Looking at the collapsed Bangira... Evolution fainted, Gu Dao looked at Zhang Feng, and then at Kuailong, looking a little helpless. He was going to defeat Zhang Feng who was giving him the badge, but he didn't expect him The evolved Bangira was still defeated by him.

Zhang Feng was also relieved. In the final stage of the head-to-head confrontation, even Zhang Feng was not sure that Kuailong would definitely win, and in the end Kuailong resisted the pressure with perseverance.

"Young man, you are strong, this is your badge."

Gudao also gave the gray rock badge to Zhang Feng.

After taking the rock badge and putting it in the badge box, the number of badges in Zhang Feng's badge box has reached 6, and if there are two more 2 badges, he can participate in the qualifying round of this year's China World Championship.

Another surprise also came with the sound of the system sound.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rock badge, the plot is activated, and the permission to open the map Yantuo Volcano is obtained."

"Smoke Volcano."

Hearing the voice of the system, Zhang Feng also revealed a hint of surprise. It seems that the dungeons rewarded by the system this time are most likely related to the fire attribute divine beast.

"Congratulations, Zhang Feng, for defeating the master of the ancient Taoist pavilion."

Liu Menghan, who walked to the battle arena, opened his mouth and said, and then the others also agreed.

"Young man, are you interested in going to the fossil cave with me tomorrow?"

Looking at Zhang Feng, Gu Dao said with a smile.

"Fossil Cave"

Zhang Feng turned around and looked at Gudao who had invited him with a little doubt.

"You are one of the few challengers who still beat me with all my strength. As a reward, there will be a batch of newly mined fossils tomorrow. You can go with me. How about I let you pick one and revive it for you?"

Gu Dao said word by word, without concealing his appreciation for Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng naturally agreed, and why not give away the fossil elves for free.

Then, everyone also left Guchen Gym, while Heechul and Celine bid farewell to Zhang Feng and continued to challenge Gym in the next city.

Li Yun also bid farewell to Liu Menghan and left at Xiao Tian's urging, not to mention that she was not used to the misunderstanding that Zhang Feng was staying together.

In the hotel room, Zhang Feng was also sitting on the bed, and directly clicked on the system to enter the dungeon interface, and the dungeon that lit up at this time was "The Secret Garden of Water Capital Odomare"

And the just opened "Smoke Tut Volcano"

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng chose to enter the Shuidu dungeon.

"The dungeon of the secret garden of Aldo Mare, the water capital, is activated, the host gets one entry, and the host can only capture one elf from the dungeon and visualize it."

"The teleportation starts after the countdown of 10 seconds! As the countdown ended, Zhang Feng's eyes darkened, and the field in front of him changed. Before he could react, a beautiful island city came into view.

Odo Mare is a beautiful water city. It is built in the most impossible place to build a city - the sea. The style of Odo Mare is always inseparable from "water".

With the clear waves flowing in the winding water lane, she is like a romantic dream floating on the blue waves.

Even Zhang Feng had to admit the beauty here, but he didn't come here to appreciate the beauty.

Zhang Feng came to Aldo Mare's port and threw the Poke Ball directly.


White light flashed, and the petite Kirulian appeared.

"Chirulian, use your super power to scan the surroundings to see if there is anything unusual!"

Zhang Feng said to Chirulian.

Zhang Feng guessed that the dungeon mythical beast this time is probably......the patron saints of the water capital, Latias and Ladios, for...this pair of brothers and sisters who like to hide themselves with superpowers, Zhang Feng chose to use the same superpowers. Ability Kirullian to search for them.

"Chiru Chiru"

Chirullian closed her eyes, her body exuding super power waves and began to detect the surroundings.

After a while, Chirulian opened his eyes and pointed his right finger in a direction. Seeing this, Zhang Feng directly summoned the fast dragon, jumped on the back of the fast dragon and headed towards the direction Chirulian pointed.

After flying for a while, Zhang Feng found a girl with a few pigtails on the ground, playing with a big butterfly on a small bridge.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng directly withdrew Chirulian who was floating beside him using his superpower, and motioned for the fast dragon to land beside the girl.

You must know that it is impossible for humans to appear in Zhang Feng's system space, and all encounters are elves, and there is only one possibility for the girl who suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Feng's eyes, and that is... the younger sister who has transformed into a human form. , Latias.

Seeing Zhang Feng coming beside her, the girl chuckled and walked straight to the other side of the bridge. She took a few steps and looked back at Zhang Feng, as if she was signaling him to follow.

Zhang Feng followed without hesitation, and Kuailong also followed behind him.

After bending over several rivers, Zhang Feng followed the girl into a dark alley, which was a dead end.

Then, the girl transformed by Latias went straight into the wall, and Zhang Feng hesitated for a second and followed his moves.

At the other end of the space, there is a secret garden with beautiful environment and beautiful scenery.


Two slightly ethereal whispers sounded, and two elves, one blue and one red, floated in the air, looking at Zhang Feng curiously.

These are two elves who are almost identical except for the color...they are small, with streamlined bodies and feathers, like two jet planes.

"Latias and Latios, both of them are there"

Zhang Feng was a little surprised when he saw the scene in front of him. To be honest, this was the first time that two divine beasts appeared at the same time in a system copy.

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