Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 685 [Enemy ship coordinates have been successfully analyzed]

For the detectors of Level 2 or Level 3 civilizations, this is already a dimensionality reduction attack.

After all, they have no way to observe the aircraft entering the curvature state!

The speed of 1.01c is not fast, but at this scale, it is already extremely fast.

Therefore, this plan is very challenging for Zero's ability.

Fortunately, as a strong artificial intelligence, Zero has never failed human expectations.

Just a few seconds after the three detectors disappeared one after another, under Zero's control, they all appeared next to the "stupid" ellipsoid detector.

Under the action of the antimatter engine, the three spherical detectors easily maintained a relatively static state with the ellipsoid detector.

At the same time as an electromagnetic wave message with a dictionary was sent out, three robotic arms quickly extended and stretched towards the ellipsoid detector at a very high speed.

Click! Click! Click!

The robotic arm violently smashed the outer armor of the ellipsoid detector and injected a large number of silver-white nanorobots into it.

Under Zero's control, these nanorobots quickly dispersed and invaded various interfaces in the circuit board.

The moment the connection was successfully established, Zero's huge computing power surged up like a tsunami, shattering all the defenses of the other civilization at lightning speed.

"The control permission of the detector has been successfully seized."

"The enemy's quantum communication mother machine is being reversed..."

As the stiff electronic synthesized sound rang in the [Command Center], Lv Yongchang also breathed a sigh of relief.

From the appearance of the three-ball detector to the completion of the permission seizure, the cumulative time was only a few seconds, but Lv Yongchang still saw some problems in it.

"The extension and invasion of the robotic arm consumes too much time. We need a more efficient way."

Lv Yongchang turned his head to look at Academician Cao Liangcai beside him and said softly: "This research is left to you."

Cao Liangcai nodded without any hesitation.

The electronic synthesized sound rang again, interrupting the communication between the two.

"Deciphered successfully."

"Warning, quantum long-distance communication link has been disconnected, initially determined to be physically interrupted."

Lv Yongchang was not surprised at all.

It's just unplugging the network cable. If it were him, he would do the same.

Lv Yongchang looked at the bright white text in the holographic projection, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

[Enemy ship coordinates have been successfully analyzed]

The other party's actions were still a little slow.

Zero still obtained some of the most critical information, such as the enemy ship coordinates; for example, the level of civilization.

The next moment, a huge and detailed star map was instantly unfolded, and a red dot was quickly marked on the star map by Zero.

"9.16 light years? Level 3 civilization?" Lv Yongchang's eyes suddenly showed some joy, "Great!!!"

"Send an order!"

"Fleet, set sail!"


The originally calm edge of the Kepler 452 star system quickly became "noisy" the moment this order was issued.

The gamma rays emitted by the antimatter engine increased several times more than usual in a short period of time.

In order to conquer this small low-level civilization from all aspects, Lv Yongchang sent out a fleet far beyond the scale of the third-level civilization!

[Jinwu] battleship, [White Tiger] destroyer, [Xuanwu] frigate and [Taotie] material reserve ship...

and the secondary flagship located in the center of the fleet - [Titan mothership].

They formed an extremely regular formation, and under the impetus of the antimatter engine, they slowly sailed towards the outside of the Kepler 452 star system.

It is no exaggeration to say that the combat power of this fleet can easily sweep most of the fourth-level civilizations that have not yet mastered gravity technology!

When they left the star system, the curvature engine started.

Under the wrapping of the curvature bubble, the huge fleet instantly disappeared in the visible universe.

The space-time wave quickly went away, and the ripples left behind slowly spread to the surroundings, forming a bunch of fine waves on the space-time ocean.

Under the mechanism of space-time itself, these remaining fine waves were quickly smoothed.

The Kepler 452 star system once again restored its previous tranquility.

Talodan civilization.

With the joint efforts of Milo and Maren, the target star system was re-screened.

At the same time, the Talodan fleet also slowly completed the route change.

This operation not only consumed a lot of energy, but also allowed the chasing fleet behind to close the distance.

"Leader, according to previous observation data, their maximum speed is only 0.25c." Milo's fur shook slightly, showing his complex emotions, "and the average speed of our fleet is about 0.3c, and the maximum speed can even reach 0.4c."

"In time, we will definitely escape this pursuit and find a star system suitable for survival again!"

Milo's words slightly soothed the fragile emotions of the crew.

"Leader." Maren moved his short legs and walked to Milo with some difficulty, and said to Aldan, "The star system we chose this time is 7.36 light years away from us."

"Although the distance is close, there are only two planets in that star system, and the possibility of habitable planets is greatly reduced."

"We may need to be prepared for long-term wandering."

Hearing this, Aldan glanced at the computer screen in the distance with a complicated expression, and then sighed deeply.

"It doesn't matter."

"The continued existence of the Talodan civilization is the greatest fortune bestowed upon us by [Zanka]. We can't ask for anything more..."

Before the words fell, the dull alarm sounded again in the ship!

The atmosphere, which had just been somewhat peaceful, became tense again!

Misfortunes never come alone, and blessings never come in pairs.

The Talodan civilization, which had been peaceful for thousands of years, finally deeply realized the meaning behind this sentence.

Several lines of data and text flashed across the large screen of the command center.

Milo glanced at the back and his face changed drastically. He immediately rushed to a computer and started operating it.

"Chief, one of the detectors we sent out was attacked!" Maren explained to Aldan while walking towards Milo with his short legs.

"Milo! Stop talking nonsense! The system has detected electromagnetic wave information from an unknown civilization!"

Milo's shout echoed in the command center: "It comes with dictionary information! The recognition level has reached ○○○○!"

(Like the information classification of human civilization, Tarodan civilization advocates arcs. 5A corresponds to 5○, which means that the information is encrypted in the language of this civilization; 4A corresponds to 4○, which means that the information comes with dictionary information and can be quickly translated.)

Hearing this, Maren hurriedly quickened his pace.

ps: Thanks to Kun Ykun* for his great certification!

I'm stuck, and I can't add more chapters even if I want to o(╥﹏╥)o!

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