The encrypted tachyon information was transmitted in the central black hole area of ​​Andromeda.

After receiving the order from the head of the branch, a spherical shell flashing black light appeared on the battlefield.

The moment they appeared, they triggered strong space-time fluctuations.

These flashing black light shells quickly ran to the middle area of ​​the battlefield.



There was no fire in the three-dimensional space.

These four-dimensional shock bombs were detonated at the same time, and under the influence of each other, a space-time tsunami was formed!

Just like a depth charge dropped into the ocean, it will not form much waves on the water surface, but the inside of the ocean will be turned upside down by it!

The fluctuations from the four-dimensional quickly spread to the surroundings. When it was about to touch the sweeper battleship, a series of four-dimensional shields were regenerated, easily blocking it outside the battleship.

On the other hand, the pastoral faction was not so lucky.

The low-dimensional creatures who were the first to bear the brunt of it had no ability to stop the attack from the four-dimensional.

The invisible fluctuations swept by.

One-dimensional creatures, those completely extended silk balls quickly curled up and began to become "flat".

Under the violent shock of the four-dimensional space, they are gradually showing a second dimension.

Of course, in addition to one-dimensional creatures, two-dimensional creatures also have similar conditions.

First, wrinkles appeared on their surface, and then, the flat body inexplicably gave birth to a sense of three-dimensionality - this is a sign that the third dimension is about to appear.

Their own dimensional structure was damaged, and there is no doubt that the core was also damaged.

But this is not fatal enough. Once the aftermath of the four-dimensional shock bomb disappears, they can use their own power to repair their own dimensional structure again.

As for those four-dimensional creatures...

Those spherical shadows are constantly distorted. Obviously, they are not very good under the attack of the four-dimensional shock bomb.

Although the four-dimensional shock bomb cannot cause much damage to them, they have missed the best time for rescue.

The Sweeper Civilization will obviously not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Take advantage of the disease to kill them.

Black light flashed on every surviving sweeper warship and shot straight at the area where the low-dimensional creatures gathered.

Dark matter cannon!

That little black light was like a match lighting a pile of dry wood.

The originally stable dark matter was quickly stimulated and transformed into tremendous energy.

This is a chain reaction similar to a nuclear reaction.

Because of this, the power of the dark matter cannon is so strong!

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the explosion of a thousand light years was submerged in the flames of the explosion.

The real firepower coverage and indiscriminate attack!

The high-intensity attack of high-dimensional space-time can affect these dimensional creatures.

There is no doubt that this scale of dark matter attack is definitely within the scope.

The low-dimensional creatures that were "crumbling" under the attack of the four-dimensional shock bomb were completely torn apart by this sudden storm-like attack.

Even so, these low-dimensional creatures did not give up the attack.

They flew madly towards the warship of the Sweeper Civilization, and at the cost of their own death, dragged the Sweeper warship into the water!

A ball of curled silk threads was directly broken into countless pieces under the fire of the explosion!

Under the influence of three-dimensional space, these broken one-dimensional silk threads quickly "extended" into two-dimensional fragments of varying sizes.

But this is not the end.

The dimensional effect is still continuing!

Large patches of quark fog appeared in the empty universe, and combined with each other in a very short time to form a large amount of hydrogen and helium.

The appearance of hydrogen and helium seemed to be a signal, revealing the complex changes in three-dimensional space-under the high-intensity bombardment of the dark matter cannon, different types of heavy atoms appeared in this star field.

Under the impact of the dark matter cannon, these discrete heavy atoms quickly flew around.

When a whale falls, all things come to life.

This is about how the body of a whale can feed many creatures in the ocean.

Similarly, the death of a dimensional creature can also create an extremely sumptuous "dinner".

Not to mention the dimensional creatures that have died now, at least ten of them!

It is not difficult to imagine that one day in the future, these heavy atoms will be captured by the gravity of the planets and slowly fall to the surface of the planets.

Even, one day, these heavy atoms will be mined and used by other civilizations...



The aftermath of the four-dimensional shock bomb had just dissipated, and in the explosion of the dark matter cannon, "saw" the slowly breaking [丝].

It rushed forward quickly, using itself as a barrier to block the aftermath of the four-dimensional shock bomb for [丝].

Good luck.

The core of [silk], which was on the edge, was not completely broken.

Looking at [丝], which had only half of its body left and was struggling to maintain its own dimensional structure, [时] quickly retreated to the rear.

"【Silk】, your mission is over, retreat immediately!"

As [when] said, he opened a small wormhole for it.

According to the plan of the Pastoral School, the main role of low-dimensional creatures is to attack the battleships of the Sweepers.

As for the task of destroying the nodes of the ring universe accelerator... that belongs to the four-dimensional creatures!

Therefore, [Silk] didn't say any more nonsense, and went straight into the wormhole and left this troubled place.

[Shi], who was swimming in the four-dimensional space, shook his dizzy head vigorously.

Compared with the ancient times, the power of the Sweeper's four-dimensional shock bomb has increased dozens of times!

Even it felt a little uncomfortable - its core was constantly vibrating under the influence of this aftermath.

The chaotic tachyon fluctuations were transmitted in the Pastoral Faction's camp.

Under the desperate attacks of the one-dimensional creatures and the two-dimensional creatures, the Sweeper Fleet also suffered great damage.

Ordinary warships were not completely annihilated, but at least they lost their combat capability.

This also achieved the initial strategic goal of the Pastoral Faction.

Looking at the three white dwarf fortresses and one neutron fortress that were still in good condition, [Shi]'s mood suddenly became heavy.

Next, it was the real war!

According to the command of the tachyon information, it rushed towards the Sweeper Fleet with the aftermath of the four-dimensional shock bomb, following the other four-dimensional creatures.

Of course, the Sweeper would not let the other party slaughter it.

With a strange wave coming from the direction of the Sweeper Fleet, the shapes of the four planetary fortresses became strange.

Just like [time], they also turned into gray projections with strange shapes in three-dimensional space.

They have successfully upgraded themselves!

Without mastering a higher dimension, only by upgrading themselves can they have a chance to truly wipe out four-dimensional creatures!

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