Chen Qian squinted his eyes and smiled as he watched the game on the stage.

Fang Shixin sent out a level 67 Fierce Bite Land Shark, which was also the elf he had always released in the auditions, and the only elf he used.

【Fierce Bite Land Shark】

Rating: 67

Attributes: Dragon, ground

Trait: Bloodthirsty (Falls into a berserk state after being injured, greatly increases strength and speed)

Potential: S+


A very powerful elf, it is no wonder that Fang Shixin was able to rely on it all the way without failing once.

The elf on the other side is much weaker, but it's a -54 pumpkin monster.

The girl also knew the gap between herself and Fang Shixin, but she was not intimidated at all, and took the lead in ordering: "Pumpkin Monster uses a seed machine gun!"

Hearing this, the pumpkin monster quickly released a large number of seeds and attacked the fierce bite land shark not far away, and the hard bullets were like real bullets, and they could smash a small crater when they fell on the ground.

Fang Shixin commanded calmly and indifferently: "Dragon's swoop." "

The Fierce Bite Land Shark opened its proud wings into scythes, its wingspan reaching nearly three meters, and its feet kicked hard, like a rocket being launched, and then rushed down.

The Bite Land Shark swooped down so fast that its scythe turned into the wings of a fighter jet and slammed into the pumpkin monster.

The pumpkin monster didn't have time to dodge and was knocked out.

The pumpkin monster, who already had a slight gap in strength, was not the opponent of the fierce bite land shark at all, and after just one face, he had already fallen to the ground, obviously losing his combat effectiveness.

And Fang Shixin easily won the first game.

The Fierce Bite Land Shark didn't end up after winning.

Obviously, Fang Shixin intends to continue the playing style of the previous auditions, intending to let the fierce bite land shark complete the feat of wearing three.

Some people even boldly speculated whether he wanted to use the elf to wear three every game.

The gold content of the top 100 competition far exceeds the audition, after all, the previous competition was just an audition, and the show has only really started now, and those who can enter the top 100 are already the strongest of the strong.

If this is the case, you can still complete the feat of wearing three, and you will definitely be famous.

The girl was not annoyed, took back the pumpkin monster, waited for the referee to announce the start of the second game, and then released her second elf.

It is a large bird that also exceeds level 60 and reaches level 61.

Obviously, the strength of the fierce bite land shark made the girl have to send out the most powerful elf she intends to use for the finale.

"Don't be attacked by it, move to distance yourself, catch the whirlwind knife and slash in the air. "

The girl is not really a weakling, even if she has already lost a game, she ordered in an orderly manner.

Dabi immediately used the signal to move, quickly retreated, and instantly widened the distance between himself and the fierce bite land shark.

Tabi Bird is an elf who is extremely good at speed, and after using high-speed movement, the speed can even exceed Mach 3 at a certain moment.

When it was far enough away, it flapped its huge wings and sent out a whirlwind of wind towards the fierce land shark.

The whirlwind-like blade surrounded the Fierce Bite Land Shark, cutting through the ground beneath its feet, but unfortunately it didn't hurt the Fierce Bite Land Shark in the slightest.

Immediately after that, the air slash that was able to cut through the air was also dodged by the fierce bite land shark.

Fang Shixin's face was calm, a coldness was released in his eyes, and he ordered: "Use a sandstorm, and then attack at will." "

He has absolute confidence in his elves, especially in the face of this kind of Tabi, which is not very strong.

Just gave an order to let the Fierce Bite Land Shark attack freely, and the Fierce Bite Land Shark quickly approached the Dabi Bird while quickly approaching the mountain capital.

The sharp whirlwind knife didn't cut through its tough skin, but it dodged it all one by one.

At the same time, the fierce bite land shark used a sandstorm, and suddenly a sandstorm was raised throughout the field, and in an instant, the clean feathers on the bird's body were stained with a thick layer of sand.

The bird flails its wings violently, trying to shake off the thick layer of sand on its body, but since it is used, it cannot be cracked so easily.

At this time, not only did Dabi Bird lose his bearings, but the girl in charge of the command was also a little unable to see what was happening in the sandstorm center, and she couldn't make timely and effective commands at all.

······· Asking for flowers0··

At this moment, the sturdy body of the fierce biting land shark rushed over like a ghost, biting the wings of the Tabi bird.

Use the flame teeth at the same time as the lower mouth so that the teeth are covered by a blazing flame.


The bird let out a terrible scream, apparently inflicting a heavy blow on it.

The fierce bite land shark relied on its much larger size than the bird, and unreasonably held the body of the big bird and smashed it to the ground.

There was a loud roar.

The ground was smashed directly out of a large crater.

However, instead of continuing to attack, the Fierce Bite Land Shark let go of its mouth.

The sandstorm slowly fell silent, and the dust and smoke had cleared.


Dabi was lying in a large pit, in a coma, and the feathers on his left wing were charred and blackened, apparently burned.

There are also black blood stains that have congealed, and it is obvious that this station is not lightly injured.

In the third game, the girl directly chose to admit defeat.

Along the way, some of her elves were already injured and couldn't continue fighting, and besides, her strongest Dabi Bird had already been defeated.

Naturally, she had no reason to continue to persevere.

The strong one-three in the first game brought the enthusiasm of watching the game to the highest level at once.

Although I think the girl lost a little miserably, but to watch the game, isn't it for a tense and exciting battle?

With the strong strength to force the feat of one through three, this game is truly spectacular.

Fang Shixin stood on the stage and looked at Chen Gan, Chen Qian did not dodge to look at him, but because he was sitting, he looked up a little.

However, Chen Qian didn't care about this.

But Fang Shixin smiled slightly, and he didn't know if it was a kind smile, but he still enjoyed the feeling of looking down on Chen Qian.

The second game did not start until after the end of the first game.

Although there are fewer players now, and the venue is enough for everyone to fight at the same time, it is obviously impossible for the Top 100 to be like this.

You have to think about the audience who bought the tickets.

And I don't know if it's an accident, the two sides of the second game actually have Chen Qian.

And Chen Gan's opponent is not a weak third. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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