Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 854: The Edge of the Milky Way

With the coordinated work of a large number of engineering ships, Titan was covered with a shell.

This is the so-called planetary climate macro-control canopy device.

Simply put, Titan at this time is actually a bit like the mother planet fortress left by the Tenth Empire.

On the day when the megastructure project was completely completed, under the order of Lv Yongchang, [Kuafu] began to gradually increase the power of the grand unified field, opened the entrance to the microcosm, and swallowed Titan into it.

So far, the Titan jellyfish relocation operation has been completely completed.

Whether it is when constructing the planetary climate macro-control canopy device or when moving Titan into the microcosm, various magnificent visions are inevitable.

At this time, the advantage of the ignorant age is revealed-everything can be pushed to the so-called will of God.

The sky was distorted to a great extent, and the sun, Saturn and other celestial bodies disappeared one after another. Under the so-called "will of God", it only caused a very short panic.

After these visions, there was a global methane rainstorm that lasted for dozens of days.

On the one hand, it was because the gaseous methane originally in the atmosphere liquefied rapidly after the temperature dropped.

On the other hand, the Human Union supplemented it with a large amount of liquid methane from the outside world.

At the moment when the rainstorm ended, the ocean that had almost shrunk into a lake grew several times or even dozens of times - the Kraken-Mare Sea almost covered all the surface areas of Titan!

After accidentally "harvesting" a Titan, Lv Yongchang's hope for the solar system was rekindled.

Under his order, the fleet sent out hundreds of thousands of small probes.

The purpose, of course, was to conduct the most detailed detection of every remaining planet in the solar system.

What if there is other life?

But the facts were not satisfactory.

After human civilization, the jellyfish on Titan seemed to have exhausted all the "luck" of the solar system - except Titan, all planets were barren.

Looking at the huge fireball that swallowed Mercury, Venus and the Earth in succession, Lv Yongchang shook his head helplessly and issued the last order.

The fleet set off again!

This time, the fleet's target is the Milky Way-Andromeda Galaxy Bridge!


One hundred years later.

Earth calendar year 4655.

The edge of the Milky Way.

Accompanied by a wave of space-time fluctuations, a fleet of 500 starships appeared next to a desolate star system.

The starships are bright and beautiful, and each one is as good as a brand new one.

The armor made of dense hydrogen and the powerful force field attached to it are enough to resist the erosion of interstellar dust and cosmic radiation.

This is the fleet of human civilization.

To be precise, this is the vanguard of human civilization in the universe.

This is already the edge of the Milky Way, and the interstellar matter is much sparser.

Even the most common stars have become relatively rare.

Further away is the huge galaxy bridge that spans the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.

It is called a galaxy bridge, but it is actually not much different from the empty interstellar space just by naked eye observation.

In the far distance of sight, that is, 2.54 million light years away, there is still a small spot of light.

That is the destination of the first expedition of human civilization - the Andromeda Galaxy.

Andromeda Galaxy (left); Milky Way (right)

This is a binary star system formed by two yellow dwarf stars.

According to observations, there is also a gas giant planet and an earth-like planet inside it.

This will be the last supply point for the human fleet to embark on a 2.54 million light-year expedition.

According to the preset program, Zero controlled the fleet to sail into the star system.

The bridge area of ​​the Milky Way-Andromeda Galaxy.

A spherical detector with a surface as smooth as a mirror quietly suspended in the vast universe, detecting various space-time fluctuations around it.

Its internal screening mechanism successfully screened out almost all space-time fluctuations created by stars and low-level civilizations.

Suddenly, after being silent for a long time, it detected a strong space-time fluctuation above the warning line.

After confirming several times, it sent an alarm message to a star cluster thousands of light years away.

It was a high-density area with more than 50 stars.

The distance between each star is about five light years.

This is a very rare phenomenon in the edge of the Milky Way.

Less than a month after the tachyon information was transmitted, a strong space-time fluctuation came from the high-density star aggregation area.

In the star system where the human fleet is located.

Under Zero's precise control, [Kuafu] left [Chiyou] and easily "swallowed" the two planets into the small universe.

But it's not over yet.

Its ultimate goal is the two yellow dwarfs orbiting each other.

This is the first time to capture a binary star system.

Just as [Kuafu] approached one of the yellow dwarfs carefully, a piercing alarm sounded from the tachyon radar.

It was a very strong space-time fluctuation.

There is no doubt that it was a trace of the activities of advanced civilizations.

Judging from the waveform of the tachyon radar, the speed of these unknown aircraft even reached 600c!

This series of characteristics directly triggered Zero's highest alarm.

Almost at the same time when the tachyon radar sounded the alarm, the emergency wake-up program automatically started to execute!

One hour later.

In the human civilization microcosm, the Earth Command Center.

Academicians who had just woken up from their hibernation chambers looked at the huge holographic projection in front of them with serious expressions.

The display image of the tachyon radar was filled with dense red marks.

Each mark meant a starship with a speed of up to 600c!

According to preliminary estimates, the number of starships even exceeded 10,000!

"Level 6 civilization..."

Lv Yongchang looked a little solemn, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

"I didn't expect that we would encounter this kind of thing when we were about to leave the Milky Way..." Fang Xu's face was full of helplessness, "Our luck is really bad."

"Luck?" Lv Yongchang shook his head and denied it, his eyes became deeper, "I'm afraid it's not as simple as luck."

"For the past hundred years, the fleet has been traveling at a high speed of 800c."

"The fleet has crossed countless star regions with dense star systems, but has not encountered any accidents."

"This means that we have not encountered any level 6 civilization in the long journey of tens of thousands of light years!"

"This is an incredible thing in itself."

Fang Xu was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted to the meaning of Lv Yongchang's words: "You mean..."

"Where did the level 6 civilization in the Milky Way go? This question may have an answer soon!"

Lv Yongchang looked at the light spot far away outside the porthole: "A level 6 civilization is actually stationed in such a remote and sensitive area."

"This itself can explain some problems."

"Send an order."

"Sound the first-level combat alert!"

"Prepare for battle!"

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