Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 963 Support from the Sweepers

Without waiting for the human fleet to respond, the planetary fortresses of the Sweeper civilization crashed into the two-dimensional starry sky.

They did not ascend to the fourth dimension, but entered the battle in a normal state!

Gravitational shield, lifted!

Incredibly powerful gravitational fluctuations came from around these planetary fortresses!

Some planetary fortresses released gravity comparable to that of quark stars!

And other planetary fortresses have turned into deep "black holes"!

The gravity around it is so huge that even light cannot escape!

Just ask, thousands of quark stars and small black holes are running back and forth within a hundred light years. How powerful is this?

Now, human civilization is completely clear.

The originally flat starry sky painting has a lot of wrinkles at this moment!

The gravity from the three-dimensional space easily crosses the gap between dimensions and acts on the two-dimensional space.

This extremely chaotic and powerful gravity simply and roughly disrupts the internal structure of the giant starry sky painting!

Inside [Earth].

Looking at the starry sky scroll in the holographic projection, which was wrinkled and even began to distort, Lv Yongchang's eyes were full of horror.

"Quark Star!"

"How much dense material did the Sweeper Civilization use to build these planetary fortresses?!"

In theory, for the flexibility of starships, dense materials are usually only used on the surface armor of starships.

But these planetary fortresses in front of him obviously did not adopt this conventional manufacturing concept.

Lv Yongchang had reason to suspect that more than 50% of the volume of these planetary fortresses was filled with dense quark materials.

This is just a quark fortress!

For those black hole fortresses that have turned into deep black holes, the proportion of dense materials in the planetary fortresses will only be more terrifying!

Even certain means must be used to increase the degree of space distortion around themselves!

Only in this way can these black hole fortresses create this kind of "black hole" effect!

Lv Yongchang looked at the observation data and real-time images in the projection with amazement.

Although these quark fortresses and black hole fortresses are extremely expensive to manufacture, the combat power they demonstrate is indeed worth the price!

Under the technology similar to the dark matter stabilization field, it is difficult for the two-dimensional starry sky to carry out dimensionality reduction attacks on the quark fortresses and black hole fortresses, and they can only let them travel back and forth, destroying their internal structures!

In just over ten minutes, the pressure on the [Earth] has been greatly reduced, and it even has excess energy to implement dimensional assimilation of the surrounding two-dimensional starry sky!


Pastoral dimensional creatures coming to support?

Do you really think that the quark fortresses and black hole fortresses of the Sweeper Fleet are vegetarians?

Let alone the Sweeper Fleet, the human flagships that have escaped from the predicament are enough for those dimensional creatures to drink a pot!

An hour later.

With the joint efforts of the Sweeper Fleet and the Human Fleet, this giant starry sky painting spanning a hundred light years finally fell apart.

The broken giant painting of the starry sky slowly dissipated in the three-dimensional universe, turning into a turbulent particle storm, adding strength to the growth of the Boötes Hollow Nebula.

[Earth] slowly traveled through the pile of dissipating two-dimensional fragments and headed towards the neutral faction war zone not far away.

An inconspicuous two-dimensional fragment slowly floated in the starry sky and fell into a half-destroyed [Golden Crow] battleship.

After [Earth] completely left, a small shadow appeared on the deck of the battleship, like a stain that could not be removed.

The shadow moved rapidly along the deck and drilled into the interior of the [Golden Crow] battleship that was basically declared dead.

More than ten minutes later.

A faint light flashed in the central computer cabin of the [Golden Crow] battleship, and then returned to darkness again.

Similar scenes are not uncommon.

After the human fleet left, a small part of the two-dimensional fragments were attached to the relatively intact wreckage of the battleship, forming patches of stain-like patterns.

When the sweepers, neutrals and human civilization temporarily formed a united front, the pastoral faction finally stopped its extremely crazy offensive.

These dimensional creatures seemed to have received some orders and began to slowly retreat, pulling away from the three forces.

But they did not leave completely, but stayed at the edge of the Boötes hole, as if waiting for some opportunity.

Let’s not talk about what the other two forces think, at least human civilization is very happy to see such a scene.

In the human civilization base area behind the battlefield, the zero-point energy well array and nearby factories are running at full power to replenish troops for the possible war that may happen next.

At the same time, the construction of the ten-light-year-level tachyon computer has officially begun.

Time is on the side of human civilization.

Neutral faction war zone.

Warships of different styles gathered in this slightly chaotic star field-according to the requirements of human civilization, the "talks" will be held in the neutral faction war zone.

The dense quark armor on the surface of the Earth was still as bright as new. Surrounded by ten Chiyou fortresses, it slowly drove to the center of the neutral faction's war zone.

According to the previous agreement, human civilization needs to provide evidence sufficient to prove its identity as a pastoral civilization.

This is also the only chance for human civilization to pull the Sweeper civilization into a united front.

Under the watchful eyes of the neutral civilization, the Tenth Empire, and the Sweeper civilization, the side port gate of the Earth slowly opened, and a large transport ship drove out of it and headed towards the public research platform in the distance.

The tachyon signal echoed in the neutral faction war zone.

[In the year 15510 of the Earth calendar, human civilization discovered a four-dimensional bubble structure in the Shapley Supercluster and mastered the technology of dimensional upgrading with the help of the four-dimensional bubble. ]

[The scale of the four-dimensional bubble is about 100 light years, and there are a large number of star systems inside it. ]

[From the state of these stars, it can be seen that the four-dimensional bubble has experienced an extremely long time...]

Before the introduction was over, the Sweeper civilization sent a tachyon message, interrupting the words of human civilization: [Wait! Are you sure that the scale of the four-dimensional bubble has reached 100 light years? ! ]

[Of course. ] Lv Yongchang, who was on the Earth, gave an affirmative answer and asked back: [Isn't the four-dimensional bubble you discovered like this? ]

[...less than one light year. ]

Looking at the text in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but fall into silence.

No wonder the Sweeper civilization did not discover the truth about the Pastoral School from the four-dimensional bubble.

A four-dimensional bubble with a size of less than one light year... can't even contain a star system!

He skipped this topic and continued to introduce.

[In these four-dimensional star systems, we found a large number of relics left by advanced civilizations. ]

[Subsequent research showed that these relics belonged to an advanced civilization called Troy. ]

[Human civilization obtained a still-working information recording device from the relics, which recorded the history of Troy civilization. ]

[Although there is no direct evidence, through various descriptions in it, we believe that Troy civilization has an extremely close connection with the Pastoral School, and may even be the leader of the Pastoral School! ]

The moment the voice fell, the large transport ship had already stopped on the public research platform built by human civilization.

A four-dimensional hypercube device heavily protected by the dark matter stabilization field was clearly presented to all advanced civilizations!

ps: The plot is roughly straightened out, and two updates will be resumed tomorrow.

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