In the office.

As the piercing alarm sounded, the holographic projection in front of Lv Yongchang also turned blood red.

At the same time, a message with the highest priority directly covered all the information and popped up in front of him.

"Professor, an unidentified flying object was found 4.2 light years away."

"Preliminary judgment shows that the possibility that the flying object is a probe of an alien civilization has reached 99%."

At the same time, an image from 4.2 light years away appeared in front of him.

"4.2 light years?"

This familiar distance caused a ripple in Lv Yongchang's heart.

At that time, the distance between the earth and the Proxima galaxy was exactly 4.2 light years.

The natural barrier at that time has now become a small ravine at the doorstep.

This can't help but make Lv Yongchang feel countless emotions.

Looking at the slightly worn-out ellipsoid detector in the holographic projection, he raised his eyebrows slightly and put down the work in his hands directly.

"This is..."

Looking at the extremely familiar engine style behind the ellipsoid detector, the joy in Lv Yongchang's eyes instantly became rich.

"Hall thruster?"

"What's its flight speed?" Lv Yongchang asked Ling in a slightly hurried tone.

"The current cruising speed is 0.35c."

Lv Yongchang stood up from his seat suddenly and rubbed his hands excitedly: "The cruising speed is very standard!"

"It should be a detector sent by a second-level or third-level civilization."

"Yongchang!!" Fang Xu's shout came from outside the office.


The door of the office suddenly opened.

Fang Xu rushed into the office with an anxious look on his face and shouted loudly: "Yongchang, did you see it?!"

"I've waited for it, I've finally waited for it!"

"Just now, the sociology department has sent me a message asking me when..."

"Wait a minute." Lv Yongchang interrupted Fang Xu's words, "Don't be too happy."

"Have you forgotten the lesson at that time?"

"You mean... this detector may be a smoke bomb thrown by a higher civilization?" Fang Xu's excited expression gradually subsided, and he asked in a low voice.

"Or bait." Lu Yongchang said softly, "The original star pirate civilization, the Latour civilization, did this."

"So what you mean is..."

Lu Yongchang put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth in the office, with a bit of contemplation in his eyes.

"Prepare for battle!"

Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed, and he made a decision: "Using such a backward probe as bait, the civilization behind it can't be that strong."

"Even if there is a level 5 civilization behind it, today's humans can touch it!"

While speaking, Lu Yongchang boarded the robotic arm robot with the help of the robotic arm, and then he waved to Fang Xu and said: "Let's go! Follow me to the command center!"


[Earth] Command Center.

In the huge holographic projection, the old ellipsoid probe still maintained its own route and sailed forward silently.

From time to time, a device similar to a wiper would gently sweep near several lenses, taking away some interstellar dust attached to it.

Behind it to the right, a ball-shaped probe was quietly following it like a ghost, waiting for the capture order from the command center.

This quiet and peaceful scene formed a sharp contrast with the tense and anxious atmosphere in the command center of [Earth].

"Strange, has it not discovered our probe yet?"

He Bilin frowned and murmured in a low voice: "Why can it maintain its own route so calmly?"

"Is it... really a bait thrown by an advanced civilization?"

He Bilin's words caused a slight commotion.

Lu Yongchang raised his eyebrows and explained softly: "Currently our detector is in silent mode, and we are also communicating with it through tachyon communication."

"If the other party is really a level 2 or level 3 civilization..."

"At this distance, it really can't find our detector."

He Bilin's mouth twitched slightly: "Then...what if it's a bait?"

"Then we'll be in big trouble." Fang Xu took over the conversation, "It proves that the advanced civilization behind it is not afraid of us at all."

"I'm afraid only advanced civilizations at level 6 or above have such confidence."

"No It makes sense. "Academician Lin Zile of the Sociology Branch interrupted, "A level 6 civilization should not use such petty means."

"Just like we can't use an ant as bait."

"The gap between the two is too big!"

Lv Yongchang nodded, expressing his agreement with Academician Lin Zile's words: "Therefore, I am more inclined to believe that the other party is really a low-level civilization."

"The key issue now is how we should use this detector to lock the location of the other civilization."


The question raised by Lu Yongchang caused heated debate.

Some academicians believe that we should establish a connection with the other party, gain the other party's trust, and then take it step by step.

Most academicians of the Sociology Branch hold this idea.

After all, if this plan succeeds, humans may soon have a truly subordinate civilization.

[Nus civilization]?

The human fleet has not found a suitable planet to serve as their habitat. As of now, the entire [Nus Civilization] still has only one small tree living in the laboratory, so it is not a truly subordinate civilization.

Of course, this plan was opposed by many people.

It is too time-consuming and there are too many variables...

In short, under the opposition of most academicians, this proposal was the first to be rejected.

The plan that survived to the end was proposed by Academician Yevgeny.

Lv Yongchang looked at the extremely simple and crude plan in front of him, and his mouth twitched suddenly.

He carefully checked the other proposals and finally sighed deeply.

"Let's take this plan."

"Zero, start executing."


As Lv Yongchang's order was issued, the undercurrent began to surge slowly in the calm universe 4.2 light years away.

The two ball-shaped detectors in the adjacent area quickly entered the curvature navigation state and flew towards the destination.

Considering the close distance between the two sides, the curvature navigation rate was maintained at 1.01c.

When the other two spherical detectors were about to reach the target, the spherical detector that had been following the ellipsoid detector also entered the curvature navigation state!

In this way, the three spherical detectors disappeared in the visible universe.

Only the remaining ripples in space-time can prove their existence!

This is one of the key points of Academician Yevgeny's plan!

With the characteristics of curvature navigation, it quietly approaches the ellipsoid detector!

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