Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 676 Restarting the Planetary Fortress Construction Project


"Professor, the planetary mining project has been successfully completed."

The electronic synthesized sound sounded in the laboratory, interrupting Lv Yongchang's writing.

"Is it completed..." Lv Yongchang raised his head and glanced at the holographic clock on the wall, with a hint of confusion in his eyes, "The speed is quite fast."

"What about Kepler 452c? Has it been blown up?"

"Yes, there are only five planets left in the Kepler 452 star system." Zero responded quickly, and at the same time released the scene of Kepler 452c's explosion on the holographic projection.

"How is the working status of the gravity compensation ship?" Lv Yongchang asked Zero while walking towards the porthole next to him.

As a member of the star system, the sudden disappearance of Kepler 452c is bound to have a certain impact on the operation of other celestial bodies in the star system.

By then, perhaps human settlements and Kepler 452b will encounter considerable "trouble".

For the current human civilization, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate this impact.

But human civilization can reduce this negative impact as much as possible.

The gravity compensation ship was built for this purpose.

With the help of several large gravitational field generating devices, it can generate a gravitational field with a strength similar to that of Kepler 452c.

As long as it continues to run on the original planetary orbit instead of Kepler 452c, it can reduce or even eliminate most of the negative effects caused by gravitational disturbances.

"It is in good operating condition." Zero's response came from behind, "No abnormal celestial body movement in the star system has been detected so far."

Lv Yongchang nodded lightly, resting his hands on the window sill of the porthole, and looking at the direction where Kepler 452c was originally located.

In the dark universe, there were sporadic red and purple lights.

That was the light mixed with molten iron and high-energy lasers.

This was the last statement made by a planet that has existed for billions of years to the universe.

Just as Lv Yongchang stared blankly at the flickering lights, the electronic synthesized sound sounded again.

"Professor, Academician Wang Man sent a communication request. Do you want to connect?"

Lv Yongchang came back to his senses, glanced at the holographic projection behind him, nodded and said: "Help me connect."

The next second, a wrinkled face appeared in front of him.

Looking at this festive face, Lv Yongchang's mouth corners slightly raised, and his mood unconsciously improved a little.

"It seems that Academician Wang is very happy."

"Hey! Professor Lu, what are you talking about?" Wang Man's smile became more and more intense, "Great harvest, professor!"

"Kepler 452c directly fills the gap in the fleet's basic metals. Let alone the current ring-shaped living station, even another giant structure project will be fine!"

Lv Yongchang looked at Wang Man with interest, who was smiling brightly: "Are you serious?"

Hearing this, Wang Man felt a thump in his heart.

Before the smile on his face faded away, Lv Yongchang said, "It just so happens that I have another megastructure project here."

"I'll ask Academician Tang Hairong to prepare it in two days."

"Ahem... Professor..." Wang Man showed a slightly embarrassed smile on his face and asked in a low voice, "Can I ask what kind of megastructure project it is?"

"Of course." Lv Yongchang said lightly, "It's something we did before."

"Planetary Fortress, do you remember it?"


Wang Man sat back in his seat.

Planetary Fortress!

It's no exaggeration to say that all the projects under construction in the Human Union combined cannot match the resource consumption of that thing!

This, this is going to kill him!

At this moment, the smile on his face has completely disappeared.

"What's wrong, Academician Wang?" Lv Yongchang looked at Wang Man in front of him with a smile, and said in a teasing tone, "You were not like that just now."

Wang Man swallowed hard, raised his hand and gently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and smiled bitterly: "Professor, I just said it casually, professor, please don't make fun of me."

Lv Yongchang looked at Wang Man in the holographic projection with a smile.

After a moment of silence, he said softly: "Who said I was joking?"

"After the starship replacement project is completed, the construction of the planetary fortress will be put on the agenda."

"From the last war with the Botha civilization, it can be seen that although the planetary fortress consumes a lot of resources, the effect it can play in the interstellar war is definitely not comparable to one or several starships."

"Before, due to technical problems, the planetary fortress was just a semi-finished product."

"This time I want to build a real planetary fortress."

"At least, it has to move!"

"Hiss!!!" Wang Man took a breath of cold air when he heard this.

He silently calculated a very rough account in his mind.

In order to achieve the goal mentioned by Professor Lu, the planet must be equipped with a power system.

This requires hollowing out the interior of the planet.

It is definitely not enough to just hollow it out. At least various fixing and supporting devices must be installed inside, otherwise the planetary fortress will become a hollow stone shell?

If it breaks at the touch of a button on the battlefield, it will become a huge joke!

Add to that the weapon system, the defense system...

After finishing the calculation, Wang Man looked at Lv Yongchang with a dead look on his face: "Professor, we...we don't have that many resources!"

"If we don't have resources, we can just mine them on the spot!" Lv Yongchang looked at Wang Man in surprise, "You don't use such a useful resource mining method, and you just watch it?"

"No, that's not the problem..." Wang Man's expression became more bitter, "In our star system, besides Kepler 452b, there is only one rocky planet left!"

"According to the detection report, the mineral resources on this rocky planet are not rich. If we really want to mine it, it may be a losing business."

Lv Yongchang was more surprised when he heard this.

"Who said it was in our star system?"

"Ah?" Wang Man was slightly stunned, and a bit of confusion appeared on his face.

"The curvature probe we sent out some time ago has successfully sent back a detection report." Lv Yongchang smiled and transmitted a file to Wang Man on the other side of the camera. "According to the detection report, in the star system 6.71 light years away from us, there are three iron planets and two rocky planets, and the metal mineral resources are quite rich."

"And the probe did not find any traces of the existence of alien civilizations."

Wang Man suddenly realized.

"Professor, do you mean to send a fleet to the surrounding star systems to mine?"

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