Earth calendar year 11,707.

Human civilization and silicon ray civilization have been waiting in vain on the edge of this empty river system for five years.

Five years! Five whole years!

Do you know how humans have lived in the past five years? !

After five years of "house arrest", while being frightened, the development of the Academy of Sciences also came to a standstill.

The reason is simple.

On the basis of not knowing the backhand of the Pastoralist civilization, no one wants to expose human civilization to the "life and death enemy" of the Pastoralist.

Five years, this is five years! Even if wormhole technology is not included, the fleet can sail a full 50,000 light years just by sailing at super-light speed curvature!

Every time he thought about this, Lu Yongchang felt like there were ants crawling on his body.

A few days ago, he had made a decision.

After arriving in the M87 galaxy, find an opportunity to break through to the eighth-level civilization by observing the quasar structure in the central area of ​​the galaxy.

And now...

Human civilization is actually forced to stay on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy!

Lu Yongchang, who was suffering internally, could only pay close attention to the "movements" in the black hole area in the center of the Andromeda Galaxy.

"This pastoral style..."

He murmured in a low voice: "It's so annoying..."

Why don't we just have a fight?

Can't we just rush over and do it?

Is there any need to waste time like this?

Just as he was sighing, a red warning message popped up in the holographic projection.

【warn! 】

[Abnormal space-time fluctuations in the target area have been detected! 】

The black hole region at the center of Andromeda.

Alarms sounded throughout every facility in the Sweepers' Andromeda branch.

"It's pastoral style!"

"The information about the mother civilization is indeed correct!"

Looking at the alarm message in the light screen, [9436] waved the tentacles on both sides of his body: "They really attacked us!"

"Attack! I want the pastoralist gadgets to taste the new weapons of the mother civilization!"

【9436】’s voice was full of excitement and excitement.

"Be careful." Companion [9435] reminded him with a serious expression, "There are a lot of dimensional creatures coming this time."

One after another, the silver-white spherical battleships quickly left the huge technological creation that was comparable in size to a blue giant, and headed in the direction of the fluctuations in time and space.

Following closely behind are three white dwarf fortresses and one neutron fortress.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

As soon as the horn of war blew, the war entered a fierce stage!

The Andromeda branch of Sweepers comes out in full force!

A space rift stretching for dozens of light-years first appeared on the battlefield.

Theoretically, these space rifts can cause damage to one-dimensional and two-dimensional creatures, but cannot affect four-dimensional creatures.

But in reality...

The originally entangled silk threads have completely unfolded, and the two-dimensional creature like a canvas has begun to stretch out!

These low-dimensional creatures shuttled between these huge space rifts extremely smoothly, quickly approaching the oncoming spherical battleship.

The four-dimensional shield can effectively block attacks from low-dimensional creatures.

Therefore, the sweeper warship did not care about the approach of these low-dimensional creatures.

But at the moment when the two sides were about to come into contact, these low-dimensional creatures took the initiative to break part of their bodies!

This is a scene that has never appeared in previous wars!

The assimilation effect of three-dimensional space then begins to appear.

One-dimensional filaments and two-dimensional planes are beginning to jump to the third dimension!

Ascending dimension absorbs energy!

Before the Sweeper warship could react, the energy used to maintain the four shields was completely sucked dry at this moment!

Without the protection of the four-dimensional shield, the low-dimensional creatures rushed towards those spherical battleships!

The moment the two came into contact with each other, a violent flash of light appeared on the battlefield!

Dimensionality reduction releases energy!

At this moment, a supernova seemed to be exploding on the battlefield!

The light quickly dimmed, and the area where the spherical battleship was originally located was left with only a complex mass of silver-white thin lines - this was the one-dimensional sweeper battleship!

These one-dimensional filaments contain all the information about the Sweeper warship!

Not only that!

In addition to a large number of silver-white thread balls, a large number of "canvases" also appeared on the battlefield.

That’s a two-dimensional sweeper battleship!

At the moment of dimensionality reduction, these sweeper warships were completely destroyed - three-dimensional structures cannot exist in a low-dimensional world.

Those are huge silk threads and canvases that are more than one light-year in length!

Under the light of the central black hole's accretion disk, they shine silvery white!

It happened so suddenly that the surrounding sweeper warships had no time to slow down and crashed into this mass of thin lines and canvas.

A chain reaction ensues!

The dimension-enhancing effect quickly absorbs the energy of the battleship and destroys the opponent's four-dimensional shield!

Then... there was a new round of blows.

When these low-dimensional objects ascended back to the third dimension, dense clouds of quark fog appeared on the battlefield - after experiencing several dimensional changes, the toughest armor and structures became the most primitive particle structures.

Scenes like this happen in every corner of the battlefield.

In just one encounter, the Sweepers lost more than one-tenth of their warships.

Although they are just some basic battleships, they are enough to make the person in charge of the Andromeda branch feel heartbroken!

[Four-dimensional shock bomb! Deploy the four-dimensional shock bomb immediately! ]

Attacks from higher dimensions can easily attack low-dimensional beings.

But this is limited to attacks with high enough intensity, such as space rifts and dark matter cannons.

In addition, there is a necessary condition - your attack must destroy the opponent's core.

This is also the reason why dimensional creatures are difficult to kill.

Once the core is not destroyed and the opponent successfully escapes...

Finding low-dimensional creatures in three-dimensional space is not an easy task!

At that time, the Sweeper Galaxy Branch spent a lot of energy to find [Painting].

Under normal circumstances, in the experience of the Sweeper civilization, in three-dimensional space, the most effective means of attack against one-dimensional and two-dimensional creatures is space annihilation.

But considering that space annihilation has many restrictions and cannot cause damage to four-dimensional creatures, four-dimensional shock bombs and large-scale dark matter cannons have become a panacea against the Pastoral School.

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