Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 853 Level I Subordinate Civilization


A crisp reminder sounded, and a message with a higher priority appeared on the holographic projection in front of Lu Yongchang.

The moment he saw the content clearly, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but perked up!

The sender is Meng Lu, a first-level academician!

The message content is simple.

The language system deciphering department has made all preparations for tentative contact.

Scientific research work is roughly the same. Theoretical research requires experimental verification, and the deciphering of language systems also requires a large number of control samples.

Where do you get the control sample?

Very simply, civilized contact and exchanges between the two sides can produce a large number of control samples.

Lu Yongchang, who knew this well, gave the order without hesitation: "Landing ship, set off!"

"Get ready for first contact!"

At the suggestion of Lin Zile and other social academicians, Lu Yongchang canceled the initial probe ship contact plan.

In order to better implant the shadow of human civilization in the religious system of the jellyfish, the first contact will be a humanoid robot - after special modification, this robot has been stripped of various characteristics that indicate its identity as a robot.

It may sound a bit difficult to pronounce, but it is actually easy to understand.

In order to prevent the emergence of the uncanny valley effect, humanoid and humanoid robots will be deliberately designed to look less like humans.

But the situation today is obviously different. This is the first contact between human civilization and jellyfish civilization.

The first impression is always the deepest.

It is obvious that the religious systems of these jellyfish already have the shadow of human civilization starships.

If "correction" is not carried out, I am afraid that in the mythical stories of future jellyfish civilization, the gods will all look like starships!

Lu Yongchang didn't want to see such a scene.


Under the gaze of the jellyfish, the detection ship that had been staying above the group quietly left.

The departure of the "god's mount" undoubtedly caused quite a bit of chaos.

But it didn't take long for the sudden commotion to be calmed down - a shuttle ship passed across the horizon and quickly landed directly in front of the ethnic group.

Looking at the strange-looking "god mount", the jellyfish were filled with confusion, curiosity and panic.

They don't know what a streamlined hull is, let alone how high-end technology these starships contain.

They only know that this is the first time that "gods" have come to the earth, and it is also the first time that "gods" have responded to their prayers and requests.

The shuttle ship's hatch slowly opened.

A humanoid robot in formal attire slowly walked out of the hatch and stepped onto the wild land of Titan.

At this moment, the only sounds left in the world were the howling of strong winds and the gurgling of methane rain.

The jellyfish huddled together as much as possible, making as much room as possible for the shuttle and the robot.

Until the robot made a series of familiar sounds—the prayers of the jellyfish.

It's obvious.

After playing the recorded prayer, the jellyfish's mental state improved a lot.

In a slight commotion, a slightly larger jellyfish squeezed out of the group.


It vibrated its vocal organs and asked the robot.

The robot didn't speak.

Under Zero's control, it turned around and retrieved various items that had been prepared from the shuttle ship.

Stones, gravel, sea water...

People's Alliance Small Universe, [Earth].

Lu Yongchang calmed down and quietly looked at the scene of the chicken talking to the duck in the holographic projection.

The progress bar of the language system cracking work is advancing little by little. Perhaps because the other party is saying repetitive prayers, the progress of the cracking work is not going smoothly.

But it's not a big problem.

Since its development, the People's Federation has come into contact with at least thousands of different civilizations, and the language system cracking department has also accumulated a lot of experience.


When the deciphering progress was more than half over, some preliminary translated words gradually appeared in the holographic projection.

【…God, respect,…thank you…】

There are only a few keywords, but the specific meaning is still easy to guess.

It is nothing more than an expression of gratitude to human civilization.

But the words that followed quickly became obscure.


[Civilization (correction, ethnic group)...extinction...request...thank you...]

The atmosphere in the command center gradually became solemn.

Perhaps because enough sample data has been collected, the progress of cracking the language system has been visibly accelerated.

The text in the giant holographic projection also quickly became complete.

However, the atmosphere in the command center did not improve at all, and even became heavier.

Lu Yongchang stood up from his seat silently and sighed.

The several-hour exchange came to an end, and he now had a general understanding of the history of Titan's jellyfish civilization.

Logically speaking, this is a happy thing.


After learning the timing of the two world-destroying punishments, the entire command center fell into silence.

The first punishment of annihilation was the extermination fishing before human civilization left the solar system.

At that time, everyone believed that jellyfish had almost no intelligence and were just lower beings that relied on instinct.

But now it seems that this was obviously a serious misjudgment.

At that time, jellyfish had already evolved into highly intelligent individuals.

It is precisely because of witnessing this scene that the jellyfishes gave birth to this deformed belief out of fear.

As for the second punishment of extinction, judging from the time node and characteristics, it should be caused by the local war between the Sweepers and the Pastoral Faction.

The so-called great ablation is that gamma rays destroyed their genetic material.

Perhaps because of their hard life, or perhaps because of the shielding effect of Saturn, they survived fortunately.

And this more bizarre punishment of extinction, on the contrary, further strengthened the jellyfishes' deformed belief.

"Move Titan into the microcosm."

"Led by the Megastructure Engineering Department, tailor-made a planetary climate macro-control canopy device for it."

"The Sociology Division will formulate the best development plan for it, and let them get out of the ignorant age as soon as possible while ensuring their development potential."

"All material consumption before civilization enters the interstellar era will be borne by the Academy of Sciences."

"After the jellyfish enter the interstellar era... tell them all the truth, and if the other party agrees, they will be included in the Level I subsidiary civilization."

As the number of subsidiary civilizations increases, the Sociology Division also makes corresponding level divisions for subsidiary civilizations.

Before this, there was only one Level I subordinate civilization of the Human Alliance - [Nus Civilization].

Even [Talodan Civilization] and [Eugene Civilization] can only be classified as Level II subordinate civilizations.

As for those "abandoned" subordinate civilizations...

Sorry, they are Level III subordinate civilizations.

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