Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 981 The Changed Speed ​​of Light

At the same time.

Inside the Bootes Nebula, the original dimension research center.

The war between the human fleet and the pastoral dimension creatures could not attract the attention of Lv Yongchang and the academicians.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the huge holographic projection in front.

There, the latest research results of human civilization on [Source Theory] were being presented.

In the empty space, a huge black box was quietly suspended.

It was a standard cubic megastructure with a side length of 0.1 light years.

Compared with other megastructures of human civilization, the black box in front of us can be regarded as a gadget.

But in terms of technological content…

I am afraid that no technological creation in human civilization today can compare with this black box - this megastructure built based on [Source Theory] is the highest technological crystallization of human civilization!

The zero-point furnace inside the black box continuously increases the output power, supplying pure energy to the corresponding device along the energy path.

In the center of the black box is an absolutely closed area.

In order to isolate all external interference, Lv Yongchang even used microcosm technology here - after mastering the means of communication through the hyperspace membrane, even a closed microcosm can transmit information.

Inside the microcosm in the central area of ​​the black box, a beam of light was flying quietly and slowly.



Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief, and his previously tense nerves also relaxed a little.

His voice was like a signal, making the originally quiet research center noisy again.

"Miracle! Professor, this is really a miracle!"

He Bilin's exclamation came from the side: "We have successfully rewritten the speed of light in vacuum!"


Lv Yongchang stared at the string of parameters in the holographic projection, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Yes, starting from the [Source Theory], making corresponding fine-tuning of the "foundation of the universe", you can rewrite the unbreakable constants and laws!

Controlling the laws of the universe, this is the real means of the ninth-level civilization!

Not only physical constants and physical laws, but even mathematical laws can become weapons in the hands of humans! !

Just when all the academicians were immersed in joy, a message with a yellow warning sign automatically popped up in front of Lv Yongchang.


After seeing the text above clearly, the smile on Lv Yongchang's face instantly disappeared.


He Bilin on the side cast a questioning look at him.

"There is a problem with the universe."

Lv Yongchang solemnly projected the warning message in front of him onto the huge projection of the research center: "According to the data sent back by the cosmic monitoring detector, the cosmic bubble has stopped expanding."

"Everyone, the sequelae of vacuum zero-point energy have begun to appear."

"In addition, there is even worse news."

"When [Star Picker] was performing the supercluster traction mission, it was discovered that the stability of the hyperspace membrane in the bottom area of ​​the cosmic bubble had dropped to the warning value."

"In other words, [Branch]'s annihilation plan will soon be realized!"

These two pieces of news, like a bolt from the blue, made all the academicians fall into silence.

The joy brought by the success of the light speed rewriting experiment was also completely dispersed by these two bad news.

"Now, we have two paths to choose from."

Lv Yongchang slowly stood up from his seat and looked around.

"The first path."

"The current human civilization has mastered the five-dimensional navigation technology."

"We can just leave and leave this shabby universe to the pastoralists and sweepers, and let them mess around!"

"As long as we find a suitable universe like the pastoralists, we can return to normal life again."

The atmosphere in the research center became heavier.

Fang Xu looked gloomy, with a bitter smile on his face.

"What if we can't find it?" He couldn't help but ask.

Lv Yongchang looked gloomy and didn't respond to Fang Xu's question.

The answer seems obvious.

It's different from before.

If we lose the earth and the solar system, there are thousands of star systems in the universe to choose from.

If we lose the Milky Way, there are also thousands of galaxies in the universe to choose from.

Even if we lose the Laniakea Supercluster, there are still many substitutes in the universe.

But the universe is different!

A universe whose rules and constants meet the requirements of human civilization is likely to be unique.

This can be seen in the experiment of rewriting the speed of light constant - any change in the parameters of the zero singular point and the one-dimensional string will lead to a huge change in the final result.

In different universes, the speed of light can be 30 meters per second or 30 million kilometers per second.

Everything depends only on the small parameter change when the universe was born.

Unless human civilization has the ability to go to a parallel universe, or imitates the original [Trojan civilization] to transform itself, otherwise...

After losing the universe, human civilization may be lost forever in the vast five-dimensional space.

Fang Xu fell into silence.

This road seems to require no price, but in fact, its price is probably the highest!

"The second way."

"Restart the cosmic war!"

Lu Yongchang's voice sounded again: "Go to the bottom area of ​​the cosmic bubble and eliminate the leader of the pastoral faction, [membrane]!"

"Terminate the so-called annihilation plan from the root, and then we will find another solution to the collapse of the universe."

"After all, the other party is a five-dimensional creature."

"Even, the other party may have touched the threshold of the ninth-level civilization."

"This may be an extremely difficult war, which means a lot of sacrifices."

"And we may not find a suitable solution..."

"Professor, I choose the second one!" He Bilin interrupted Lv Yongchang's unfinished words.

"The second one!"

"The second one! I don't want to continue wandering..."


Listening to the voices coming from all around, Lv Yongchang took a deep breath.

"Zero, start a referendum for all mankind."

"Voting time, 24 hours."

Then, under the gaze of all academicians, Lv Yongchang took the lead in casting his vote in the holographic projection in front of him.


Twenty-four hours passed quickly.

Under Zero's statistics, the final voting results were announced to all humans.

More than 95% of humans chose the latter option!


Restart the war! !

ps: Thanks to Yiwu Mengling for sending the ending 666!

Thanks to Dongzi 丿野 Salted Fish One for sending the ending 666!

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