes showed a look of surprise, "the trapping organs of the giant tree?"

"Yes, the test results also show that these mushroom-like organs contain large doses of radioactive materials." Mao Zhengzhi nodded in agreement, "They are extremely tempting to giant insects."

In the picture, after hesitating for a while, the giant insect quickly crawled towards the "bait" and started to eat it unscrupulously.

The next second, the light green tree roots buried in the ground rose high and directly dragged the giant insect into the ground.

The video is over.

"Taking all the data together so far, we can easily draw one conclusion."

Mao Zhengzhi said solemnly: "These giant insects are indeed the captive species of the giant trees as we suspected."

"Combined with the inference of the shining stars, the giant trees greatly expand their growth areas in the years of abundance, that is, when the shining stars occur, and at the same time they are also feeding these giant insects."

"And when the glory comes to an end, the giant trees will start to hunt these giant insects."

"Of course, this is not absolute. Hunting will also occur in good years, but the frequency is not high."

"Just like just now, due to weather conditions, the giant tree chose to kill giant insects to replenish its nutrients."

"From these behaviors alone, the wisdom of the giant tree should not be underestimated."

Lv Yongchang nodded thoughtfully and turned to look at the seedling in the biological laboratory.

"When it grows up a little bit, we will start the decryption experiment."

"Zero, let Meng Lu come and tell her that there is work to do!"

As soon as the voice fell, the electronic synthesized voice sounded immediately.


"Notifying Academician Meng Lu..."

ps: I wish all readers a happy new year!

After laying the groundwork for so long, I finally wrote the truth about the Lost Star.

One more chapter for the new year~

Current update progress (1/10), irregular updates!

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