"In addition..."

The smile on Lv Yongchang's face became brighter and brighter: "The microcosm is completely free from the constraints of the macrocosm, which is actually a good thing for human civilization."

"Why do you say that?" Lin Yongnian frowned.

He couldn't understand the logic.

"The microcosm and the macrocosm are close to each other, isn't it easier for us to enter it?"

Lv Yongchang shrugged and asked Lin Yongnian a question directly: "What about the enemy?"

Lin Yongnian's face was choked.

The microcosm and the macrocosm are close to each other, and the Klein bottle structure is spontaneously formed.

Admittedly, this is conducive to the entry of human civilization.

But correspondingly, the enemy can also easily enter the microcosm through these natural Klein bottle structures.

This is obviously not the safe zone that human civilization wants for humans alone.

On the contrary, it may even be a cage built by humans themselves!

"Only by pushing the small universe away from the big universe and letting it float in the big universe can it be a sufficiently safe area."

"Without knowing the four-dimensional coordinates of the small universe, it is difficult for the enemy to launch an attack on it."

"I have reason to suspect that the real small universe manufacturing technology not only needs to create a small bubble on the hyperspace membrane, but also needs to completely push the bubble away from this hyperspace membrane."

"Then, use some unknown method to pull the bubble floating outside the hyperspace membrane."

Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed, and he said: "So, our current priority is to find a way to pull the small universe.""


While performing the detection mission, the probe ship accidentally picked up a "wild" small universe with a diameter of one light year.

This news is in While detonating the entire Human Union Academy of Sciences, it also greatly changed the expedition plan originally formulated by the Academy of Sciences.

The material collection work that was more than half completed was urgently stopped. The reason... naturally found a better option.

Earth calendar year 4405.

After three years of research, under the leadership of Lv Yongchang, the Space-Time Research Center took the lead in proposing a small universe traction plan.

As the only force that can transcend the hyperspace membrane, gravity is naturally the best solution for traction of small universes.

When the plan was first proposed, it was questioned a lot.

After all, the traction object is a universe!

Although this universe is very small, with a diameter of only one light year, this still cannot change the fact that it is a universe.

From common sense, its mass is extremely large, and the gravitational strength required to traction it is I'm afraid it's also a terrifying number.

But subsequent research found that the real situation is very different from imagination.

There is also gravity between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

However, driven by the aftermath of the war, there was a brief imbalance between the two.

In this case, human civilization actually only needs to provide a small guiding force to restore the balance between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

That is to stop its escape behavior.

Then, this gravity will pull the microcosm to sail outside the macrocosm like pulling the string of a kite.

It sounds easy, but in fact...

This "small" gravitational strength is still twice the strongest gravitational source that humans can currently create!

In order to "create" this "kite line" of sufficient strength, scientists The Academy spent a full ten years.

It was not until the 4415th year of the Earth calendar that the Academy of Sciences successfully solved this problem.

Through the study of natural Klein bottles and the microcosm itself, the theory of high-dimensional space-time has been greatly improved.

At this moment, human civilization has also stepped half a foot into the field of level 7 civilization.

At this time, it is no longer appropriate to describe humans as level 6 civilization. A more accurate term should be...

quasi-level 7 civilization!

The paths of scientific research are mostly interlinked.

A breakthrough in a theory often leads to the progress of other theories.

Under the guidance of the theory of high-dimensional space-time, all aspects of human civilization have made great progress.

In particular, the breakthrough of the grand unified field generation device has made the manufacture of "gravitational kite line" from theory to reality.

Earth calendar 4418.

In the Death Star region 1,800 light years away from the Kepler 452 star system.

The engineering ship and a large number of robots are completing the construction of the last module under the control of Zero. A little further away are the [Taotie] material storage ships loaded with materials.

In order to save time, the manufacturing work of the traction device was directly placed in this dead star area.

This is a brand-new megastructure project - the microcosm traction platform, [Kuafu].

The device is a ring structure, like an enlarged version of a ring scientific research project.

As a megastructure project, [Kuafu] is naturally not small.

The outer diameter is 15,000 kilometers and the inner diameter is 10,000 kilometers.

To some extent, its structure and size are a bit like a star ring structure tailored for a planetary fortress.

Inside [Kuafu], in addition to the latest model of planetary curvature engine and antimatter reactor, there is only a super-large-scale grand unified field generation device.

According to the calculations of the Academy of Sciences, these grand unified field generation devices can generate a sufficiently strong, directional gravitational field.

This powerful gravitational force will turn into a kite line across dimensions, firmly binding the escaping microcosm to the side of the macrocosm.

At the same time, the movement of [Kuafu] can also drive the movement of the microcosm.

Science Academy, Central Research Institute.

As always, Lv Yongchang still stood in front of the console, looking up at the various complicated data in the holographic projection.

The microcosm traction platform [Kuafu] is about to usher in the first trial run experiment - the microcosm capture experiment.

I hope this is also the last trial run experiment.

Lv Yongchang thought silently in his heart.

Once the experiment is successful, [Kuafu] will not shut down easily.

He needs to continue to operate to maintain the existence of this gravitational kite line that captures the microcosm, so as to prevent this hard-won microcosm from "escaping" again.

"Energy reserve, normal status."

"Grand unified field generation device, normal status."


"Self-test completed, [Kuafu] is on standby!"

Electronic synthesized sound came from the speaker.

Lv Yongchang's eyes were stern, and he retracted his somewhat messy thoughts and gave orders without hesitation.

"[Kuafu], full power start!"

"The first microcosm capture experiment starts now!"

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