Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 819 The 149th experiment on making strong interaction materials (more updates, please give m

In the office.

Lv Yongchang looked at the holographic projection above the desk. The projection showed the basic configuration of the main battleships of human civilization.

Curvature engine.

Using the latest technology, the maximum speed can even exceed 900c, close to 1000c.

There is no doubt that with the breakthrough of the grand unified field theory, human curvature technology has basically reached the peak of the sixth-level civilization.

Weapon system.

Also benefiting from the breakthrough of the grand unified field theory, the power of space weapons has increased a lot compared to the beginning.

Just talking about [Space Rift], its longest maintenance time has exceeded one hour, and the navigation speed has reached the limit of 1000c.

Energy system.

The more powerful antimatter reactor has greatly improved the energy utilization rate. At least for now, there is no need to worry about the power problem.

So... Lv Yongchang can only turn his attention to the defense system of the starship.

Star gold-carbon yne composite armor, in Lv Yongchang's view at this time, is already an extremely backward technology.

The perfection of the grand unified theory gave Lv Yongchang some "ambition" in his heart.

I still remember the strong interaction force armor made of neutrons on the surface of the Imperial Fortress.

Based on today's theoretical foundation, human civilization should also have such technology!

Thinking of this, Lv Yongchang slightly raised his fingers and tapped the table twice.

"Zero, I remember there should be a laboratory studying the technology of manufacturing strong interaction force materials, right?"

Almost without any waiting, Zero gave a response.

"Five years ago, with the improvement of the grand unified field theory, the Materials Research Center led by Academician Ding Chengwang opened a research topic in this area."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang slowly got up from his seat and walked towards the office door.

"Take me there."

After a light sentence, the door of the office closed.

More than ten minutes later.

An anti-gravity vehicle took off from the apron, drew a perfect arc in the air, and flew away.


Human Union Academy of Sciences, Materials Research Center.

Without anyone noticing, the door opened quietly.

"The 149th experiment of making strong interaction materials begins now."

A slightly hoarse voice came into Lv Yongchang's ears from a distance.

Lv Yongchang was subconsciously stunned.

The 149th time?

Has he tried so many times?

"Chief Lv?!" A young researcher's eyes widened slightly, and he subconsciously lowered his voice and exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

Lv Yongchang glanced at the logo on the researcher's chest.

Level III researcher.

It seems that he is a new generation who has just entered the Academy of Sciences.

He smiled and nodded to the researcher, made a gesture of silence, and then pointed to the holographic screen in front of the researcher.

The face of the Level III researcher flushed slightly, nodded excitedly, and quickly put his attention back to the holographic projection in front of him.

It is obvious that he has become more excited after meeting his idol.

Lv Yongchang walked lightly towards the main console of the research center.

The holographic projection in front of the main console is showing real-time images of the experimental area.

Unlike ordinary grand unified field generation devices, the grand unified field device that controls strong interaction forces occupies a larger area and has a more complex internal structure.

Not only that, there is also a complete set of light materialization equipment in the experimental area.

In order to prevent interference from other particles, the experiment uses the latest light materialization technology - the entire strong interaction material construction process is placed on a wide, horizontal "light board".

The experiment began.

A slender nozzle extends from the top of the flat experimental table, which is the neutron nozzle.

The entire construction process of strong interaction materials is similar to that of a 3D printer.

The neutron nozzle ejects neutrons to the material construction platform, which is made of materialized light and is wrapped by a powerful grand unified force field.

Once the neutrons fall into it, they will be arranged regularly under the force of the grand unified field.

At this time, there are still gaps between neutrons.

When the entire "light board" that serves as the material construction platform is covered by neutrons, the grand unified field will change its mode, thereby controlling the strong interaction between neutrons and pressing them tightly together.

A large number of blank areas appeared on the "light board" again, and the neutron nozzle spewed neutrons into the blank areas again...


The above operations are repeated, and eventually a piece of strong interaction material of a specified size constructed by dense neutrons can be obtained.

Of course, theory is theory, and the actual operation is not the same.

Otherwise, the Materials Research Center would not have conducted 149 experiments, right?


The atmosphere in the laboratory was very tense. Except for the Level III researcher at the beginning, no one noticed Lv Yongchang's arrival.

Lv Yongchang did not speak, but just quietly observed the entire experimental process and made a simple inference on the experimental results through the side data.

Time passed by, and in the holographic projection, a small piece of strong interaction material constructed by dense neutrons appeared on the "light board".

It was a square with a side length of one micron.

It was very small, but it was the strongest material in human history, no one else.

"Attention, all units!"

Academician Ding Chengwang's hoarse voice suddenly sounded, exacerbating the anxious atmosphere in the laboratory: "The material size has reached the critical point, continue to increase the grand unified field strength, this experiment increased by 3.76 percentage points!"

A group of academicians began to adjust.

"The intensity adjustment is complete, the experiment continues!" Academician Ding Chengwang checked and gave the order again after confirming that it was correct.

The neutron nozzle began to spray neutrons.

Suddenly, Lv Yongchang, who was staring at the data on the right side of the screen, changed his face slightly, sighed heavily, and then shook his head: "Failed."

As soon as the voice fell, a piercing alarm sounded suddenly.


A violent explosion occurred in the experimental table area. Fortunately, there was a force field constraint, and the power of the explosion was not too great.

The neutrons that make up the dense material instantly escaped from the light plate and decayed at a very fast speed, turning into hydrogen and helium.

The experiment failed.

ps: Thanks to Xiaoqiupro for the great god certification and the gift king!

Thanks to ComorebiCa for the great god certification!

Thanks to the gift king of the tenth art!

Thanks to the great god certification of a little cabbage!

Thanks to all the readers who sent gifts~

I will continue to update today and try to hit the top ten of the gift contest!

According to the weather forecast of Renlian, this week is the Heng Era. Please soak it immediately and send it out to generate power with love~

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