A tachyon signal was sent from the Earth, and quickly passed to the fleet in front.

At the same time, the fleet that was originally arranged neatly began to move slowly, revealing a huge "planet" hidden inside.

It was a standard ice giant, wrapped in a thick layer of armor.

In the eyes of the previous human civilization, this armor with dense neutron material attached to the surface was like a miracle.

But now...

Compared with the starships around it, this ice giant was like a small adobe house surrounded by high-rise buildings, backward and shabby.

A wave of space-time fluctuations came, and the ice giant slowly moved forward along the channel vacated by the human fleet-after the human civilization was promoted to the seventh-level civilization, the drive device of the empire's mother planet was fully repaired.


[Dear Tenth Empire, I pay my highest respects to you. ]

[Human civilization, welcome you. ]

The tachyon information from the human fleet was presented on the projection in the mist, and reflected in the eyes of every member of the Tenth Empire.

Looking at the huge human fleet in the projection, every imperial citizen showed more or less surprise in their eyes.

Diplomatic rhetoric is empty, only the welcoming fleet is real.

Such a large welcoming fleet is enough to show the importance of human civilization to the Tenth Empire.

Undoubtedly, this makes every Tenth Empire citizen feel a little proud.

"We have to admit that the strength of human civilization has far surpassed the Empire."

An electromagnetic wave message from the Supreme Emperor of the Empire echoed in the flagship, and the atmosphere in the ship suddenly became a little heavy.

No one wants to fall behind.

Not to mention the Tenth Empire, which has always been in a high position.

Being overtaken is not terrible, what is terrible is that the civilization that overtakes oneself was still a small sixth-level civilization thousands of years ago!


The Supreme Emperor of the Empire sighed lightly with an unclear meaning, and then raised his tentacles and pressed a few times on the complex control console in front of him.

[Dear human civilization, the Tenth Empire...]

Before the information was edited, the alarm message of strong space-time fluctuations interrupted his action.

The densely packed human fleet slowly dispersed, revealing a planetary fortress hidden inside.

A strong sense of familiarity suddenly surged into the hearts of every imperial man!

The slightly noisy electromagnetic waves in the flagship dissipated at this moment.

Every imperial man fell into silence!

This, this is...

The Supreme Emperor of the Empire subconsciously stopped editing the information.

His tentacles trembled slightly, showing his inner excitement.

"The Empire's mother planet..."

The electromagnetic wave signal from the Supreme Emperor of the Empire broke the silence in the flagship!

Wow! ! !

Like a signal, at this moment, every imperial warship was filled with extremely noisy electromagnetic wave signals!

"Mother planet... Mother planet!!!"

"Emperor, I can't even remember what the mother planet looks like..."

"Is this the Empire's mother planet..."

"It is exactly the same as the image recorded in the recorded video..."

Countless exclamations mixed with confusion and joy echoed in the ship.

As the Empire's mother planet continued to approach, a large amount of tachyon information was continuously transmitted to the Imperial Fleet!

A full 210,000 years of log information!

Each log means the lonely years that the Empire's mother planet spent in the Milky Way!

Supernova explosion, internal parts damaged one by one, artificial intelligence [Ten] tried its best to repair the fortress, [Ten Descendants] were born, and the native civilization protection agreement was triggered...

Detailed and complex log information was presented one by one on the projection, and the heavy sense of time came to the face.


Half an hour later.

[It has been confirmed that it has returned to the Imperial Fleet, the mother planet protection mission has been completed, and the control permission and mission log are being transferred. ]

As the last mission log information appeared in front of all the imperial people, the mother planet fortress also successfully arrived in front of the Tenth Imperial Fleet.

[The Empire's mother planet artificial intelligence, Ten, greets the Supreme Emperor of the Empire! ]

"Good, good, good..."

The tentacles of the Imperial Emperor trembled slightly, and wrote the tachyon information that had not been edited yet on the console.

[Dear human civilization, on behalf of all the imperial people, I express my sincere gratitude to you. ]

[The Tenth Empire will be the eternal ally of human civilization. 】



Looking at the Imperial Mother Star Fortress that had successfully entered the Imperial Fleet, Lv Yongchang sat on the chair with a seemingly calm expression, and the fingers that kept tapping the armrests of the chair clearly exposed his inner anxiety and uneasiness.

This was the welcoming plan proposed by the Sociology Branch.

On the one hand, the large-scale fleet was used to show the importance of human civilization to the Tenth Empire, and at the same time, unexpected situations could be prevented.

On the other hand, when the fleets of both sides met, the killer weapon of human civilization was directly sacrificed - the Imperial Mother Star Fortress from the Milky Way.

With the interest card already determined, the emotional card was played directly.

[…The Tenth Empire will be the eternal ally of human civilization. 】

When this line of text appeared in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang stopped tapping the armrests of the chair, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

It's like the meaning of the Earth to human civilization.

The mother star has an irreplaceable spiritual sustenance role for the interstellar civilization that travels far away.

Of course, this is not absolute.

Just like the Eugene civilization, they have almost no feelings for their home planet.

But for the Tenth Empire...

Lv Yongchang does not believe that the Tenth Empire, which has spent a lot of energy to build a home planet defense fortress, will be like the Eugene civilization.

Facts have proved that this emotional card was played correctly.

In addition to joy, Lv Yongchang also inexplicably felt a touch of melancholy in his heart.

The home planet of the Tenth Empire still exists.

What about the home planet of human civilization?

Under the attack of the Star Devourer, the Earth that fell into the sun will never come back.

"Professor, the flagship of the Tenth Empire has left the fleet."

Zero's reminder came from the side, interrupting Lv Yongchang's thoughts.

Sadness flashed by.

With a powerful enemy at hand, Lv Yongchang now has no time to be sad - as time goes by, the number of red dots on the star map has soared to a terrifying level!

The establishment of a covenant is definitely not something that can be accomplished with just a few simple words.

Although both parties have already agreed on the details, the necessary ceremony is still indispensable.

The Tenth Empire has already sent out its flagship first, so human civilization cannot lag behind.

Looking at the Empire flagship gradually approaching the human fleet, Lv Yongchang slowly stood up from his seat:

"Earth, move forward."

ps: It's almost the final stage... It's getting harder and harder to write.

There should be only one update tonight.

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