Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 818 Three Hundred Years (Additional update, please give me a gift!)

Lv Yongchang silently stared at the orange-yellow cursor.

This was the second time he had seen the so-called sub-dangerous technology.

He also had a rough idea of ​​the meaning of this so-called sub-dangerous technology.

The so-called sub-dangerous technology is most likely a technology that exceeds the level of civilization.

Whether it is [Thought Stamp] or the so-called incomplete version of [Four-dimensional Light Brain], they are actually castrated technologies of a higher-level technology tree.

Needless to say, the incomplete version of [Four-dimensional Light Brain].

[Thought Stamp], humans actually took a shortcut to master it with the help of [Nus Civilization].

Compared with the complete version of [Thought Stamp] mastered by the Sweeper Civilization, it is also equivalent to a defective version of technology.

As for the danger... The danger of [Thought Stamp] is needless to say, the danger of [Four-dimensional Light Brain] is mainly reflected in its research process.


If human civilization does not have the observation data of the Imperial Fortress, how many walls will it have to hit to know the law? How many walls will it have to hit to build a usable four-dimensional architecture?

Let alone human civilization can't sustain this level of scientific research.

Even if all the resources of the entire Pan-Human Federation are added together, they can't withstand this speed of consumption!


In just a few years, Zero's computing power has grown by leaps and bounds.

This is undoubtedly a great thing for human civilization-the strength of civilization has grown in all directions!

Unlike other civilizations.

With the joint support of several plug-ins, the development of human civilization has even shown an accelerating momentum.

In the 3767th year of the Earth calendar, relying on the data and experience in the research process of the [Four-Dimensional Optical Brain], the theory of space and time has made another breakthrough.

Its breakthrough has also led to the progress of the Grand Unified Field Theory.

Just like the right foot stepping on the left foot to go to the sky, under the catalysis of the [Four-Dimensional Optical Brain] technology, the technology of the Human Union has made breakthroughs with a blowout momentum.

The breakthroughs in various basic technologies naturally led to other technological breakthroughs related to people's livelihood.

Among them, the most important one is the life extension technology related to the future of civilization.

It is still [Nus Civilization], and it must be [Nus Civilization]!

As a special life form that has evolved for tens of millions of years and has all the technology points, humans have gained too much from the [Nus Civilization]!

The [Nus Civilization], which works so hard, only wants a little mild gamma ray tide and some nutrients that are conducive to the growth of the companion civilization [Lost Giant Worm].

It really makes me cry!

Under the leadership of Academician Mao Zhengzhi, Academician Lu Siyuan and a group of scientific researchers successfully obtained the technology of extending life from the [Nus Civilization].

It can not only greatly repair the damaged telomeres in human cells, but also solve the possibility of cell canceration.

Of course, this repair is definitely not infinite.

But compared with the past, the theoretical life span of humans has increased by more than ten times!

But not everyone likes a life span that is too long.

In life, even individuals of the sixth-level civilization will have a lot of troubles and sorrows.

Moreover, a life span that is too long is more likely to affect the development potential of civilization.

Considering the above highlights, the Academy of Sciences has added a lot of restrictions to this technology based on the results of a public vote by all mankind.

First, the basic life span of civilized individuals is still maintained at the level of a thousand years, which is more than enough for human civilization that has mastered the hibernation technology.

After all, it took human civilization only more than 1,700 years from leaving the earth to becoming a level 6 civilization.

Excluding the time when all humans hibernated, a considerable number of the older generation of the Earth era are still alive!

Secondly, for those citizens who want to extend their life span, the Academy of Sciences has adopted a contribution grading system.

Only when the contribution value of citizens to the Human Union reaches a certain standard can willing citizens get a more advanced life extension transformation.

As for the evaluation criteria and evaluation process, it is entirely in the hands of Zero, which can be said to completely eliminate the possibility of certain unstable factors.

Three hundred years have passed quietly.

Earth calendar year 4050.

With the comprehensive breakthroughs in various basic technologies and key theories, the originally bleak and bare technology tree has grown into a large tree of considerable size.

The demand for resources of level 6 civilization is very huge, even reaching hundreds or even thousands of times that of level 5 civilization.

Therefore, in the past, the territory of the Pan-Human Federation has continued to expand.

This star field is indeed quite rich.

When the territory of the Federation expanded to 1,000 light years, the number of subordinate civilizations of the Pan-Human Federation had exceeded the 1,000 mark.

Most of these civilizations are below level 3.

A large number of low-level civilizations gathered here, just like raising Gu, and finally raised a few relatively strong civilizations.

Three level 5 civilizations.

Yes, the current Pan-Human Federation already has three level 5 civilizations as subordinate civilizations.

These three level 5 civilizations were discovered and became subordinate civilizations in less than one year.

The gap between level 5 civilization and level 6 civilization is too huge.

So big that the war directly showed a one-sided state - once the [Space-Time Trap] was opened, the [Space Rift] swept directly to the gathering place of the fleet, and the opponent's main fleet basically lost its combat capability.

Facing the fleet of level 6 civilization, the level 5 civilization had no room to fight back.

As the territory of the Pan-Human Federation continues to expand, Lv Yongchang begins to have some worries.

The increase in the scope of activities has greatly increased the probability of human civilization encountering a higher-level civilization.

One day, human civilization will encounter a level 6 civilization.

But the starships of human civilization are still the planetary starships used in the level 5 civilization.

There is no way, the time for human civilization to become a level 6 civilization is too short.

Most of the academicians have focused their energy on scientific and theoretical research, and the research and development priority of weapons and starships has naturally been reduced a lot.

This means that once encountering a civilization of the same level, human civilization is likely to suffer a Waterloo!

These planetary starships have undergone several large-scale transformations, including curvature engines, weapon systems, energy modules...

Except for the outer shell, almost all the internal components are not original.

But this still cannot change the fact that they are still planetary battleships.

After considering this, Lv Yongchang gradually began to adjust the research focus of the Academy of Sciences.

Battleship-related research and development work has received more resource support, including manpower, material resources...

More importantly, zero computing power allocation.

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