"Trick: Psychic power, call, shadow clone, teleportation."

Seeing this, Zhang Feng also had to sigh, as expected of an elf with the qualifications to be a champion, he would move instantly as soon as he was born.


Standing on the table, Lalu Lasi shouted cheerfully, and waved her hands to get close to Zhang Feng, because the first thing she saw at birth was... Zhang Feng, and it should take Zhang Feng as its own. Mother.

Zhang Feng also smiled, and gently hugged Lalu Lassi, Lalu Lasi was a little envious of Liu Menghan who was watching Zhang Feng's intimate look.

After teasing Lalu Lassi for a while, Zhang Feng also took out an empty pink love ball. It was a gift when he bought a bunch of Poke Balls before, and now it comes in handy.

"Lalulas, are you willing to be my elf?"

Zhang Feng put the love ball on the table with his right hand and said softly.


I saw that Lalula walked directly to the Poké Ball without any hesitation and touched it lightly, the Poke Ball opened, and a red light contained Lalu Lass in it.

The love ball symbolically shakes on the table three times, and it is also "deng"

With a bang, the subjugation was successful.

"The host elf has reached seven, please select the elf to put in the warehouse."

The sound of system mechanization sounded.


Zhang Feng replied without hesitation.

After all, Darkrai's speciality makes it unsuitable for any occasion.

110. Mage evolution stone, Lalu drawing

After Laluras hatched, Zhang Feng also spent a whole day with it. The little guy just arrived at this time and was full of curiosity about everything.

Therefore, Zhang Feng and the two women brought Lalu Lassi to the outskirts of Guchen Town to play.

Looking at the fairies playing around Laluras, Bibi: Bird, and the six-tailed elves, Zhang Feng, who was lying on the grass, felt more relaxed than ever.

At present, Lalulas has just been born, and the level is only 1.

, Zhang Feng was thinking about whether to give this little guy a special training or something.

A day has passed like this.

the next morning.

"Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng, get up for breakfast!"

Zhang Feng, who usually develops good work and rest habits in the wild, didn't get up today. Liu Menghan was a little strange, but she still came to Zhang Feng's room and called him.

The door opened, and I saw Zhang Feng still sleepy, with a... messy hair, and only wearing a sleeveless vest and a pair of shorts.

"What's the matter, Menghan"

Zhang Feng rubbed his eyes and asked suspiciously, as if he didn't feel anything wrong with his clothes.

"Then, that..., it's time for breakfast. Sister Mu has already ordered a meal downstairs, so hurry up and come down!"

After speaking, Liu Menghan blushed and fled directly, Zhang Feng was a little amused when he saw Liu Menghan's slightly embarrassed figure.

After closing the door, Zhang Feng also slowly put on his clothes. After washing up, he went downstairs with the laptop on the table.

"It's so late today, it's not like you! Can't you go to the gymnasium? It is said that the owner of the Guchen gymnasium is not generally strong, are you not interested?"

Xia Zhimu took a glass of milk and took a sip while speaking to Zhang Feng who had just sat down. From her point of view, Zhang Feng's elf was very interested in fighting.

When Liu Menghan looked at Zhang Feng, there was a tinge of redness on her cheeks, as if she hadn't recovered from what happened in Zhang Feng's room just now.

Zhang Feng unconcernedly opened his laptop, picked up a piece of bread from the dining table and nibbled at it and said, "The gym battle may take a while, so let's talk about it then!"

Seeing Zhang Feng's reaction, Xia Zhimu was a little surprised. Looking at Zhang Feng who was still working on her computer, Xia Zhimu asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Find an opponent for my Lalulas!"

Zhang Feng continued to type while speaking.

"Why? It's only been born for a day, and the battle of the elves is about to begin."

Xia Zhimu rolled her eyes, she thought that Zhang Feng had changed, but she didn't expect to hit the newly born Lalulas.

Zhang Feng ignored Xia Zhimu. In his opinion, he had great potential. Naturally, he had to build the foundation from an early age, and its level was currently too low. Compared with Zhang Feng's other elves, it was far behind. "Then what are you going to do?"

Han looked at Zhang Feng and spoke softly.

"Come on, look at this!"

Zhang Feng placed the laptop screen, and to put it bluntly, there were only two choices for Lalu Drawing to level up.

First of all... It is to rely on Zhang Feng's system ability to detect the wild elf group to challenge Laluras.

The second is what Zhang Feng is currently thinking, just like the one in the anime... the beasts make Xiao Ming, set up a ring match, after all, the elves have more experience in the elves than the wild elves.

Zhang Feng entered the Elf Forum and clicked on the post he uploaded last night that has been pinned to the top today.

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