[Earth], the door of Lv Yongchang's office was closed.

As usual, Lv Yongchang locked himself in the office again.

He needed to integrate the space-time model and curvature model he established, and use this to find the law of the mutual influence of space-time waves under the curvature navigation state!

As long as the law of the generation of space-time waves is found and the equation about space-time waves is solved, then human civilization can be said to have mastered the curvature navigation technology - the accurate prediction and calculation of space-time waves can help humans smooth the waves on the surface of the space-time ocean.

Obviously, the difficulty of this work is not small.

It can even be described as exaggerated.

Not only human civilization, many fourth-level civilizations in the universe are stuck at this step.

The space-time wave equation and the grand unified theory are the two biggest thresholds between the fourth-level civilization and the fifth-level civilization in the universe!

At this time, although Lv Yongchang, with his quantized brain, has a thinking ability far beyond that of ordinary individuals in the fourth-level civilization, it is difficult to solve the first threshold to enter the fifth-level civilization in one fell swoop due to his own civilization level, or in other words, due to his own knowledge.

Even he needs to constantly consider and try.

Of course, a large amount of experimental data is needed to support it.

It is for this reason that in the mobile laboratory of Kunpeng, one light year away, the antimatter engine continues to output tremendous energy at full power, and the vacuum experiment cabin is also constantly emitting explosions - that is the moment when the experimental subject enters the curvature navigation state, because the material cannot withstand the tidal effect of space and time and is shattered.

Every experiment will generate a large amount of data.

These data are continuously transmitted to Lv Yongchang's office and presented one by one in front of Lv Yongchang.

Lv Yongchang's office is therefore covered by layers of stacked holographic projections.

In the ocean of azure data, he was like an insignificant dust, quietly shrinking in a corner to perform his own calculations.

Time passed by bit by bit.

In front of him, a more complete space-time model gradually became clear, and a set of equations related to the development process of human civilization gradually surfaced.


Three months passed in a flash.

The tightly closed office door finally opened slowly again.

At the door, Fang Xu's face was full of excitement and expectation.

Through the slowly opening gap of the door, he vaguely saw the layers of dense azure holographic projections inside the room.

On each holographic projection, bright white, like heavenly books, data and formulas were presented.

As the gap in the door gradually opened, these azure holographic projections gradually turned into light particles and dissipated in the air.

When the door was completely opened, the slightly dim office finally only had a huge holographic image.

On the projection, an intoxicating picture scroll was presented.

Spacetime, under the influence of the gravitational field, stirred up waves of rhythmic movement, just like the wind blowing across the sea.

Fang Xu stared at the waves in the holographic projection in a daze.

In his opinion, at this moment, the spacetime waves in the holographic projection seemed to be much more vivid, no longer as rigid as before.

At the same time, there was an indescribable beauty in the process of spacetime movement!

His eyes slowly turned to the other side, where there were dense formulas and equations.

Under Zero's control, these equations also moved slightly with spacetime.

Before he could observe carefully, a figure walked out from the depths of the room, attracting his attention while blocking part of his sight.

The figure gradually became clear.

Disheveled hair, withered face...

But these could not cover up the bright and fiery light in his eyes!

Fang Xu swallowed lightly and asked in a hoarse voice: "Teacher..."

"Success, did it succeed?"

Faced with Fang Xu's inquiry, Lv Yongchang slowly stopped his staggering steps, pulled the corners of his mouth, and showed a bright smile.

"Of course."

He responded softly.


One year later.

The first prototype of the curvature engine was successfully manufactured.

Considering that the power of the prototype was still small, it was installed on a small starship modified based on the Xuannv fighter.

[Curvature No. 1]

This is the code name of this small starship.

For safety reasons, the test flight site of [Curvature No. 1] is also not next to the fleet.

It relies on the antimatter engine and "slowly" comes to the open area 0.1 light years away from the fleet.

Originally, according to Fang Xu's idea, the test site of [Curvature No. 1] should at least be placed in an area one light year away.

But Lv Yongchang believes that 0.1 light years is safe enough.

Of course, the main reason is that it takes too long to send [Curvature One] to a light-year away.

After the curvature engine prototype was successfully launched, Lv Yongchang didn't want to wait for a moment!

Finally, after countless days and nights of thinking about it, the real curvature navigation experiment is about to begin!

In the laboratory.

"Professor, according to the experimental plan, [Curvature One] carrying experimental animals such as mice and gorillas will conduct a ten-minute curvature navigation."

He Bilin meticulously reported to Lv Yongchang: "During this period, the starship's navigation speed will reach 1.1 times the speed of light."

"On the preset route, the Academy of Sciences has deployed a total of 30 exploration starships to conduct a full-scale exploration of the navigation process."

"Do you have anything else to add?"

1.1 times the speed of light, this is also the limit level that the first-generation curvature engine can achieve.

Of course, after increasing the power of the curvature engine, the navigation speed will also increase.

However, the higher the navigation speed, the higher the requirement for the degree of curvature of space-time, and at the same time, the space-time waves will become more difficult to control.

After careful calculations, Lv Yongchang came to a conclusion.

According to the energy level that humans can currently control, the maximum speed that a curvature spacecraft can reach should be around ten times the speed of light.

In other words, ten times the speed of light should be the ceiling of a level 4 civilization.

Due to the great differences in the paths and directions of civilization development in the universe, the technology trees of each civilization will also be quite different.

There will also be a large gap in the degree of mastery of the curvature engine among different civilizations, and the navigation speed of starships will be even more different.

Therefore, based on the calculation results, Lv Yongchang divided the curvature navigation into a simple level.

The basis for the division is naturally the degree of control over energy.

First-level curvature, the starship's navigation speed is between 1c-10c, which is the level of human civilization today.

(c refers to the speed of light, 10c is 10 times the speed of light.)

Second-level curvature, 10c-100c.

Third-level curvature, 100c-1000c.

Fourth-level curvature, 1000c-10000c.

And so on.

According to his guess, the Sweeper Civilization and the Pastoral Civilization have a high probability of mastering the fourth-level curvature technology, or even the more advanced fifth-level curvature!

"Professor?" He Bilin's voice interrupted his thoughts.

He came back to his senses, and after a moment of silence, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face: "The plan is very good."

"Let's proceed according to the plan you said."

"Okay!" He Bilin nodded excitedly.

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