"Professor, the signal strength has dropped."

Mo Zeyang's voice came from the side: "The connection may have been interrupted."

The unique and tender words of the sapling appeared again in the holographic projection.

[I succeeded! ]

[He said, you are a very powerful advanced civilization, let me listen to you and live in peace. ]

[He... He also said, let me ask you to go to Kurien again, oh, Kurien is the name of the mother planet. ]

[Mother planet... Do you know what mother planet means? ]

Looking at the lines of text in the projection, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but fall into silence.

Thinking of the respectful attitude shown by the Lost Giant Tree just now, a guess suddenly emerged in his mind.

Could it be...

Do they know what happened to their mother planet?

But a new doubt emerged, temporarily suppressing his guess about the current situation of the Lost Giant Tree in his mind.

He considered it for a while and entered a line of information word by word.

[He is like you, does each individual have independent consciousness? ]

The sapling quickly responded.

[He is He, He is not an independent consciousness. ]

[But we all have independent consciousness. ]

This answer completely confused all the academicians present.

Lv Yongchang asked again with a confused look on his face.

[Is He and you not the same thing? ]

[Of course not! He is He, we together form He! ]

Lv Yongchang: "???"

"Zero, is your translation really correct?"

"Professor, I'm sure there is no mistake." Zero answered in a serious manner.

Lv Yongchang sighed helplessly and turned his head to look at the group of confused academicians of the Academy of Sciences around him: "It seems that we have to go to the Lost Star again."

He stared at the "chat record" in the holographic projection, and a guess slowly emerged in his mind.


The fleet sailed to the vicinity of the Lost Star again.

According to the sapling.

[Nus] In order to show its sincerity, human civilization only needs to send some "messengers" to [Kuren] as usual.

Although it was a bit confusing, Lv Yongchang quickly understood the meaning of this sentence.

"It seems that the other party already knows the difference between humans and robots." Lv Yongchang looked at the lush planet outside the porthole with interest.

That's normal.

In the eyes of the giant tree, robots that produce a certain amount of radiation and humans should be extremely different.

"Yongchang, do you think we need to send diplomats?"

Fang Xu's voice came from the side: "The Sociology Branch believes that, considering all aspects, the Lost Giant Tree has the intention to surrender to human civilization."

"Moreover, the branch believes that it... [Nus] has expressed its sincerity as much as possible."

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment and shook his head slowly: "It's not time yet."

"If we really want to establish diplomatic relations, it's not now."

"Just send scientific research robots, it's not a complicated task anyway."

"If [Nus] really wants to communicate with us, scientific research robots are enough."

Fang Xu nodded as a matter of course: "I think so too."

"By the way, there is one more thing."

"The Sociology Branch believes that since human civilization has encountered such a situation, we should also start preparing to select some diplomatic personnel."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang nodded thoughtfully.

The battle with the Botha civilization made him realize something.

To some extent, the subordinate civilization is indeed a good helper.

A single tree cannot make a forest.

Before human civilization develops to a strong enough level, it is not a bad thing for human civilization to find some "allies" with appropriate strength.

"You can talk to Chairman Hong about this matter."

"There should be such talents in the parliament."

"It is a fantasy to want to find such talents from the Academy of Sciences."

Hearing this, Fang Xu turned his head and looked around.

Everyone focused their attention on the data in front of them and deliberately avoided Fang Xu's gaze.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head: "You're right, then I'll go find Councillor Hong first."

"Go." Lu Yongchang replied absentmindedly, and also cast his eyes on the holographic image in front of him, "The shipborne drone is about to set off, we should prepare to communicate with [Nus]."

"After you finish this matter, go to the sociology department and analyze [Nus]'s behavior with all your strength."

"I need them to provide me with a precise evaluation data."

As he spoke, three modified shipborne drones carrying more than a dozen scientific research robots and a complete set of communication devices flew towards the Lost Star not far away under Zero's control.


A few hours later.

The three shipborne drones slid through the upper atmosphere of the Lost Star at high speed.

The high-energy particles ejected by the antimatter engine produced long strips of light in the atmosphere, as colorful as the aurora.

Under Zero's control, they flew straight to the north pole of the Lost Star without any hesitation.

Strong gamma rays surged from the sky like a wave in all directions.

The forest below, relying on the fluctuations of gamma rays, quickly detected the movements of these ship-borne drones.

In the roots of the trees underground, strong bioelectric signals were quickly converted into quantum signals and transmitted information to far away places.

The Arctic region of the Lost Star.

A giant tree 12,000 meters high stood quietly between heaven and earth.

When the signal came, its extremely wide leaves began to shake.

Then, in the forest under its huge canopy, a small circular "helipad" gradually appeared with the movement of leaves and roots.

At the same time, the three aurora streamers in the sky also spread from far away to just above the canopy.

It was not until this time that the sound of the atmosphere being torn apart was faintly heard in the distance!

The three ship-borne drones dropped sharply in altitude, carrying an unrivaled momentum, and swooped straight towards the canopy of the 10,000-meter giant tree!

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