[Earth] and the Imperial flagship were heading towards each other, and stopped when they were one million kilometers apart.

After all, this is the flagship of two eighth-level civilizations.

Even if we do not take into account various complex issues such as the docking interface and the ship's internal environment, it is an unrealistic idea for such a large-scale warship to connect face to face.

Therefore, at the suggestion of human civilization, the last one million kilometers were completed by their respective shuttle ships.

The civilization meeting area is a huge circular platform built in space.

Considering the stature of the people of the Tenth Empire, the scale of the platform is quite large - fifty kilometers in diameter and one hundred and fifty meters in "floor height".

The internal environment also refers to the Empire’s home planet.

It can be said that for this meeting, human civilization has put all its sincerity on the table.

The hatches of the flagships of the two civilizations opened, and the two shuttle fleets of different sizes slowly sailed towards the meeting platform.

With the war imminent, all procedures have been simplified, including the meeting of civilizations on both sides.

After only a few hours, this meeting that was bound to go down in history came to an end.

Lu Yongchang sat in a daze in the shuttle ship, staring blankly at the starry sky outside the porthole window, recalling the meeting just now - the information brought by the Tenth Empire was so explosive that it completely confused him.


The issue of troop strength mobilized by the pastoralists.

Far exceeding the number observed by the Cosmic Monitoring Project - as of now, all dimensional creatures in the entire universe are rushing towards the Bootes void. Conservative estimates suggest that the number should be over five million.


Pastoral's actions completely disrupted the balance of power in the universe.

The Sweepers also began to mobilize troops on a large scale - conservative estimates suggest that at least hundreds of millions of systems have sent out expeditionary fleets.

The strength of this force... is even more unimaginable.

These two pieces of news alone completely shocked Lu Yongchang.

Oh my God! O earth!

What on earth has human civilization done that made people angry? !

Didn’t you just eliminate a few dimensional creatures? !

Isn't that necessary? !

Today, human civilization only has less than half a million troops.

The gap in combat power between the two sides... Using the metaphors of Yinghuo and Haoyue is an exaggerated propaganda of the size of the human fleet.

Of course, this does not mean that human civilization is weak.

With Zero's existence, given time, the size of the human fleet will easily surpass the sweeper civilization.

But it takes time!

Lots of time!

Even for exponentially growing facilities like self-splitting detectors, it will take a lot of time to complete the cosmic surveillance plan, let alone build more difficult starships and war fortresses.

Of course, the Tenth Reich didn't just bring bad news, there was also good news.

Under the persuasion and suggestion of the Empire, the neutrals chose to join the war.

As for their stance...there is no doubt that nature is human civilization.

The reason...

Needless to say, the most important point is the dimension-enhancement technology mastered by human civilization.

Faced with a cosmic-level war that could happen at any time, Lu Yongchang naturally did not hesitate and nodded directly to commit.

As long as the neutral fleet arrives on the battlefield and participates in the war, human civilization can directly publish all research results on four-dimensional cavitation.

Not only that, Lu Yongchang even took the initiative to increase the chips - as long as the war is won, human civilization can even make low-dimensional technology public.

other side.

In the shuttle ship of the Tenth Empire, the performance of the Empire's Supreme Emperor was not much better.

Even though the meeting had ended long ago, he was still immersed in deep shock.

At the beginning, the empire's home planet judged human civilization to be a silicon-based civilization.

At that time, they also had the vest of the Enroget civilization.

At this point, it is impossible for the supreme emperor of the empire to mention this kind of thing.

Later, human civilization revealed its true name, and the Silicon Alliance also believed that it was a rare carbon-silicon composite civilization.

The same goes for the information the Empire holds.

But after they actually met, they suddenly discovered a problem.

Silicon-based, how can there be silicon-based organisms in TMD?

A pure carbon-based civilization!


A carbon-based civilization has mastered such high-end computer technology, and can even pass the first-generation test of the Silicon-based Alliance...

Compared with the subsequent information, the above information is just a small shock.

Human civilization has not only mastered the dimension-enhancing technology, but also mastered the dimension-reducing technology possessed by low-dimensional creatures!

They're even willing to share it publicly!

Damn it!

And such good things! ! !

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, the supreme emperor of the empire would even want to use some foul language!

Damn, what the hell are you looking for in a fourth-dimensional hole?

If I had known this, the Imperial Fleet should have turned around and rushed back to the Laniakea Super Galaxy Cluster!

The supreme emperor of the empire carefully picked up a hard disk in front of him, and for a moment he felt a little regretful.

According to the chief scientist of human civilization, this optical hard drive contains all observational and experimental data related to four-dimensional cavitation!

Considering the huge differences in the technology trees of the two civilizations, the optical hard disk does not contain the dimension-enhancing technology mastered by human civilization.


Why not just transmit remotely?

As a saying goes, no matter how large the information transmission bandwidth is, it cannot compare to a truck full of hard drives.

The same is true in the interstellar era.

It would take at least ten days to convert the data in a hard disk into a remote transmission through tachyon communication!

He carefully put down the hard disk in his hand and cast a complicated look at another hard disk.

If the previous information shocked the empire, then the information in this hard disk was a complete shock.

"The origin of the Pastoral School, and the annihilation plan..."

"What do you think?"

The Supreme Emperor of the Empire looked at several imperial scientists beside him and asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, we need some time to analyze the data in the hard disk." Facing the emperor's gaze, an imperial academy of sciences said hesitantly, "But from the words of the chief human scientist just now..."

"Although I don't want to admit it, this is probably true."


In silence, there was an extremely slight tremor on the deck of the shuttle ship-the shuttle ship had returned to the interior of the imperial flagship.

"Immediately conduct a comprehensive analysis of the data on these two optical disks."

"Dimensional upgrading technology is listed as the highest priority research task of the Imperial Academy of Sciences."

"About the information of the Pastoral School..."

"After confirming its authenticity, I will apply for the fifth Supreme Conference of the Neutral School."

ps: Thank you for the great certification sent by Beijiuzhizhi!

Thank you, big guy! Big guy is awesome!!

Good news, I finally got a chapter out...

Bad news, the update at 12 o'clock tonight may still only have one chapter.

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