Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 878 Searching for a binary black hole system


Lv Yongchang had stood up from his chair.

He frowned and asked hurriedly: "What exactly does the Sweeper want to do?"

Silicon Ray's tone was very playful.

[Before this, I was quite curious about how the two-dimensional creature named Hua described the Pastoral School. ]

Lv Yongchang was stunned for a moment, and responded to Silicon Ray with [Hua]'s original words: "For the safety of this universe, they tried to stop the dangerous behavior of the Sweeper civilization..."

Before he finished speaking, Silicon Ray's mouth suddenly opened, and even his huge body began to twitch slightly.

Obviously, the other party was laughing.

[Do you believe it? ]

"No... Of course not, it's just..."

[Fortunately, I have some brains. ]

[The Pastoral School, these old antiques, can actually say such things... Bah! ]

From Silicon Ray's tone, Lv Yongchang clearly felt the strong disdain.

What... is going on?

For a moment, Lv Yongchang's curiosity was raised to the highest point.

After venting his anger, Silicon Ray calmed down and explained in detail to the "Enroget Civilization".

[It is true that the Sweeper Civilization made a ring-universe particle accelerator, but the purpose is not to destroy the universe. ]

[They tried to briefly reproduce the cosmic evolution process at the moment of the Big Bang by increasing the energy level of particles. ]

[In this way, they were promoted to the ninth-level civilization. ]

[Of course, before that, the Sweeper Civilization needs to have a "basic" understanding of dimensions, which is also what all eighth-level civilizations do. ]

[Then the question is. ]

[How to quickly master those illusory dimensions? ]

[The answer is naturally those dimensional creatures of the Pastoral School. ]

[So, more than one super-large-scale war broke out between the two sides. It is not wrong to say that they are mortal enemies. ]

Lv Yongchang suddenly realized: "You mean... the Pastoral School civilization is actually a victim?"

[Of course not. 】

Silicon Ray sneered: [Anyone could be a victim, except those old guys! ]

Lv Yongchang: ? ? ?

Are you so resentful?

[Since you have already come into contact with the two-dimensional creature called Hua, you should know how strong the assimilation effect of three-dimensional space on other dimensions is. ]

[In order to survive, that group of dimensional creatures began to try to restart the universe and restore it to the pastoral era with eleven dimensions fully stretched out. ]

[Nowadays, almost all civilizations are three-dimensional creatures. Once they enter this high-dimensional space-time, what do you think will happen? ]

Lv Yongchang felt a chill in his heart.

"Then why don't the neutral faction stop the pastoral faction's behavior?"

He thought about it for a while and found the contradiction: "It's not a good thing for the neutral faction if the universe returns to the pastoral era, right?"

[Not a big problem. ]

Silicon Ray responded in a nonchalant tone: [The higher-ups think that the pastoral faction cannot complete this plan. ]

[What's more...isn't there a sweeper civilization in front? 】

Lv Yongchang's mouth twitched.

Here it is, the classic speech of the neutral faction!

If the sky falls, there are tall people to hold it up. The Sweepers and the Pastoral Faction fought to the death. What does it have to do with my neutral faction?

[After joining the silicon-based civilization, you have joined the neutral faction by default. ]

[As long as you don't provoke the Sweepers and the Pastoral Faction, the universe is so big that you can go to any corner. ]

[Just like the Tenth Empire, it has left the Laniakea Supercluster and headed towards the Centaurus Supercluster along the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall. ]

[The Andromeda Galaxy has arrived, and I should leave too. ]

As he spoke, the silicon ray slowly swam away from the human fleet.

[By the way, it seems that your technological level is about to be promoted to the seventh-level civilization. ]

[Friendly reminder, you can look for two large black holes that are about to merge, which is good for you. ]

Before Lv Yongchang continued to reply, the huge silicon ray disappeared directly in the visible universe.

Tachyon radar showed that it was flying towards the central area of ​​the Andromeda Galaxy at a speed of more than 10,000c.

There are several small star systems scattered on the edge of the sparsely-packed Andromeda Galaxy.

Under Zero's control, the human fleet slowly flew towards the nearest star system - the fleet at this time urgently needed some time to repair.

In the command center of [Earth].

"Yongchang, do you think the words of [Silicon Ray Civilization] are credible?"

Fang Xu was the first to break the silence of the command center.

Lv Yongchang nodded, then shook his head: "It's hard to say."

"At least compared to [Painting], the words of [Silicon Ray Civilization] are more credible."

"However, there are still many doubts."

"The Sweeper Civilization wants to be promoted to Level 9 Civilization; the Pastoral School hopes that the universe will return to the Pastoral Era. To some extent, they are also pursuing the path of being promoted to Level 9 Civilization."

"What about the Neutral School?"

"Don't the Level 8 Civilization of the Neutral School want to be promoted to Level 9 Civilization?"

"What are they doing now? What role do they play in this war?"

"These are all unknown situations."

The exchange with [Silicon Ray Civilization] not only did not solve the confusion, but even aggravated the doubts in Lv Yongchang's heart.

These advanced civilizations...

What on earth are they doing?

As the strength of human civilization continues to improve, things that originally did not need to be considered have gradually become imminent problems!

"By the way, there is one more thing." Fang Xu glanced at the holographic projection beside him, his face full of helplessness, "When [Silicon Ray Civilization] left, it did not take the Empire's Mother Planet with it."

"What the hell??!" Lv Yongchang suddenly jumped up from his chair.

He looked at the Empire's Mother Planet Fortress still staying in the microcosm, and his head suddenly became bigger!

"Received tachyon information from [Silicon Ray Civilization]." The electronic synthesized voice interrupted the communication between the two.

Looking at the few lines of text that appeared in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang suddenly fell silent.

The content of the information was very simple.

Due to the [Ten Descendants], the Empire's Mother Planet Fortress hopes to return to the Tenth Empire, but... Silicon Ray does not want to leave the Andromeda Galaxy.

So, it chose to leave the Empire's Mother Planet Fortress to the "Enroget Civilization". At the same time, it hopes that the "Enroget Civilization" can set off as soon as possible after becoming a level 7 civilization to complete the request of the Empire's Mother Planet Fortress.

Lv Yongchang frowned with a headache.

No wonder [Silicon Ray Civilization] left so hastily, and gave an inexplicable hint before leaving...

Since the crisis broke out, his nerves have been in a tense state.

The accumulated fatigue completely broke out at this moment.

He raised his hand and gently rubbed his brow: "Forget it, we will discuss these things later."

"First find a star for simple repairs."

"In this process, try to find a binary black hole system that is about to merge."

"The words of [Silicon Ray Civilization] before leaving should be very true."

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