[Warning! ]

[All shipborne drones are offline! ]

[Zero-point furnace has entered overload state! ]

[Dark matter stabilization field generator has entered overload state! ]


In the holographic projection, lines of blood-red warning messages kept flashing.

With the energy supply of a large number of dimensional creatures, the assimilation power of the two-dimensional starry sky giant painting gradually exceeded the output power of the dark matter stabilization field!

The two-dimensional starry sky is advancing towards the center little by little.

The outermost shipborne drone group has long become a series of twisted lines.

At this moment, the dimensionality reduction attack has already come to the conventional warships in the sub-outer layer!

The firepower support from the rear of the human fleet is difficult to play a big role in front of this giant starry sky painting spanning a hundred light years, and can only slightly slow down its spread.

On the other side, the Tenth Empire and the neutral faction war zone.

"The flagship of human civilization is in crisis!!!"

Strong electromagnetic waves echoed in the huge flagship of the Tenth Empire: "Support! We must support human civilization!"

"What about the neutral faction?"

The emperor's expression sank slightly, and he quickly made a decision: "... I don't care about that! Fire suppression, try to leave the battlefield, and support human civilization!"

The moment the order was issued, the imperial fleet fired several rounds of fire, trying to suppress the dimensional creatures that continued to rush forward.

The effect was not significant.

These pastoral reinforcements obviously saw through the intentions of the Tenth Empire. They resisted the firepower of the imperial fleet and desperately dragged the Empire's steps back to help!

This chaotic battle situation made the emperor of the empire more and more anxious.

Faced with this super-large-scale dimensionality reduction attack, no one knows how long human civilization can hold on!

He cast his eyes on the edge of the Boötes Hollow.

It will take a long time for the neutral reinforcements to arrive.

Now in the Boötes Hollow, it seems that there is only one force left to help human civilization!


The Emperor of the Empire murmured in a low voice, casting his eyes on the Sweeper Fleet.

The Sweeper Fleet seemed to be shocked by this scene, and was still slowly retreating at this time - in their memory, the Pastoral School had never fought so hard!

Suddenly, the Emperor of the Empire seemed to have thought of something, and sent out a strong electromagnetic wave: "Sweepers! It's the Sweepers!"

"Quick! Send a tachyon broadcast to the Sweepers!"

"Tell them the true identity and purpose of the Pastoral School!"

The Emperor of the Empire believed that no civilization wanted the universe they were in to be destroyed!

Standing by and watching?

The fire had burned to his own door, and he didn't believe that the Sweepers could still hold their breath!

The strong tachyon signal whistled in the direction of the Sweeper Fleet.

It adopted a universal frequency band and universal analysis method, and it also came with a self-interpretation system.

There is no doubt that the Pastoral School civilization can also receive this information.

But at this moment, the Tenth Empire can no longer care about so much. Only by dragging the Sweeper Civilization into the battlefield can there be a chance of a turnaround in the war!

The bottom area of ​​the cosmic bubble.

[Membrane] Looking at the Boötes Void from afar, looking at the flagship of human civilization stuck in the quagmire, He breathed a sigh of relief.

A dimensionality reduction attack spanning a hundred light years…

In memory, this is the first time that the Pastoral School has used a dimensionality reduction attack of this scale.

That flagship is doomed.

He thought silently in his heart, and at the same time, he turned his attention to the tough hyperspace membrane again.

It's almost time, and this barrier will be broken soon!

Annihilation Plan…

A strong tachyon broadcast whistled in, interrupting His thoughts.


After a short silence, the five-dimensional space around Him shook violently!

[Damn it! Damn it! ! ]

[How could the annihilation plan be exposed? ! How could the Tenth Empire know our identity? ! ]

[Four-dimensional bubble? Could it be that there are still relics of the mother civilization in the four-dimensional bubble? ! ]

[Damn it! ! ]

[Stop the Tenth Empire immediately! ! 】

Soon, the response of the Sweeper Civilization roared in with the same frequency band.

[I need evidence. ]

The response was simple, and the Sweeper Fleet did not stop retreating.

Obviously, they did not believe the message sent by the Tenth Empire.

[Vacuum zero-point energy! The large-scale extraction of vacuum zero-point energy will make the universe lose the energy to expand, thus causing the universe to collapse! ]

[The annihilation plan of the Pastoral School is to make the positive and negative universes annihilate, so as to obtain the energy to make up for the deficit and reshape the universe! ]

The Tenth Empire quickly sent a message, and even attached a map of anti-cosmic microwave background radiation drawn by Lv Yongchang.

But the Sweeper Fleet still did not stop retreating.

[The hidden dangers of vacuum zero-point energy have long been clearly recognized within the civilization. ]

[The reason why we built the ring universe accelerator is to avoid this disaster that is bound to come. ]

[It is the anti-universe view you proposed... This is indeed a sufficiently novel theory, and our Academy of Sciences will establish it as a new research project. 】

【But these are not enough to prove that the Pastoral Sect came from another universe, let alone the Pastoral Sect's annihilation plan. 】

The Emperor of the Empire looked at the information in front of him and couldn't help feeling a little tired.

As the Sweeper Civilization said, the fundamental reason why the Pastoral Sect's Fifth Supreme Conference has not yet produced any results is also the same!

The dimensional creatures of the Pastoral School attacked more fiercely, and even had some desperate posture when attacking the human fleet.

A large number of dimensional creatures gathered and besieged the fleet of the Tenth Empire-it was obvious that they did not want the Tenth Empire to continue talking!

This scene made the Sweeper Fleet stop retreating.

At this time, a tachyon signal came from the human war zone.

[Sweeper civilization, this is human civilization. ]

[There is enough evidence in our flagship to prove everything. ]

[I believe you also know that the leader of the Pastoral School has never appeared so far. ]

[Its predecessor was the Trojan civilization from another universe. ]

[According to the interpretation of the Academy of Human Civilization, we believe that it has reached the threshold of the ninth-level civilization. ]

[It should be a five-dimensional creature at present. ]

It is not enough to stop until it is shocking!

The tachyon information sent by human civilization directly shocked the entire battlefield!


It is the entire universe!

Needless to say, the reaction of the Pastoral Faction was that a large number of dimensional creatures gave up the attack on the neutral faction and the fleet of the Tenth Empire, and turned to rush towards the flagship of human civilization!

This scene was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, directly dispelling the last bit of hesitation in the heart of the Sweeper Civilization.


The fluctuations of the four-dimensional jump instantly emerged on the battlefield, and the Quark Fortress and Black Hole Fortress of the Sweeper Civilization disappeared in the visible universe!

When they appeared again, they were already near the human war zone!

[Human Civilization! ]

[I hope you can come up with convincing enough evidence! ]

ps: Thank you for the great god certification sent by Xiao Taixuan!

Thank you big guy! !

About the updates in the past few days.

The ending is really difficult to write. In the past few days, I will sort out the plot later, so there may be fewer updates.

When the final plot is sorted out (think about how to fill the pit), I can update more.

Think about it from another angle. You don't want to be stuck at the end.JPG

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