Just when a collision was about to occur, the flight speed of the carrier-based aircraft suddenly decreased!

In just a few seconds, the transition from extreme movement to extreme stillness was completed!

The drone hovered quietly just above the canopy of the giant tree, as if waiting for something.

The leaves on the tree crown slowly rotated until they all faced the three ship-based drones.

It's like worshiping.

Seeing this, the drone gradually lowered its altitude and landed on the not-so-wide "apron" on the ground.

When they landed successfully, sections of thick tree roots were crawling around the tarmac.

Further away, the originally quiet forest also became active.

The tree roots rise from the ground, constantly driving away the blind giant insects.

The hatch opens slowly.

Scientific research robots slowly walked out of it carrying a large number of instruments.

At the same time, a section of tree roots that were thicker than ordinary tree roots crawled on the ground, slowly extending towards the ship-based drone.

This quickly attracted the attention of scientific research robots.

The small laser cannon equipped on the drone quickly adjusted its direction and aimed at the approaching tree root.

Under the aim of the laser cannon, the tree roots slowly stopped in front of the scientific research robot.


Looking at the real-time image in the holographic projection, Lu Yongchang raised his hand and touched his chin with interest.

He thought of what [Nus] had said just now: "Is this the [Italy Network] interface provided for us?"

"It should be."

Everything went smoothly, and there was a faint smile in Mao Zhengzhi's voice: "Judging from the diameter, this root does not belong to the superficial root system. It should appear deeper underground."

Lu Yongchang nodded, thought for a moment and then issued the order: "Zero, insert the electrodes and probe into this section of the tree root."


Under Zero's control, more than a dozen scientific research robots had a clear division of labor, and a complete signal conversion system was quickly built in this forest.

"Professor, the probe received extremely strong signal fluctuations!"

"The translation program has started working normally!"

Mo Zeyang and Meng Lu's voices sounded almost at the same time

At the same time, lines of text were presented to everyone under Zero's translation.

[Dear human civilization, hello, I am Nusi. 】

[Thank you for coming to Kurien again. 】

The corners of Lu Yongchang's mouth raised slightly, and he quickly entered a message with his fingers.

[Hello Nusi, I am Lu Yongchang, the chief scientist of human civilization. 】

[Can you understand this title? 】

Before commencing communication, he needed to do a simple test of the giant tree's intelligence.

To prevent the unexpected situation from the last experiment from happening again.

[Nus] responded very quickly: [Dear Chief Scientist, I understand. 】

[That child has told us basic information about human civilization. 】

[Human civilization is a great civilization! 】

The curvature of the corners of Lu Yongchang's mouth became more and more obvious.

On the one hand, it is because [Nus]’s intelligence level has reached his psychological expectations, which means that the subsequent communication will save a lot of trouble.

On the other hand, it is naturally because the other party praises human civilization.

Human civilization has been struggling for nearly a thousand years and has finally been recognized by other civilizations.

And this process is a sacrifice full of blood and tears for all human beings!

The pride this message brings is unimaginable to others!

Lu Yongchang, who was in a happy mood, quickly entered a line of information.

[Nus, who are you? 】

After seeing this message, Mao Zhengzhi glanced at Lu Yongchang in surprise.

According to the original plan, the answer to this question will be summarized and analyzed by the Academy of Sciences.

After all, this kind of philosophical question is a difficult problem for most intelligent creatures.

"Don't worry, I believe it can give me a satisfactory answer."

Lu Yongchang, who noticed Mao Zhengzhi's gaze, said with a smile: "Don't underestimate it, its intelligence may far exceed our imagination."

After waiting for a few seconds, a response appeared again in the holographic projection.

[Based on our analysis, I think what you mean by this sentence is to ask about the difference between me and individual consciousness. 】

【Is it right? 】

Looking at the two different titles in this sentence, Lu Yongchang suddenly showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Sure enough, his guess at the time was confirmed!

[According to the name of human civilization, each lost giant tree has an independent consciousness. 】

[The intelligence level of the isolated giant trees is not high, and communication with each other is also difficult. 】

[In order to develop better, we began to evolve 10 million years ago. 】

[The successful construction of Italian Internet and Italian Internet terminals has allowed our consciousness to connect with each other. 】

[The consciousnesses of all the lost giant trees were integrated with each other, and a huge consciousness was born. 】

[This huge consciousness is me, Nus. 】

[You can simply understand that I am the combination of consciousness of all the lost giant trees. 】


Mao Zhengzhi's eyes widened, he stared blankly at the words in the holographic projection, and said with some excitement: "Professor, cluster consciousness! This is cluster consciousness technology!"

"If humans can master this technology..."

"The speed of civilization development has increased by at least an order of magnitude!"

"Academician Mao, calm down." Lv Yongchang smiled and shook his head, "This technology is still too early for humans at present."

As he spoke, he entered new information into the translation program.

[I understand, you are also a great civilization. ]

This sentence is Lv Yongchang's sigh from the bottom of his heart!

Compared with animals, the possibility of plants giving birth to civilization is relatively weak.

Plant civilizations with greatly limited mobility are difficult to develop a civilization with sufficient wisdom.

The plant civilization on the Lost Star can continue to evolve for tens of millions of years to achieve the so-called cluster consciousness. This alone is enough to win his respect!

[Thank you for your recognition. ]

Nus responded neither servile nor arrogant.

Looking at the line of text flashing with a faint white light in the projection, Lv Yongchang sighed slightly, and while entering information, he said to himself: "It's a pity that it is still limited by its own racial characteristics after all."

"No matter how great a civilization is, what can it do in the face of such a situation..."

As he spoke, a new line of text glowing with white light appeared in the translation program.

[Nus, do you know the situation your home planet is facing? ]

This time, Nus was slow to respond.

ps: I'm back... I'll resume updating twice a day starting tomorrow!

I'll start updating more after accumulating manuscripts for a few days!!

The days without manuscripts are so sad!!!

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