Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 980 Blood debt must be paid with blood!

Boots Nebula.

The moment the order was issued, hundreds of billions of warships broke free from the dense nebula material like a swarm of locusts, and took the initiative to greet those dimensional creatures coming from afar.

Human civilization has just been promoted to the ninth level of civilization, and the five-dimensional theory and five-dimensional attack methods have just passed the experiment.

It takes a certain amount of time for all kinds of theories to be transformed into real combat power.

This is the "promotion vacuum period" that every civilization will experience.

But for human civilization...

On the one hand, the huge number of warships makes up for this defect well.

Among the hundreds of billions of warships, the number of [Huangdi] and [Chiyou] planetary fortresses is at least more than 100 million!

Putting aside other things, these 100 million planetary fortresses alone are enough to deal with those pastoral dimensional creatures!

On the other hand...

Can human civilization with Zero and Lu Yongchang be called a regular civilization?

After the successful voyage of the [Jiaolong] five-dimensional shuttle, under the control of Zero, the production line of the space factory has begun to upgrade and transform.

It won’t be long before a black hole-class starship equipped with brand-new weapons and equipment will be born in the space factory of human civilization!

If the vacuum period of conventional civilization lasts for hundreds or thousands of years, then the vacuum period of human civilization may only be a few months!

Earth calendar 15935.

The junction of the Bootes Nebula and the Shapley Nebula.

Dense wormholes appeared simultaneously in the magnificent nebula material, turning the originally calm nebula into a mess.

One by one, dimensional creatures kept drilling out of it.

Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million!

The army is approaching!

The first wave of offensive launched by the Pastoral School consisted of one million dimensional creatures!

The continuous war with the Sweeper Civilization has greatly consumed the Pastoral School’s manpower.

Now, the entire Pastoral School is probably left with less than five million dimensional creatures.

Just when these dimensional creatures were about to vent their resentment of repeatedly hitting a wall on the side of the sweeper civilization, the planetary fortresses that were silently waiting in the surrounding nebula gave them a blow.

When looking at the densely packed silver-white "planets" around them, which looked like they were carved out of the same mold, each dimensional creature realized the problem.

Something is wrong!

It is definitely wrong!

The number of planetary fortresses sent by human civilization is more than that of the idyllic dimensional creatures!

How to fight this? !

Before they could react, the planetary fortresses that had been waiting for a long time had already started to move!

Gravitational shield, lifted!

Dimension upgrade!

Jump in!

This group of four-dimensional planetary fortresses composed of dense quark fortresses crashed into the formation of dimensional creatures in an unreasonable way.

Just a face-to-face encounter, the chaotic gravitational fluctuations tore apart a large number of low-dimensional creatures.

Fragmented one-dimensional threads and two-dimensional fragments float in the universe, and are gradually upgraded under the assimilation of three-dimensional space.

[Escape! Escape! ]

[This is a trap! ! ]

Wide-area tachyon broadcasts are sent from the edge of the Bootes Nebula and are transmitted rapidly towards the end of the universe.


Is it too late?


Inside the Bootes Nebula.

Hundreds of thousands of "freshly baked" black hole-class [Star Pickers] slowly drove out of the space factory area of ​​the human fleet.

During the journey, they began to upgrade!

Four-dimensional... five-dimensional!

The moment the five-dimensional engine started, these hundreds of thousands of [Star Pickers] completely disappeared in the visible universe.

The next moment.

The figures of these hundreds of thousands of [Star Pickers] appeared outside the universe bubble in the five-dimensional space.

Just like the [membrane] at the beginning.

With the support of zero computing power, the [Star Pickers] moved forward very smoothly along the fluctuating universe bubble.

The huge galaxies are as small as grains of sand on the huge cosmic bubble.

The powerful gravitational force emanates from the [Star Picker], covering the "gravel" on the cosmic bubble accurately.

As the energy output power begins to increase steadily, the cosmic bubble near the "gravel" begins to fluctuate, and the "gravel" on the surface of the cosmic bubble also "moves" with it!


Three-dimensional universe.

The junction of the Shapley Supercluster and the Hercules Supercluster.

The second batch of reinforcements of the Pastoral School has completed the final gathering - a full 1.5 million dimensional creatures gathered at the junction of the two superclusters.

With the efforts of a large number of four-dimensional creatures, super-large wormholes are being generated one by one in the empty universe.

As long as the order is given, these 1.5 million dimensional creatures will swarm into the wormhole to support the front battlefield!


[Escape! Escape quickly! ! ! ]

[This is a trap! ! ! ! 】

Strong tachyon signals came from the Bootes Nebula.

Those were the "last words" from the first dimensional creatures!

Escape? Trap?

Just as these dimensional creatures were in confusion and confusion, the originally peaceful starry sky changed unknowingly.

The Shapley Supercluster and the Hercules Supercluster on both sides suddenly disappeared in the visible universe.

All dimensional creatures discovered this strange scene.

【Where are the Shapley Supercluster and the Hercules Supercluster? 】

【Disappeared? 】

【How could a supercluster disappear out of thin air? ! 】

【What happened? What on earth happened? ! 】

A faint panic slowly spread among the second batch of reinforcements of the Pastoral Sect.

Just as they were confused, a terrifying space-time fluctuation roared in!

No! Not disappearing!

[Supercluster... is coming! ! ! ]

[Escape! Escape quickly! ! ! ]

The heart-wrenching tachyon information echoed in the starry sky, like a burning fuse, completely igniting the panic within the Pastoral Sect!

The movement of supercluster driven by the movement of cosmic bubbles, like curvature navigation, has a movement speed far exceeding the speed of light!

The double-team attack formed by the two superclusters has a strike range of billions of light years!


Where to escape? Can you escape?

Boom! ! !

The two huge superclusters collided fiercely!

The powerful gravitational fluctuations were like a bright light, directly illuminating the entire universe!

Galaxies of different sizes collided with each other, and black hole jets that could be called death rays were everywhere!

1.5 million pastoral dimensional creatures completely disappeared in the powerful and chaotic gravitational vortex.

This extremely magnificent scene completely shattered the psychological defenses of those dimensional creatures.

Cannot fight! Cannot fight at all!

This is no longer a civilization of the same level!

The dimensional creatures that were rushing to the front line from a very far distance turned around and fled in the direction away from the Bootes Nebula.

What a pity.

Lv Yongchang was not going to let these dimensional creatures go.

With the support of data from the cosmic monitoring detectors, tens of billions of conventional warships accurately chased those dimensional creatures that fled in panic!

Kill them all and leave no trouble behind!

PS: Thank you Xueruo who likes Jie Yuhua for the great god certification!

Thank you Yesha QAQ for the completion 666!

Thank you Edge Civilization Invincible for the great god certification!

Chapter 978 was modified to fill the pit of rebirth...I wrote it with a pig brain overload and forgot it all at once...

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