"Then...where did the ball go?"

He Bilin's confused voice came from behind.

Lu Yongchang also frowned.


Where did the ball go?

"Zero, slow down the experimental process." Lu Yongchang directly ordered.

The holographic projection screen changes accordingly.

At a million times slow-down speed, the ball "slowly" moves forward.

This is the result of the combined action of two opposing gravitational fields.

When the strength of the two gravitational fields successfully increased to medium stellar strength, the small ball suddenly disappeared from the screen!

Then, there was a violent shaking in the slow-motion camera!

"Play again and increase the slow playback speed to ten million times."

Lu Yongchang said with an extremely serious expression.

Ten million times, twenty million times, one hundred million times...

No matter how Lu Yongchang increased the slow playback speed, the high-speed camera did not capture the disappearance of the ball.

"Warp Navigation."

"High-speed cameras cannot obtain the trajectory of super-light objects." Lu Yongchang took a long breath and said with relief, "Therefore, it is basically certain that the experimental object will directly enter the moment when the gravitational field intensity reaches a medium stellar intensity. The curvature navigation state.”


"Where's the ball?" He Bilin asked in a low voice, "Even if it enters the curvature navigation state, it shouldn't disappear!"

Lu Yongchang's eyes moved.

He recalled the anomalies that occurred during the first experiment.

"Zero, are there any debris from the broken ball found in the experimental cabin?"

"No ball fragments have been found." Zero responded quickly, "Second screening is in progress..."

"Correction, unknown powdery object found."

"Discovery area, near the experimental bulkhead."

"Substance type inspection is in progress..."

Electronic synthesized sounds, accompanied by sirens, sounded one after another in the laboratory.


"Or was it found near the experimental bulkhead?"

Lu Yongchang stared at the holographic projection blankly, and an incredible guess came to his mind.

Driven by the super strong space-time waves caused by two opposite gravitational fields, the space-time where the ball is located moves forward rapidly.

The little ball is the passenger who takes the "hitchhiker".

It followed the moving space-time and successfully entered the curvature navigation state.

But at that moment, the extremely powerful space-time tidal effect directly tore it apart.

Compared with the last experiment, the space-time tidal effect this time was much greater - it was directly shattered!

But the warp voyage has begun!

The moving time and space carries the powder formed by the small ball and rushes straight forward!

The next moment, they rushed out of the range of the gravitational field.

The waves of space and time gradually subsided, and they broke away from the curvature navigation state.

The small ball powder also slowly fell near the experimental bulkhead.

"The test is complete. The material composition is the same as the experimental ball."

Ling's report undoubtedly confirmed the guess in Lu Yongchang's mind.

He directly raised his hand and "pulled" several data out of the holographic projection.

After some simple calculations, he looked at the calculation results in front of him and took a deep breath.

"1.01 times the speed of light!"

"Fellow academicians, we have exceeded the speed of light!!"

"We made it!!!"

The words fell.

After a few seconds of silence, the laboratory suddenly boiled!

After a brief celebration, the laboratory returned to its original atmosphere of intense research.

Everyone knows that they are still far away from real success!

Although they successfully found the switch to warp navigation, that doesn't mean they have mastered warp navigation!

The reason is simple.

"Professor, the calculation results are out. The moment it entered the curvature navigation state, the experimental ball was subjected to unimaginable space-time tides."

He Bilin raised his hand, slid a few times on the holographic projection, and called up a piece of data: "Two opposite curvatures of space and time produced an extremely complex reaction at the intersection."

“Part of the space-time curvatures cancel each other out, and part of the space-time curvatures superimpose each other. This causes the experimental ball to be subjected to an unprecedented space-time tidal effect.”

He swallowed lightly: "As of now, no material in human civilization can withstand such a space-time tidal force effect!"

Although he had expected it, Lu Yongchang's heart suddenly sank when he heard these words.

In other words, today's curvature navigation technology is a proper "one-way ticket."

It's not even a one-way ticket, it's more like stuffing a person or object into a cannon barrel and then firing it out.

"We need to smooth out the complex distortions in space and time around the aircraft."

Lu Yongchang looked at the curvature model in the holographic projection and muttered to himself.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to sketch and calculate something in the curvature model.

With the real-time calculation provided by Zero, a brand new curvature model was quickly presented to Lu Yongchang.

"Professor...this is?"

Looking at the bubble-like object that appeared in the curvature model, which was narrow at both ends and fat in the middle, He Bilin couldn't help but ask Lu Yongchang a question.

"With real-time computing and control, we can impose a changing gravitational field on the space-time around the aircraft."

“Thus, the distorted space-time around the aircraft is smoothed out.”

"According to the calculations from the model, this would be a bubble-shaped gravitational field similar to a rugby ball."

"We can call it..."

"Curvature bubble!"

"Once you enter the curvature navigation state, only the inside of the curvature bubble is a safe zone."

He Bilin nodded, not quite understanding: "Professor, I understand what you mean."


"Can such calculations really be completed?"

Lv Yongchang smiled gently.

"That's my job."

"With the help of the current space-time model and curvature model, I believe that a model that can accurately calculate the curvature of space-time can be obtained."

He stood up from his seat and looked back thoughtfully at the crude model he had just completed.

"Perhaps, this curvature bubble is the predecessor of the gravitational shield..."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the laboratory, leaving a sentence.

"Continue the experiment, and all the data will be sent to my personal terminal."

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