The large-scale antimatter reactor began to operate under Lv Yongchang's command.

The vast energy flowed along the energy path towards the grand unified field generation device arranged in a certain order.


A silent vibration came from the hull of [Kuafu] and eventually transmitted to the surrounding space and time.

In the area directly above [Kuafu], the most powerful artificial gravity source in the history of human civilization is gradually emerging.

Gravity penetrated the 1+3-dimensional hyperspace membrane and quickly extended outside the membrane.

1+4-dimensional space and time.

It was a bizarre world.

A huge hyperspace membrane extended infinitely in the vast space and time.

The camera gradually zoomed in.

On one side of this hyperspace membrane, there were large or small cavitation structures attached.

No, not just on the hyperspace membrane.

Even outside the membrane, there were a large number of small cavitation structures floating around.

The camera continued to zoom in and positioned on a large cavitation structure on the hyperspace membrane.

This is a super-large cavitation bubble, which is much larger than the surrounding cavitation bubbles.

There are a large number of free small cavitation bubbles around this super-large cavitation bubble.

Among them, there is a thread constructed by gravity between some of the free small cavitation bubble structures and the large cavitation bubble structure. This gravitational thread is the only link that maintains the two large and small cavitation bubble structures.

The distance between the threads is close and far, and the scale of the small cavitation bubbles is also large and small.


The camera continues to zoom in.

In an inconspicuous corner of this super-large cavitation bubble, a thread formed by gravity is spreading rapidly at the speed of light.

In the bottom area of ​​the super-large cavitation bubble, that is, inside the hyperspace membrane, an unknown existence slowly opened its "eyes".

He noticed this newly appeared "kite line".

His eyes looked in the direction of the "kite line".

What a small "kite".

He subconsciously sighed in his heart.

At the same time, he also noticed a problem, this miniature "kite" was slowly escaping.

At the current escape speed, it would probably not take long for this miniature "kite" to completely disappear from his sight.

He did not care about this.

He had seen this scene many times.

Once upon a time, he had seen hundreds of millions of "kites" of different sizes scrambling to escape the large cavitation structure.

He yawned and continued to cast his gaze on the slowly extending gravitational thread.

Under his gaze, the thread accurately locked onto the miniature "kite".

Success, good technique.

He praised it casually without any emotion.

The miniature "kite" sank slightly and stopped escaping.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he could not help but sigh in his heart.

It's so small and so close!

This is the smallest "kite" he has ever seen, and it is also the "kite" closest to the large cavitation bubble he has seen.

It's normal.

The longer the "kite line", the larger the scale of the "kite".

This is the most basic rule.

He turned his sight and looked at the infinite distance.

Over there, there were countless cavitation structures of different sizes.

Compared with those cavitations, the cavitation he was in was not actually that big.

A trace of longing flashed in his eyes.

How envious!


Envy was useless.

Like those small cavitations, he also depended on this big cavitation for existence.

Although he lived inside the hyperspace membrane, he could not break free from the shackles of the big cavitation.

In other words, he could not leave this area.

He slowly closed his eyes and listened quietly to the various chaotic sounds coming from the big cavitation.


Death Star Region.

A looming spherical structure appeared right above [Kuafu].

The spherical structure was very small, only one hundred kilometers.

It was the entrance to the small universe that had not yet completely disappeared, and it was also a trace that the small universe and the big universe were once closely connected.

1,800 light years away.

In the central research institute of the Human Union Academy of Sciences, a thunderous applause broke out!

"Captured successfully!"

Lv Yongchang exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his tense body relaxed a little.

With a faint smile in his eyes, he stared at the data in the holographic projection that gradually stabilized.

Today, human civilization finally has a small world of its own.

The applause gradually stopped.

Lv Yongchang issued the second order in a slightly brisk voice.

"The small universe dragging experiment starts now."

The small universe dragging experiment.

As the name suggests, it is to use the movement of [Kuafu] to drag the small universe that is free outside the large universe to move.

This is a necessary technology for carrying the small universe for interstellar voyages.

With the support of high-dimensional space-time theory, the difficulty of this technology is not too high.

The small universe dragging experiment officially began.

[Kuafu] maintained the original gravitational field strength and started the specially modified curvature engine at the same time.

In order to prevent the influence of space-time fluctuations on the small universe, the curvature bubble wrapped the looming Klein bottle entrance and [Kuafu] together.

Then, driven by the curvature engine, [Kuafu] began to move forward slowly.

0.01c, 0.1c, 0.5c...

[Kuafu]'s speed continued to increase, and the atmosphere in the research center also changed from cheerful to solemn.

All the academicians were concentrating on the fluctuating data in front of them, fearing that something unexpected would happen.



At the moment when it exceeded the speed of light, the huge [Kuafu] disappeared in the visible universe!

Seeing that the data of the small universe was still stable, Lv Yongchang put down his heart a little and issued an order to continue accelerating.

The breakthrough of basic theory allowed the curvature speed to break through the limit of the sixth-level civilization.

Theoretically, the maximum flight speed of a starship can be close to 2000c.

[Kuafu] is limited by its own size and mass, and its maximum cruising speed is 800c.

This is also the final test target of this experiment-a small universe with too slow a speed is actually not of much help to the expedition plan of human civilization.

In the holographic projection, the speed of [Kuafu] is constantly increasing.

100c! 500c! 800c!

The data is still stable!

The "kite line" cast by gravity has withstood the test!

Looking at the still stable, looming sphere wrapped in the curvature bubble, Lu Yongchang relaxed and sat back in the chair behind him.

The success rate of the expedition plan has been greatly improved!

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