Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 903: Millions of Light Years!

Outside the porthole, it was still dark.

Starlight from infinite distance is dotted like gems in this dark curtain.

Looking at the outside scenery, which was almost unchanged from before, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but have a little misunderstanding in his heart.

Wormhole travel failed?

The fleet is still standing still and not moving?

The next second, Ling, who had completed the fleet positioning work again, dispelled the slightest illusion in Lu Yongchang's heart.

This wormhole journey allowed the human fleet to span a full 1 million light-years!

After learning this information, Lu Yongchang suddenly felt in a trance.

Too fast!

The actual distance traveled by the fleet is only 10 billion kilometers, but in the three-dimensional universe, it spans a full 1 million light years!

1 million light years! The human fleet needs to travel non-stop for 100 years!

Suddenly, Lu Yongchang remembered something. He quickly withdrew his gaze and looked eagerly at the holographic projection in front of him.

After seeing that all the observation data had been stored in the pre-prepared optical hard disk array, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a treasure!

Next, most theoretical research work of the Academy of Sciences will rely on these precious observational data!

A dazzling light flashed outside the porthole, attracting Lu Yongchang's attention.

When he turned his head and saw clearly the scene outside the porthole, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

The silicon ray took out three blue giant stars at once and was "taking a bath" in the blue giant stars.

It seems that opening the wormhole is quite expensive...

"Silicon Ray, can the wormhole device still be used?"

Lu Yongchang asked the silicon ray that was immersed in the star bath.

【Of course. 】

[However... this thing is the first batch of wormhole devices manufactured by the Empire. The model is too old, the startup interval is a bit long, and the shuttle distance is a bit short...]

Lu Yongchang's mouth twitched again.

The distance of a single shuttle is over 1 million light-years. Do you call this short?

The distance between Andromeda and the Milky Way is 2.54 million light-years. It took them more than 5,000 years to complete this long journey!

Lu Yongchang suddenly felt countless emotions in his heart.

After all, his vision was too narrow.

"How long is the interval between starts?"

[About... about fifty years. After all, it is an old model. If the time is shortened, it may cause certain damage to its internal structure. 】

"Fifty years..." Lu Yongchang whispered to himself, "Including the normal navigation of the fleet, the original 1.5 million light-year voyage can now be completed in only fifty years."

"As long as 1800 years!"

"We will reach the M87 galaxy in 1800 years!"

[Ahem...there is one more question. 】

[It’s about energy consumption...]

The message sent by the Silicon Ray was full of embarrassment: [The wormhole device consumes a lot of energy. If it is activated every fifty years... I may not have that many star reserves in my small universe...]

This familiar style made Lu Yongchang laugh.

Yes, it's back to its original appearance.

"Don't worry, there are many star reserves in the small universe of Enroget civilization."

At the end, Lu Yongchang added: "It's enough."

Just as the atmosphere in the command center gradually became cheerful, a red warning message appeared in front of all academicians.

【warn! 】

[Energy bursts of unknown intensity and space-time fluctuations were detected! 】

[Warning, the first echelon ultra-long-distance detector signal has been lost! 】

The smile on Lu Yongchang's face disappeared instantly, and he quickly looked through the observation data that was refreshing like a waterfall in the holographic projection.

The location of space-time fluctuations and energy explosions is, without any surprise, the Andromeda Galaxy.

What was unexpected was the intensity of this space-time fluctuation and energy burst.

After some rough calculations, Lu Yongchang came to a result that he himself could not believe.

If there are no problems with the observation data of the ultra-long-distance detector, the energy erupted from the core region of Andromeda at that moment even exceeded the energy produced by the direct collision of two Andromeda galaxies!

Not to mention human civilization, even the silicon ray that was enjoying the star bath had a small head drilled out and looked at the Andromeda Galaxy 1.02 million light-years away with a confused look on its face.

What happened?

Silicon Ray Doubt.JPG

Lu Yongchang quickly analyzed the data returned by the first-tier detectors that "unfortunately died in action", trying to find some clues from them.

After a few minutes.

With Zero's auxiliary data processing, Lu Yongchang gradually mastered a little information.


“Are the Pastoralists and Sweepers completely crazy?”

[What happened to the Andromeda Galaxy? 】

Because the distance between the two was too far, the silicon ray, which had not arranged a detector in advance, was in a state of confusion.

Lu Yongchang was silent for a while, organized some words and then responded: "There seems to be an extremely large-scale energy release near the central black hole of the Andromeda Galaxy."

"At the same time, a large amount of matter also appeared out of thin air."

"According to our calculations..."

"A large-scale quasar structure will appear in the core of the Andromeda Galaxy, and the length of its black hole jet will reach 200,000 light-years."

“I don’t know whether it’s a coincidence or intentional, but the direction of these two black hole jets happens to sweep across most of the Andromeda Galaxy.”

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang took a deep breath and gave the final conclusion: "Andromeda is finished, completely finished!"

The voice fell.

The tachyon channel fell into a long silence.

After an unknown period of time, when the light of the blue giant star where the silicon ray was located gradually dimmed to the extreme, it suddenly moved its body, plunged into the second blue giant star, and sent a tachyon message.

[This is a phenomenon caused by the death of a large number of four-dimensional creatures. ]

[Although the specific process is unclear, the Pastoral School should have achieved its goal in this war. ]

[The ring universe accelerator node arranged by the sweeper in the Andromeda Galaxy may not be preserved. ]

The rest of the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy.

[Silk] drilled out of the wormhole with difficulty and appeared next to a blue giant star.

Its core was greatly traumatized.

The current priority is to find enough energy to repair the core and stabilize its own dimensional structure.

As for the weird human civilization before...

It's still not too late to make plans after [Shi] comes back - as long as [Shi] is there, they can't escape at all!

Just as it was thinking about the next plan, a violent space-time fluctuation and dimension fluctuation came from the central area of ​​the Andromeda Galaxy.

[Si] stared blankly at the central area of ​​the Andromeda Galaxy.

This is...

The final plan? !

[Shi] died? !

For a moment, it couldn't believe its senses.

ps: Thank you Haoyue Zhidong for the great care!

Thank you big brother! ! Big brother is awesome! ! !

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