Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 904: Laniakea Supercluster Supermassive Source

I’m afraid it’s not just [time].

In this extremely short “small-scale conflict”, a large number of dimensional creatures died!

According to conservative estimates, there are only a few lucky one-dimensional and two-dimensional creatures among the Pastoral members who successfully left the core area of ​​Andromeda.

[Silk] couldn’t believe his own guess more and more.

The Sweepers and the Pastoral civilization are old enemies. The friction and disputes between the two have lasted for an unknown amount of time, but...

So far, this is the first time that both sides have suffered such heavy casualties in a small-scale conflict!

A wide-area tachyon broadcast came from infinity, and [Silk] subconsciously read the broadcast sent by the Pastoral members.

[Laniakea Supercluster Division, the Virgo Cluster Milky Way has been breached, and the Ring Cosmic Accelerator Node has been successfully destroyed. ]

[Laniakea Supercluster Division, the Virgo Cluster Large Magellanic Cloud has been breached. ]


This is a series of battle reports covering the entire Laniakea Supercluster!

While the large galaxies were still in a state of anxiety, the small galaxies had been completely occupied by the Pastoral Sect!

[Silk] read the tachyon broadcasts one by one, and the sadness in his heart gradually subsided.

It calmed down and sent an encrypted wide-area tachyon broadcast to the infinitely distant starry sky.

[Laniakea Supercluster Branch, Virgo Cluster Andromeda Galaxy has been breached! ]

Pastoral Sect, great victory!

Although this great victory is based on the life of a large number of dimensional creatures, there is no doubt that this will greatly delay the sweeper civilization's circumstellar acceleration plan!

The moment the broadcast was sent, [Silk] did not hesitate and drilled directly into the blue giant in front of him.

This young hot star is becoming dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although it has the ability to extract vacuum zero-point energy, in this case, it is undoubtedly faster and more convenient to directly grab the energy of the star.

The long silk thread slowly pulled away from the dim planet and disappeared into the visible universe under a strong space-time fluctuation.

It needs to repair its core as soon as possible.


Catch up with the human civilization disguised as the Enroget civilization!

They are developing too fast!

So fast that [Silk] felt a little panic in his heart!

It had a hunch.

Although the current human civilization is still a small seventh-level civilization, if they are allowed to continue to develop, the Pastoral School's [Annihilation Plan] may be affected in unexpected ways!

[Silk] is not the kind of rookie who acts alone.

After recovering a little, [Silk] directly reported the situation of human civilization in the form of wide-area tachyon broadcasting.

Laniakea Supercluster Giant Attractor Region.

A large area of ​​technological creations quietly hovered in this dangerous area with complex gravity.

This is a magnificent building composed of countless spherical and hemispherical structures.

The silver-white building covers an empty star field of more than a thousand light years.

Small planet-class warships are docked on its surface.

Looking closely, the Neutron Fortress in the Andromeda Galaxy is just the backbone of it.

The Quark Fortress, or the Black Hole Fortress, is the high-end combat power here!

As for the White Dwarf Fortress...

It is almost equivalent to a cannon fodder unit.

In order to resist the extreme environment near the super attractor, the material of this magnificent building even uses a dense quark structure!

Under superb technical control, this building of amazing mass has no signs of collapsing into a supermassive black hole. Instead, it exists steadily and quietly in this super attractor area with extremely rich matter.

Laniakea Supercluster, the red dot is the Milky Way

Sweeper Laniakea Supercluster Branch.

Its main task is to coordinate the management of the ring universe acceleration node device in the entire Laniakea Supercluster, and to resist the invasion and sabotage of the Pastoral Faction.

At this moment, the Laniakea Supercluster Branch seems extremely busy.

Under waves of space-time fluctuations, a large number of planetary fortresses rise and fall on it.

Compared with the outside, the atmosphere inside the building is more tense.

"Andromeda has fallen! The node has lost contact!"

"The Milky Way has fallen!"


Accompanied by reports, in the huge light curtain, the edge of a feather-like structure flickered with red light.

The trunk area has not been endangered, and the situation is not particularly serious.

But this is the biggest loss suffered by the Sweeper civilization in nearly a million years!

Countless ring universe accelerator nodes have been destroyed, which will greatly delay the acceleration plan of the mother civilization!

"Damn pastoral faction!"

The head of the Laniakea Supercluster Branch of the Sweeper waved his tentacles angrily.

"Continue to send support troops!"

"Let these pastoral faction termites know the strength of the Sweepers!"

"【Ya】, calm down, we should give priority to protecting the trunk nodes." A reminder came from the side, "The reconstruction speed of the branch nodes is very fast. As long as it does not affect the trunk nodes, the mother civilization will not care too much."

【Ya】The bluish-white skin color gradually returned to light blue, and the tentacles waving in the air slowly fell down.

"You're right."

"Let the Quark Fortress and the Black Hole Fortress protect the main node."

"Let the Neutron Fortress support the branch node. We must end this chaos as soon as possible."

"The construction progress of the circumstellar accelerator has exceeded 99%, and the mother civilization will soon order the accelerator to start."

"Wait until the mother civilization successfully advances to the ninth-level civilization, and then settle this account with the Pastoral Sect!"


1800 years later, the Earth calendar is 13500 years old.

Accompanied by a familiar beep, Lv Yongchang slowly opened his eyes.

After several improvements and developments, the hibernation technology has become more and more mature.

The original light yellow hibernation fluid has also been replaced by a milky white mist, and the "cabin cough" phenomenon that hibernators are accustomed to has completely become history.

After a brief trance, his eyes quickly became bright.

"Zero, are we there?"

An electronic synthesized voice came, and a holographic projection automatically appeared in front of him: "Yes, professor."

"The fleet is about to arrive at the M87 galaxy, and the first batch of awakening plans are currently being implemented."

Lv Yongchang quickly got up from the hibernation cabin and walked towards the porthole on the side.

Outside the porthole, the M87 galaxy has become extremely clear.

It is a huge galaxy that is several times larger than the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy!

Unlike the disk-shaped spiral galaxy like the Milky Way, M87 is a huge elliptical galaxy.

It has almost no special shape.

From the naked eye, the M87 galaxy is more like a huge light cluster composed of countless stars.

The deeper you go, the higher the star density and the brighter the light cluster.

In the center of the M87 galaxy, there is also a huge quasar structure, and two high-energy plasma jets extending outward for 4,900 light years are spewing out a huge amount of matter without stopping.

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