Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 646 New Accelerator Construction Plan


These big characters in the holographic projection caused a gasp.

Almost every academician had a look of shock on their face.

Lu Yongchang's voice sounded again: "Theoretically, through the ring black hole particle accelerator, we can accelerate particles to a sufficient energy level."

"At the moment of collision, we can have a truly miniature black hole."

"Miniature black holes are extremely unstable and evaporate themselves due to Hawking radiation almost the moment they are born."

"Therefore, we need to use some solutions to stabilize this miniature black hole..."


After hesitating for a moment, an academician took a step forward and interrupted Lu Yongchang's words: "I think the most important issue at the moment is not how to stabilize micro black holes."

"Huh?" Lu Yongchang raised his eyebrows, "You tell me."

"A circumblack hole particle should we make it?" The academician said hesitantly, "Professor, this is different from the circumplanetary particle collider. It requires a lot of matter."

"Currently the fleet does not have so many material reserves."

"In fact, our antimatter reserves no longer allow us to stay near the black hole for too long."

"No matter how you look at it, building a ring black hole particle collider is a huge project that is impossible to achieve for current human civilization."

His words resonated with many people.

It's normal and easy to understand.

So far, the fleet has spent nearly 350 years receiving various data.

The fleet's antimatter reserves only allow them to stay near the black hole for 500 years.

In other words, the human fleet only has 150 years left at most.

According to the conventional thinking, even if there are sufficient supplies, we want to build a ring black hole particle accelerator, conduct corresponding experiments, and develop a curvature engine on this basis...

150 years is not enough!

Seeing the doubts on the faces of the academicians, Lu Yongchang showed a gentle smile again: "No, in a sense, we can even complete the construction of the ring black hole particle accelerator within a year."


"This is impossible!"

“Professor, are you kidding me?!”

The moment the words fell, the originally peaceful laboratory exploded.

Almost everyone was loudly expressing their objections and doubts.

One year to build a ring black hole particle accelerator?

Even if it is zero, under today's computing power conditions, it cannot accomplish such a feat!

Lu Yongchang chuckled, turned his head, and glanced at He Binin not far away.

"Let Academician He answer your questions in this regard."

"He is solely responsible for the construction of the ring black hole particle accelerator."

Lu Yongchang's steady and powerful voice suppressed the noisy questioning in the laboratory.

Facing everyone's gaze, He Bilin opened a holographic projection with a calm expression.

A real-time model of a black hole appears in front of everyone.

Looking at the black hole accretion disk that had almost dissipated and released only extremely weak light, the laboratory instantly became quiet.

"Everyone, we do not need to maintain traditional concepts when it comes to manufacturing very large particle accelerators."

"We all know that the sweeper civilization is using the power of civilization to build a cosmic particle accelerator."

"According to traditional concepts, a cosmic particle accelerator consumes an extremely large amount of matter, and even hollowing out the entire universe is not enough."

"Then how do sweepers achieve civilization?"

He Bilin's voice echoed in the laboratory, and the expressions on the faces of the academicians also changed slightly.

"So we need to think differently."

He Bilin reached out and tapped lightly on the holographic projection beside him.

Densely packed ship-based drones surrounded the black hole, forming a huge ring.

"I eliminated the original closed tubular structure and directly exposed the particle accelerator to the vacuum of space."

He Bilin had a faint smile on his face: "Through a large number of ship-based drones, a large number of acceleration magnetic fields and deflection magnetic fields are constructed at key nodes."

"At the same time, we don't need to expend extra resources to maintain a high-purity vacuum in the particle acceleration chamber."

"What about the interference problem?" an academician asked, "Although the particles in the universe are very thin, they will still cause certain interference to the impact results."

"We can create a particle capture device to screen particles that meet the energy level, capture them, and then control them to collide." He Binin shrugged and said with a relaxed expression.

"Simply put, it's about dividing the particle accelerator into two parts."

"The collision area continues to use the original design plan. As for the acceleration area that consumes the most materials, it will be replaced by a ship-based drone."

"This will greatly reduce the material consumption and construction time of the particle accelerator."

The construction plan quickly passed preliminary verification.

At the same time, under Zero's control, the manufacturing and modification of particle capture devices and ship-based drones have begun.

However, the construction of the collision area of ​​the ring black hole particle accelerator has not been started yet.

The reason is also very simple.

"Professor, if a micro black hole really appears, how should we stabilize it?"

He Bilin sat in Lv Yongchang's office, frowning and saying, "It disappeared too quickly, so quickly that we didn't have time to take any remedial measures."

Lv Yongchang didn't say anything, but just buried his head and wrote something on the holographic projection in front of him.

Strings of bright white characters flashed rapidly in the azure projection.

With the help of zero computing power, the speed of the flashing of the formulas and characters was completely beyond He Bilin's understanding.

He could only vaguely recognize that these formulas and characters seemed to be related to the space-time model that had just been established not long ago.

But he had no way of knowing the specific relationship.

He Bilin stared at Lv Yongchang's actions in a daze, swallowing the question that was on his lips.

"Use gravity."

Suddenly, Lv Yongchang's gentle voice broke the silence in the office, and the speed of the flashing characters in the holographic projection also slowed down a bit.

"The so-called black hole is nothing more than a celestial body that appears when the curvature of space-time reaches its limit."

"But micro black holes, because of their own weak energy, are simply unable to maintain this degree of space-time curvature while releasing radiation energy outward."

"Use the gravitational field generation device to make the space-time in the collision area concave in advance."

"In my calculations, this can temporarily extend the life of micro black holes."

"A medium-strength gravitational field can theoretically extend the life of a micro black hole to 0.01 seconds."

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