Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 647 Methods to stabilize micro black holes


Lu Yongchang raised his hand and operated on the holographic projection again.

Densely packed calculations flew across the projection, and soon the holographic interface reached the first step of the deduction.

A flash of understanding flashed in He Bilin's eyes.

Sure enough, just as he thought, this calculation process is based on the space-time model.

Lu Yongchang patiently and slowly dragged the holographic image, explaining to He Binin line by line.

Maybe it's because Lu Yongchang's thinking is too fast. Even with this explanation line by line, He Bilin will be a little confused in his mind.

But under Lu Yongchang's explanation, these faint doubts were quickly erased.

More than an hour later.

He Bilin sighed with relief and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Professor, thank you for being here."

Lu Yongchang chuckled, waved his hand gently, and said in a low voice: "What I did was just some small things."

"Without me, you would have found this method sooner or later."

"I digressed, let's get back to the topic."

"Theoretically, under the influence of a strong gravitational field, the existence time of a micro black hole will be extended to 0.01 seconds."

"If we can achieve a breakthrough in gravitational field control technology, this time will be extended again."

"And in this short period of time, we need to release a large number of high-energy particles at the black hole."

He Bilin nodded.

Releasing high-energy particles against the black hole was within his expectations.

A miniature black hole of this magnitude can only swallow particles-sized objects.

"I suggest that once the black hole is successfully generated, we can use a large deflection magnetic field to blast all the particles captured by the particle capture device towards the micro black hole."

As He Bilin spoke, he drew a simple sketch on the holographic projection: "The speed of these high-energy particles is fast enough and they can definitely enter the black hole within 0.01 seconds."

"And now, it's easy to implement in operation."

Lu Yongchang nodded with satisfaction: "I will do as you say."

"When the mass of the micro black hole increases slightly, we can 'feed' it macroscopic matter."

"On the other side of the Forgotten Star, [Nus] only has a small part of his consciousness left."

"Meng Lu has completed the final communication with [Nus]. When the time comes, the Forgotten Star can be used as food for the micro black hole."

Seeing He Bilin nodding, Lu Yongchang's expression gradually became serious.

"Remember, the mass of a micro black hole must not exceed this threshold!"

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang tapped his fingers heavily on the holographic projection: "Once the threshold is exceeded, with our current technical level, it may cause an extremely serious out-of-control event."

"The black hole will escape our control and swallow the surrounding control equipment and starships."

"By then, whether the human fleet can continue to exist will become a question."

A thin layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on He Bilin's back.

He swallowed hard and nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, I will definitely control it."

Lu Yongchang smiled relaxedly: "Don't be too nervous. The work of 'raising' the black hole is all done by Zero."

"I believe it will not make such a stupid mistake."

"What you want to do is actually a second layer of insurance, do you understand?"

"Okay!" He Bilin responded in a deep voice.

Three years later.

Earth calendar year 3270.

The particle capture device and black hole stabilization device were completed at the same time, marking that the ring black hole particle accelerator has officially entered the experimental stage.

It took a little longer than Lu Yongchang said at the time to complete the construction of the ring black hole accelerator within one year, but this is also a speed that was unimaginable in the past!

In these three years, [Kunpeng], one light-year away, conducted countless gravitational field traction and space-time "wave making" experiments.

At the same time, material reserve ships and engineering ships were dispatched in batches to the location of [Kunpeng] to transport necessary supplies to it.

The originally rough space-time model has become an extremely mature model with the help of a large amount of data.

Human civilization is moving towards the pinnacle of Level 4 civilization at an extremely high speed.

[Earth] Inside Laboratory No. 1.

Lu Yongchang, who was standing in the command area, had a little excitement in his eyes.

Today is destined to be recorded in the history of human civilization.

The Ring Black Hole Particle Accelerator will conduct its first operation today.

If the experiment is successful, human civilization will have an artificial black hole of its own!

Whether in physics or in human history, this will be a colorful page!

"I announce that the Ring Black Hole Particle Accelerator has started its first particle acceleration experiment!"

"The ship-based drone begins calibration!"

Facing the gazes of all the academicians, Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and issued the order in a deep voice.

As the words fell, rows of data flashed quickly in the huge holographic projection in front.

At the same time, around the black hole, a ship-based drone arranged in a hollow ring structure began to adjust its attitude slightly with the help of the anti-matter engine under the control of Zero.


"Calibration completed!" Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded, "All ship-based drones are located on the same plane, and the error is less than 10 nanometers!"

"Start the magnetic field generation unit." Lu Yongchang calmed down and said again.

"The magnetic field generation unit has been started and the pulsed magnetic field has been successfully generated."

"Begin to release experimental particles!"

Lv Yongchang raised his voice slightly: "Begin the acceleration experiment!"

"Start the particle capture device and prepare to capture particles that meet the energy level standards!"

The electronic synthesized voice quickly responded: "The particle capture device has been activated, and the particle screening mechanism is working normally... No particles that meet the standards have been detected yet."

On the "other side" of the fleet, that is, on the other side of the ring black hole accelerator, a huge concentric disk-shaped giant building quietly maintains its posture under the power of the antimatter engine.

This is the particle capture device.

According to the experimental plan, the experimental particles will perform a continuously accelerating circular motion around the black hole under the action of the pulsed magnetic field generated by the ship-borne drone.

When the acceleration is completed, these particles will be shot straight to the disk-shaped particle capture device under the action of the deflection magnetic field.

In order to eliminate the interference of other particles in the universe, the particle capture device will screen the injected particles.

Particles that meet the energy level standards will enter its internal pipeline.

The pipeline is also equipped with a pulsed magnetic field, which can perform the final acceleration work on the experimental particles.

Finally, when the number of experimental particles reaches the standard, the particle capture device will open the gate to allow these high-energy particles to enter the collision area, which is also the final black hole formation area.

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