The order was given.

A small fleet of dozens of probes and spherical probes slowly sailed towards the deep, dark sphere under Zero's control.

In order to prevent the curvature engine from affecting the stability of the Klein bottle structure, these probes and probes were simply modified - they were driven by the most primitive antimatter engine.

Driven by the antimatter engine, the leading probe successfully arrived near the sphere.

The tense atmosphere in the central research institute also reached its peak.

Keep moving forward.

The front half of the probe disappeared in front of the academicians!

Keep moving forward!!

The first probe was completely submerged in the sphere! ! !

Lv Yongchang subconsciously held his breath.

Success or failure depends on this!

"The tachyon signal is normal."

"Switching the observation screen of the No. 1 probe."

The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, a warm cheer suddenly rang out in the institute!


Lv Yongchang had a faint smile on his face and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just as the academicians were celebrating, a brand new huge holographic projection appeared in front of the institute.

The cheers gradually faded, and the academicians turned their attention to the observation picture from the No. 1 probe.


This was everyone's first impression.

It was an extremely dark area.

"No starlight?"

Lv Yongchang found the blind spot and frowned immediately.

A strong doubt rose in his heart.

In this huge universe, is there still a place where you can't see starlight?

What kind of hell does this Klein bottle lead to...

Facing the unknown, Lv Yongchang was curious and felt a little fear.

The entrance and exit of the Klein bottle are actually artificially defined, and it has no so-called directionality.

This also explains why the entrance of the Klein bottle is pitch black - the area it leads to can't see any light source at all!

In the picture, the high-power light source equipped with the probe is the only light source in this area.

But for this dark and terrifying space, this light source is obviously too weak.

It shot straight ahead, but was soon swallowed up by endless darkness.

A sense of exile and loneliness arose spontaneously.

For some reason, an idea suddenly emerged in Lv Yongchang's mind, and he muttered to himself: "It's like a universe that has reached its end..."

The end of the universe is not necessarily a new Big Bang.

Heat death is likely to be the ultimate fate of the universe.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, as an "isolated" system, the entropy of the universe will increase with the flow of time, from order to disorder. When the entropy of the universe reaches its maximum value, all other effective energy in the universe has been converted into heat energy.

There is no natural luminous body in the universe of complete heat death, and even black holes have completely evaporated, leaving only a large amount of dark matter scattered in space.

If someone lives in such a universe, there is no doubt that he will be a person who is truly exiled from the world.

This situation did not last long.

A few seconds later.

A strong beam of light shot from behind and hit the first probe ship - it was the high-power searchlight from the second probe ship.

The diffusely reflected beam slightly illuminated the space around the probe ship.

Not only that.

The third ship, the fourth ship...

All the probe ships that had not yet entered the entrance of the Klein bottle turned on their high-power searchlights under Zero's control.

These beams shot straight at the entrance of the Klein bottle!

The perspective in the holographic projection automatically turned to the "back" of the probe ship.

It was a spherical structure similar to the entrance of the Klein bottle.

Obviously, this was the exit of the Klein bottle.

Compared with the entrance, the spherical structure in front of us looked extremely bright and bright.

It was like a rising star!

A large amount of light entering from the entrance scattered from this spherical structure, completely illuminating the surrounding space!

The extremely strong light scattered around at the speed of light.

This dark space finally became a little brighter.

But at infinity, it was still as dark as ever.

Looking at the scene in the holographic projection, Lu Yongchang's confusion in his mind increased instead of decreasing.

What the hell is this place? !

He suppressed his uneasiness and issued a detection order.

The No. 1 probe took the lead and sailed forward.

The gamma rays ejected by the antimatter engine scattered in all directions, bringing some "life" to this peaceful space.

Time passed by.

Suddenly, accompanied by a slight alarm, a familiar technological creation appeared in the originally unchanging holographic image.

The appearance of the technological creation has been greatly distorted, and the internal device has completely stopped working.

A large number of debris of different sizes are suspended around it.

Through the distorted number on its hull, Lv Yongchang still recognized it.

Probe No. 129C.

The previous inference was correct. The distorted Klein bottle entrance destroyed the probe that strayed into it!

The probe continued to move forward.

The second wreckage soon appeared in front of the academicians.

It was probe No. 1531C.

The probe did not stop and continued to move forward according to Lv Yongchang's order.

Ahead, it was still dark.

As the probe continued to move forward, the piercing alarm sounded again.

[Collision warning! ]

Looking at the text on the projection, Lv Yongchang was stunned.


Where did the obstacle come from?

The warning message automatically unfolded.

It was a warning message from the No. 2 probe following behind the No. 1 probe.

The holographic screen quickly switched.

The relative position of each probe was presented in front of Lv Yongchang.


When seeing the information on the screen, Lv Yongchang subconsciously burst out a swear word: "How is this possible?!"

The antimatter engine continued to work at standard power, but the distance between the No. 1 probe and the No. 2 probe was constantly shortening.

No, that's not right!

The No. 1 probe did not move forward at all! !

It was like it had encountered an invisible wall. No matter how it increased the engine power, it could not move forward half a step!

As for the No. 2 probe, it soon arrived at the position of the No. 1 probe.

Similarly, it also encountered the "invisible wall".


Detection ships No. 3 and No. 4, spherical detectors No. 1 and No. 2...

These detectors and detection ships heading in different directions all sent the same report!

This is a closed space!

Looking at the endless darkness ahead, Lv Yongchang suddenly remembered a technology that the fortress mastermind [Ten] had mentioned.

"This is..."


ps: Thank you for the gift king of the Tenth Art!

The great god certification of Lv Yinyang of Yonghengxian Village!

The great god certification of Song Yunzan!

The great god certification of Haoyue Zhidong!

Continue the five updates! Please give me gifts!!

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