"This is.……"

The two women also looked at the post on the computer with surprise.

[Trainer Zhang Feng is in Guchen Town, at 10:1 in the morning, there is a ring competition in Fossil Park. There is a limit of [-] trainers to challenge each day. One elf can be used in each game, and both sides of the battle are limited to [-] elf level.


】 "This is the special training you prepared for Laluras in the ring competition"

Xia Zhimu was a little surprised, co-author Zhang Feng got up so late today because he was working on that... battle post yesterday! "Almost"

Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Although you are famous now, how can those... powerful trainers have time to be your sparring coaches?"

Xia Zhimu immediately pointed out the problem of Zhang Feng's battle post.

"Don't panic, keep watching!"

Zhang Feng flipped through the computer page.

Seeing the content behind, Xia Zhimu was stunned.

It is clearly written on the computer that the trainer who defeats Zhang Feng will get a set of evolution stone of the giant horn bee.

"Do you really want to use the evolution stone as a reward?"

Xia Zhimu's tone of voice was a little hurried.

This is an evolution stone, how precious is it? Basically, it is a treasure that hundreds of millions of Huaxia coins may not be able to buy.

As we all know, the evolution stone is a kind of evolution stone that contains special energy that can make a specific elf undergo super-evolution for a short time, and each super-evolved elf can usher in a surge in strength.

And Zhang Feng's evolution stone also happens to be the evolution stone of one of the most common elves, the giant needle bee, so trainers don't have to worry about getting the evolution stone but not being able to catch a matching elf.

It is no exaggeration to say that a set of evolution stones for quasi-god biting the land shark is much less popular than the evolution stone of the giant needle bee. After all, it is too difficult to have a quasi-god elf.

"Yes, in order to find some better opponents for Lalulas."

Zhang Feng said with a smile, he didn't want to give people evolution stones, but when he was playing with Lalu Lasi yesterday, he discovered Lalu Lasi's special potential as a shining elf. It has strong superpowers. It's a bit too much, the level is only 1.

Level 1 Luras actually trapped Liu Menghan with her mind power level [-].

2nd grade six tails.

This is also the reason why Zhang Feng dared to use the Big Needle Bee Evolution Stone as a reward for the game, and he also set the opponent's elf level, I believe that Lalu Lasi will not be difficult to face.

Sure enough, the charm of the evolution stone is huge, and there are also a lot of comments at the back of the post.

"Zhang Feng is awesome, evolution stone, I have not made a fortune"

"You're thinking too much, Zhang Feng is number one on the Heavenly King Potential List, and you want to steal the treasure from him"

"Don't panic, didn't you see Zhang Feng say that the level of elves is limited to 12? That means Zhang Feng's ace, the fast dragon, and the shining fairy elf must not be able to play, our chance will come."

"Don't say it, I have already bought a ticket to Guchen City."

"It's too cunning upstairs, count me in."

Zhang Feng was a little ashamed after seeing the [-] comments. Although he knew that the evolution stone was very attractive, he did not expect it to be so exaggerated.

Fortunately, Lalu Lasi's leveling has been settled, and Zhang Feng is also full of expectations for the quality of the upcoming trainers.

111. The ring match, the first battle of Laluras

After the meal, the three of them immediately went to the Fossil Park in Guchen City. On the way, Xia Zhimu was still there: talking and complaining about Zhang Feng's prodigal family, although she knew that Zhang Feng was very strong in battle, but she knew that Zhang Feng was only able to fight this time. Get ready for Lula Ruth to fight.

This decision, in Xia Zhimu's eyes, is completely tantamount to giving the evolution stone of the giant needle bee to someone else.

After all, the newly-born Lalulas doesn't talk about combat power first, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't have any battle experience at all, and the tacit understanding with Zhang Feng is also a big problem.

With the attractiveness of the evolution stone, the trainer who comes here will definitely not be weak.

At 99:3, the three people [-] arrived on time, and the people waiting here in the battle park have already drained the water around the Guchen Fossil Park! Of course, they are not all challengers, more of them are watching the fun and do not meet the conditions , or some tourists who originally played in the park.

This is the first day of the ring competition, and all the trainers who want to come here will definitely not come.

As the initiator of the post, Zhang Feng was noticed as soon as he arrived, not to mention the continuous challenge to the various avenues in Huaxia, which gave him a very high reputation. In addition, he ranked first in the Huaxia King Potential List. He has a lot of fans, and as soon as he arrives at the park he is recognized by the trainer.

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. I believe that everyone is here for the evolution stone of the giant needle bee. Let me see who is qualified to take this reward from me!"

Zhang Feng didn't say much nonsense, and was ready to fight! "Don't grab it, this evolution stone is mine."

"It's a pity that my opponent didn't draw me on the first day."

"God Zhang Feng, do your best, don't be defeated on the first day."

For a time, the entire Fossil Park suddenly became lively, and the voice that Zhang Feng should not lose too quickly was also heard.

In their opinion, limit the level of elf to 1.

If Zhang Feng was active in the battles of various avenues before... If the main elves couldn't play, then Zhang Feng would not be so scary.

After all, even if you are a Heavenly King-level trainer, commanding a novice elf may have more tactics than an ordinary person, but it won't be much stronger.

"Then let's get started. The ten trainers selected will appear in order:"

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