Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 834 Ring-shaped scientific research project

After trying several times, Lv Yongchang gradually understood the "switch" of this abnormal space-time structure.

Simply put, when the output power of the curvature engine of the probe ship is between 43.8% and 49.7%, it can appear in this star field.

But the test results show that the stability of this space-time structure is the highest only when the curvature engine output power is 46.2%.

Too low will cause it to become "blurred", and too high will cause it to become "distorted".

I have to say that humans are really lucky!

After discovering this law, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but sigh.

Needless to say, the 129C probe ship that disappeared for the first time, when passing through this area, the output power of the curvature engine was just in this range.

As for the 1531C probe ship that disappeared for the second time, let alone.

The probe ship that is accelerating at full speed, whether it is one second earlier or one second later, will make human civilization completely miss this magical space-time structure.

The exploration operation of this abnormal space-time structure officially began.

One of the probe ships is responsible for stabilizing its existence with the curvature engine, and the other probe ship is responsible for comprehensive detection of the space-time around it.

Lv Yongchang temporarily gave up the idea of ​​letting a probe ship enter this twisted Klein bottle.

After all, judging from the situation of the previous two probe ships, this would only be a one-way trip.

Before the various mysteries behind this twisted Klein bottle are figured out, Lv Yongchang is not going to continue this meaningless waste.

Earth calendar year 4402.

The scientific research and engineering ships departing from the Kepler 452 star system successfully arrived in this dead star region.

With the joint efforts of the engineering ships and robots, a ring-shaped scientific research project surrounding the abnormal structure of space-time was built.

Among them, there are grand unified field generation devices with higher control accuracy, and there are also higher-precision detection devices.

This brings more valuable data and information.

Human Union Academy of Sciences Central Research Institute.

Two full years of research.

Under the leadership of Lv Yongchang, the Dimension Laboratory and the Center for Space-Time Theory Research cooperated with each other, and with the support of a large amount of data, they finally constructed a partial four-dimensional model of this distorted Klein bottle.

Through this half of the four-dimensional model, the Academy of Sciences at least knew the reason why the two exploration ships lost contact - the problem lies in this distorted structure!

For example.

Put a foam ball on the calm water.

Under the sunlight, the projection of this foam ball on the bottom of the water should be a circular shadow.

But if there are ripples on the water surface, the shadow of the foam ball will become a constantly distorted quasi-circular shadow.

The degree of distortion of this quasi-circular shadow will continue to increase as the degree of fluctuation of the water surface increases.

The same is true for the Klein bottle.

The stability of the four-dimensional structure of this huge Klein bottle structure in front of us should be quite good.

But the entrance and exit of the Klein bottle are actually its projection in three-dimensional space.

Space-time is the ocean.

Under the action of the curvature engine, the space-time ocean is constantly fluctuating, which naturally causes its projection in three-dimensional space to be distorted.

The two probes that passed through the distorted Klein bottle, if nothing unexpected happened, have been completely destroyed by the power of time and space.

The research has achieved results, which should be a happy thing.

But the atmosphere in the central research institute seems particularly solemn.

The reason is simple.

With the in-depth study of the distorted Klein bottle, more and more puzzles have emerged.

Why does it only appear when time and space fluctuate?

Where is its exit?

Where does this Klein bottle lead to?

Questions keep emerging in the minds of Lv Yongchang and other academicians.

In order to solve the above problems, Lv Yongchang proposed a plan.

Still send probes and probes to try to enter its entrance for deeper exploration.

But it is different from the previous two probes that lost contact.

This time, the Academy of Sciences first needs to find a way to make its three-dimensional projection no longer distorted based on the existing half four-dimensional model.

Only in this way can the probe pass through the entrance of this Klein bottle smoothly and safely!

In order to achieve this goal, the Academy of Sciences conducted various experiments on the area where this Klein bottle is located.

In the ring research project, gravitational fluctuations caused by the grand unified field are continuously generated.

Under Lv Yongchang's command, it keeps trying to find a space-time fluctuation pattern with less impact.


It's no use.

It wasn't until Lv Yongchang re-studied the appearance and disappearance of the Klein bottle entrance that he discovered a problem that everyone had been ignoring.

It wasn't the space-time fluctuation that caused it to appear.

To be precise, it was the "bulge" of space-time that caused the appearance of this Klein bottle structure!

Again, space-time is like the ocean.

The depression of the sea surface, that is, the depression of space-time, forms gravity.

But space-time is not only concave.

The working principle of the curvature engine is to make part of the space-time bulge and part of the space-time concave.

The space-time waves formed by this are also the same.

In the past two years, the space-time waves created by the curvature engine have been too dense, which has also given the Academy of Sciences an illusion that this Klein bottle structure will only appear when space-time fluctuates.

It was not until the arrival of the scientific research fleet and the engineering fleet, the completion of the circular scientific research project, and the experiment entered a more refined level that Lv Yongchang discovered the mystery.

After finding the problem, things became simple.

Under the action of the grand unified field control device in the circular scientific research project, the space-time in the target area began to bulge slowly.

It no longer fluctuated up and down like before, but was like a hill slowly rising on the ocean of space-time!

"Abnormal space-time structure detected."

The moment Zero's electronic synthesized sound sounded, a magical scene also appeared in the holographic projection!

In the central area of ​​the circular scientific research project, a spherical structure with an extremely smooth surface appeared at some point.

The sphere was dark and deep.

When the starlight from afar passed through it, it was all swallowed up.

This is the standard three-dimensional projection of the entrance of the giant Klein bottle!

It is no longer distorted.

This means that humans can try to send a probe ship into it!

But Lv Yongchang was a little confused.

Theoretically, it should not be completely dark.

The Klein bottle is a two-way structure. Once the channel is built, the "image" at the exit can be seen even at the entrance.

Although he was confused, he had to shoot the arrow on the string.

The experiment has come to this point. He can't terminate the experiment because of this, right?

So, Lu Yongchang put his concerns behind his mind and looked down again at the test data sent back by the circular scientific research center.

After confirming that there was no problem, he took a deep breath and issued an order.

"Release the detection ship."

"Target: the entrance of the giant Klein bottle!"

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