"Yes, but not entirely."

After a moment's silence, Lv Yongchang said, "Kepler 452 is the current base of human civilization and the base for future development. The main fleet cannot leave too far."

"In addition to the [Suzaku] star destroyer, I can only send you some [Taotie] material transport ships, about 100 ships in number."

"Of course, in order to ensure the safety of the mining fleet, I can also provide you with a frigate fleet consisting of [Jinwu] battleships and [Xuanwu] frigates."

Wang Man thought about it in his heart, and his face immediately showed embarrassment.

"Professor, these 100 starships are not too few..."

"The strength of the gravitational cage generated is too weak, and there may be some..."

Lv Yongchang fell into deep thought again.

"Da... Da... Da..."

His knuckles gently tapped on the window sill beside him, making a rhythmic sound.

"Letting warships to mine resources is an emergency measure." Lu Yongchang frowned slightly, "This is not a long-term solution."

"I suggest you go find Academician Tang Hairong."

"Redesign and manufacture a giant structure specifically for mining and smelting."

Wang Man nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, I understand."


One day later.

A small shuttle drew a smooth arc, passed through the huge masses of hot molten iron in space, and headed towards Kepler 452b.

In the shuttle, sat two academicians, Wang Man and Tang Hairong.

"Old Wang, is what you said yesterday true?!" Tang Hairong, sitting in the shuttle seat, asked Wang Man carefully beside him.

"Professor Lu really decided to restart the planetary fortress construction project?"

Wang Man set the route, turned his head and glared at Tang Hairong unhappily: "I'm talking to you!"

"Tell me, how many times have you asked this question?"

"If not a hundred, at least fifty times?"

Tang Hairong smiled awkwardly and scratched his head, saying with embarrassment: "I'm just worried..."

"Okay, okay, the planetary fortress can't be avoided, it will definitely fall on you." Wang Man waved his hand and said, "The most important thing now is the mining machinery!"

Seeing that Tang Hairong was still smiling, Wang Man pondered for a moment and emphasized again: "Think it through, if the mining machinery is not powerful, you can't even think about building the planetary fortress!"

"Where can I get so many resources for you?"

As soon as the voice fell, the smile on Tang Hairong's face disappeared instantly.


He cleared his throat and his expression became more serious: "Old Wang, you have found the right person for this matter!"

"I thought about it when I saw the mining plan a few days ago. How can we let war-type starships go mining?"

"This, this is a huge waste!"

"Professor Lu is right!"

"We should build a big guy dedicated to mining!"

As he spoke, Tang Hairong became excited again: "When the time comes, we will send a mining machine to each star system around us."

"My goodness, can we use up all our resources?"

Looking at Tang Hairong who was immersed in fantasy, Wang Man's mouth twitched slightly twice.


The small shuttle is very fast.

During the chat, the shuttle came to a medium-sized command ship transformed from an engineering ship.

This is the command center of the megastructure project and the office of Academician Tang Hairong.

The port gate slowly opened, and the shuttle smoothly entered the command ship under the control of the shipboard computer.

More than ten minutes later.

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded in the corridor of the central area of ​​the command ship.

At the same time, Tang Hairong's voice with hidden excitement came from afar.

"Come on, Lao Wang, I'll show you a big treasure."

Wang Man: "???"

I always feel something is wrong. Is it his illusion?

Wang Man followed Tang Hairong into the office with a suspicious look on his face.


The door of the office was closed.

A few seconds later, a slight exclamation came from the door.



Wang Man looked at the holographic image in front of him and exclaimed in a low voice: "Isn't this a Dyson ring?!"

"Yes, but not completely." Tang Hairong explained with a smile.

"This is actually the first version of the design of the ring-shaped space habitation station."

"Each concentric ring can be inhabited, but considering that we don't have such a large demand at present, it has been reduced to a single ring structure."

As he spoke, Tang Hairong raised his hand and gently moved the holographic projection.

The nested structure constructed by six concentric rings with increasing radius began to rotate.

This extremely regular rotating image, reflected in Wang Man's eyes, eased his originally somewhat impatient mood.

"So, how do you plan to mine?" He asked softly with a slower tone.

"Simple." Tang Hairong's smile became even bigger, "Just a little modification will do."

"Install a high-energy laser generator and a gravitational field generator on the ring."

"Just like the Dyson ring, it can 'wrap' the planet to be mined."

"After the star destroyer blows up the planet, it will directly complete the division and smelting work on the spot."

"The project is not difficult." Tang Hairong pondered for a moment, "Let me give you a few years, and I will help you make a prototype."


Earth calendar year 3620.

The giant planet mining device [Star Devourer] followed the fleet to the target star system.

In order to keep up with the fleet's sailing speed, Tang Hairong even added a curvature engine to [Star Devourer].

But it must be admitted that this operation greatly increased the efficiency of the mining team.

Wang Man stood by the porthole of the planetary command ship, looking at the six huge concentric rings on the same horizontal plane in the distance, with some emotion in his eyes.

This is the appearance of [Star Devourer] before it is unfolded, which not only facilitates its entry into curvature navigation, but also makes it easier to "swallow" the planet into it.

Under Wang Man's gaze, [Star Devourer] slowly drove towards the iron planet with a light gray surface and covered with large and small craters.

Then, like a star ring, it was wrapped around the planet.

Under Zero's remote control, [Star Devourer] slowly unfolded and began to rotate continuously.

The planet to be mined is located at the center of these rotating concentric rings.

With a purple light, the [Suzaku] Star Destroyer blew the horn of mining.

[Stellar Devourer] also began to generate a gravitational cage around the planet.

Everything was on track.

Four light years away from the Kepler 452 star system.

A slightly old probe with traces of time on its surface slowly moved forward.

The direction it was heading was the relatively dense star field where the Kepler 452 star system was located.

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