Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 879 Indiscriminate Tachyon Broadcast

Decades later.

Earth calendar year 9900.

In a small-scale star system on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy.

As the output power of [Kuafu] gradually increased, the small universe port gradually became clear.


The yellow dwarf star in the center of the star system slowly disappeared into the universe.

When the central star just disappeared, the planets still maintained their original orbits.

But as time went on, gravitational waves gradually spread to each planet.

These planets, from the inside to the outside, flew out of the star system in turn along the tangent direction.

The originally regular star system became chaotic at this moment.

At this time, the brand-new human fleet was like a sharp arrow, shooting out of the chaotic star system and rushing towards the depths of the Andromeda Galaxy!

Unlike in the past, the human fleet has now "marked" a mark on the most conspicuous position of the ship - that is the logo of the Silicon Alliance!

Nearly a hundred years of rest time has allowed the human fleet to once again return to the state when it left the Milky Way.

Five yellow dwarf stars in their prime have also been stored in the small universe.

The most important point.

After a hundred years of all-weather search, He Bilin and a group of academicians successfully found the next destination of human civilization - the binary black hole system.

AGBH-01, AGBH-02.

These are two large black holes located in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, these two black holes began to "run towards each other", and today, they are finally going to "achieve success".

This is the most important event that will happen in the Andromeda Galaxy that will attract the attention of advanced civilizations.

Almost all the advanced civilizations in the Andromeda Galaxy have set their sights on these two black holes.

The reason...

It's simple. These are two large-scale black holes with extremely large accretion disks.

The collision of the two will create a giant firework that can illuminate the entire Andromeda Galaxy!

At the same time, the gravitational wave effect caused by the merger of black holes will directly affect the entire Andromeda Galaxy and even the surrounding Milky Way.

For most interstellar civilizations, this will be a feast - a feast for peeking into various magical phenomena.

The distance between the two black holes and the human fleet is about 150,000 light years.

According to observations, the two black holes will approach each other and collide within 500 years!

This means that human civilization must reach the double black hole area within 500 years.

Fortunately, 150,000 light years is not far.

Although [Kuafu] can only travel at a speed of about 800c.

But this is more than enough - without any repairs, it only takes 187 years for the fleet to reach the double black hole area.

But considering the various unexpected situations that may be encountered on the way, under the order of Lv Yongchang, the fleet set off early and headed directly to the target area.

In the Human Union Microcosm, [Earth].

Lv Yongchang was thinking about the mysteries hidden in the double black hole system, and a holographic projection with yellow light suddenly popped up in front of him.

At the same time, Zero's electronic synthesized sound also sounded.

"Professor, the fleet received a tachyon broadcast from an unknown source."

"It comes with dictionary information."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang frowned.

Tachyon broadcast, an advanced technology of tachyon communication.

The basic principles are similar, the difference between the two is that the broadcast frequency is higher, the energy consumed is more, and the coverage is wider.

When the specific coordinates of the recipient are uncertain, tachyon broadcast is indeed a good technology.


Who would send a tachyon broadcast so ostentatiously?

Generally, tachyon broadcasts are released in a specific frequency band and various perfect encryption methods are applied.

This indiscriminate tachyon broadcast form made Lv Yongchang's eyes light up-the Milky Way has never had this thing!

It's like a loud speaker at the entrance of the village.

All people with sound hearing can hear the information it broadcasts-corresponding to indiscriminate tachyon broadcasts, the audience is those civilizations that have mastered tachyon communication technology and are level 5 and above.

"Try to translate it."

Lv Yongchang stopped the work at hand and looked at the holographic projection in front of him with interest.

[…The 7463rd tachyon broadcast of the Andromeda Galaxy. ]

[It will be less than 500 years before the AGBH-01 and AGBH-02 black holes merge. ]

[At that time, it may cause large-scale gamma-ray bursts and gravitational wave anomalies. Civilizations living within 2,000 light years of the merger area should be prepared for impact. ]

[The above information comes from the neutral faction. Please convey it to each other to avoid unnecessary casualties and losses. ]

[The following frequency band is the civilization exchange frequency band established by the neutral faction:…]

[The broadcast is over. The next broadcast time is expected to be…]

Lv Yongchang opened his mouth slightly and looked at the holographic projection in front of him with a dull expression.

After a long time, he uttered a few words with a strange look: "Weather forecast?"


The door of the office opened, and a burst of hurried footsteps came.

"Yongchang, I heard that the fleet received the indiscriminate tachyon broadcast of the neutral faction?!"

The voice arrived before the person arrived.

Hearing the strong curiosity in Fang Xu's voice, Lu Yongchang rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"You are well-informed!"

"I just read the message and you came right after."

Fang Xu laughed awkwardly, turned around and dragged the person waiting at the door in: "I heard it from He Bilin!"

Facing Lv Yongchang's gaze, He Bilin, who was being dragged tightly, looked confused: "???"


Lv Yongchang sighed helplessly and picked up the water cup on the table: "It's just in time to come."

"Sit down, and analyze the information in this tachyon broadcast with me."

"By the way, does anyone else know about this?"

As he said, he lowered his head and blew on the water cup, and took a sip of the energy supplement in it.

Since his body transformation was stuck in the middle ground, his demand for energy began to grow, and the original tea was replaced with the energy supplement specially made by Dr. Wen.

He Bilin and Fang Xu's faces became strange at the same time.


"Why don't you ask who else doesn't know about this?"

Lv Yongchang:? ? !


This interstellar version of the "weather forecast" tachyon broadcast attracted the interest of countless academicians.

No way.

After waking up, the human fleet was busy rushing on the road, except for facing super-sized opponents. There was no stable resource supply and scientific research environment at all.

Of course, for today's human civilization, in the absence of a breakthrough in basic theory, only some minor livelihood-related technologies have hope of breakthroughs.

These are the work of researchers, and academicians are embarrassed to take over the researchers' jobs.

In addition, after joining the Silicon Alliance, the "immediate worries" of human civilization have been properly solved.


This period of rushing on the road has become the most idle time for the Human Union Academy of Sciences, without a doubt.

As the saying goes, looking for grass seeds in the cracks of stones - too idle to do anything.

After finally seeing something new, this group of academicians left the laboratory and rushed to the office where Lv Yongchang was.

First, Fang Xu and He Bilin, followed by a group of idle Level I academicians.

Seeing that the office was about to be crowded, Lv Yongchang had to change his office location - the [Earth] Command Center.

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