[Insect Spray] x5 (After use, it can dispel wild and weak spirits, so that they dare not approach, and lasts for 1 hour)

[Golden Banana Fruit] x3 (Elves can effectively calm their emotions after eating)

[Shining Charm] x1 (Greatly increases the attractiveness of the Flash Spirit when worn)

Things are as good as ever, especially the Shining Charm that attracts the Sparkling Elves.

Although his elves are very strong and numerous, due to the particularity of the system, no matter how many elves he gets, he only needs to hang up in this background, and he can grow up very quickly.

Powerful elves are naturally more than every.

Chen Qian simply ate breakfast and began to watch the video of the audition in his room.

If it is a well-known player, as long as you take out your mobile phone to search for keywords, you can immediately find his game video, which is convenient.

Know yourself and know your opponent, and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles.

There are still ninety-nine potential enemies left, and anyone can become an opponent in the next battle, but there are only a handful of people who really interest Chen Gan.

Although there are many strong players, compared with him, a player who has opened a hanging, the rest of the players are still a little worse after all.

Among the many competitions, Chen Qian has been watching the afternoon, and the strongest one that makes him feel is Fang Shixin, who makes him feel unpleasant.

This person's strength is indeed strong enough, and even the temperament of the whole person is 093 elegant and easy-going, and the corners of his mouth have been slightly raised during the battle, with a strategic smile.

Command calmly and calmly.

From the beginning of the game to the successful promotion to the top 100, only one elf was sent out, and every game was solved very easily.

After watching the video of the game, Chen Qian knew that it was not just because of good luck, although there were a few opponents in Fang Shixin's game whose strength was really not strong, he was worn three at will.

But he has also encountered a few strong opponents such as Chang Yu, but those people are also the same as Chang Yu, under his powerful elves, there is no resistance.

"Something is wrong with this man. "

After watching all the videos, Qian's evaluation of Fang Shixin became more firm.

His eyes are very cold when he plays, not only at his opponents, but also at the referees, and even when he faces everyone, his eyes are extremely cold.

But when I saw myself, I had to take the initiative to post it.

If this Fang Shixin was a little girl, Chen Qian would not have any doubts, after all, he had absolute confidence in his appearance.

But it's a pity that Fang Shi (CGAD) is not a little girl, but an extremely cold man.

Although he has been laughing, the cold eyes that are unintentionally revealed, and the temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away, obviously can't be fake.

"What is his purpose in approaching me?"

It's just that the only thing that Chen Qian doesn't understand is why this Fang Shixin is close to him.

From the information given by Wu Hulie, it can be seen that the background of Shixin is very clean, and the clean here does not mean blank, but really clean.

It's like the grandson of a certain heavenly king.

In layman's terms, the political trial was completely passed without any flaws.

But for this point, Chen Qian is actually Huai.

Even the top may have problems, but it is just a Fang Shixin, who can guarantee his absolute innocence?

However, Chen Qian is not a character who breaks the casserole and asks to the end, if you don't know, you don't know, and one day you will know.

The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth.

There's nothing you can't get over.

During the three days of rest, Chen Qian stayed in the hotel all the time and hardly went out.

During this period, he received a call from Mr. Wu, saying that he had left Shencheng, and said with a smile that he would go to fight for a golden medal for him this time.

Chen Qian thanked with a smile, in fact, he didn't have too much extravagance, if it was really so easy to get, then the old man wouldn't say to fight for it.

Since it is very difficult to obtain, there is naturally no need to expect too much.

As for the silver medal, Chen Gan didn't have any idea at all, he already had one, even if there was one more, the preferential treatment he had already received would not be able to become a double one.

Three days passed in a flash, and in a blink of an eye, it was already the evening before the start of the game.

Most of the players who entered the top 100 had difficulty sleeping tonight, tossing and turning in familiar places many times, and they couldn't sleep at all.

The first match of the first day is especially important because a win can move up a full fifty places in the rankings. And most people still have a lot of pressure in their hearts, knowing that they can't compete for the championship or even just the quarterfinals.

Then this first round of the game is very important, if you are lucky to draw an opponent who is weaker than yourself, you can go out and brag louder in the future, after all, the top 50 sounds much higher than the top 100.

And the reason why most people can't sleep is not because of this, everyone is worried that they will meet a player of Chen Qian's level in the first round.

If you meet Chen Qian in the first round, then the top 100 stoppers will become a sightseeing competition.

However, Chen Qian slept very steadily, and the strong always had no fear.

Early the next morning, the warm glimmer dispelled the cold of the night and returned the warmth of the earth, so Chen Qian got up early and walked towards the competition venue.

After three days, the average level of the elves held by Chen Qian had increased by one level.

Electric Dragon Level: 77

Scorpio King Level: 75

Lucario Rank, 72

[Soroark] Level: 72

[Giant Golden Monster] Level: 72

Charizard Level: 64

Geng Ghost Level: 64

Divine Beasts:

Ladios Level: 75

Latias Level: 76

Darkrai Rank: 87


After so many days, Darkrai's level has finally been raised by one level,

Coupled with the twelve magical candies in Chen Qian's hand, there was only one level left before he was at the full level of Darkrai.

In other words, in a few days, Chen Qian will have a spirit at level 100.

And that is, it has only been two months since Chen Qian's debut.

With such a speed of improvement, even the most eye-catching genius in the world today has to be ashamed of himself in front of him.

Even hide your face and cry!

Not long after Chen Qian entered the venue, the draw had been completed for the first game.

In today's first game, Fang Shixin faced a girl in her early twenties, and the girl was high-spirited and serious.

The momentum is not inferior to the man at all. _

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