The problem that comes with it is that the system restricts the elves that can be embodied in the outside world, but one copy is limited to one, which means... If he captures two at the same time, he can only get one of them.

Just when Zhang Feng was still: when he was troubled, the red sister Latias once again transformed into a girly form, and approached Zhang Feng, who was thinking, with a cute expression on her face.

Looking at the girl's delicate face, Zhang Feng is also rarely a little confused.

"Hey, that..., Latias, I want to make you my companion, you say, okay?"

Zhang Feng thought about it for a while and then opened his mouth. In comparison, Zhang Feng still chose Latias. As for the reason, it is impossible to say.

129. The battle of the beasts, Zeraora vs Latios


The younger sister Latios, who turned into a girl, didn't react, but her older brother Latios in mid-air assumed a fighting stance.

"Are you saying that if you win, you are qualified to take care of Latias?"

Zhang Feng looked at Latios in midair and said with a gentle expression.

At this time, Latias also reverted to the elf form, flew to Zhang Feng's side, and gently rubbed his head against Zhang Feng's face, it seemed to like the person he just met in Shuicheng today.

"Human, you can take my sister away, but you must defeat me first."

A young male voice sounded in Zhang Feng's mind, obviously Latios used telepathy.

Divine beasts generally have the ability of telepathy, that is, they can communicate directly with humans and overcome the barriers of language barriers.

"Latias, do you want to travel with me?"

Zhang Feng touched the forehead of Latias beside him and said softly.

"Travel together, travel together, hee hee, fun."

A light female voice sounded, and Latias happily flew around Zhang Feng and landed on Zhang Feng's side again.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng also nodded, took out the Poke Ball, looked at Latios in the air, and shouted, "Come and fight, Latios."

White light flashed, and Zeraora's figure appeared.


Latios looked at Zeraora with a wary expression on his face, and was very afraid of... the power fluctuations faintly coming from it.

"Claws, Zeraora."

Zeraora let out a soft cry, and the attack and hit rate also improved a lot after sharpening the claws.

At this time, Zeraora's figure was stagnant, and when Zhang Feng looked at Latios in mid-air, he could see its eyes flashing with blue superpower light.

"Zeraora, break free."

Zhang Feng also ordered without hesitation.

As the blue patterns on Zeraora's body flickered, the next second, Zeraora was enveloped by a powerful electric current, and at the same time, this electric current also cut off Latios's psychic power.

"Zeraora, Plasma Lightning Fist."

Zhang Feng ordered Zeraora without hesitation when he saw that he had regained his mobility.

The blue electric light of Zeraola's whole body instantly converged on its fists, a golden flash, and the next second plasma lightning punch had slammed into Latios' back. It is said that Zeraola's maximum movement speed is not inferior. at the speed of lightning.

Latios also tried hard to dodge, but Zeraora's blow was too fast, and it was still hit in the back.

Thanks to the terrifying physical strength of the beast.

Dios endured the pain and tried to distance himself from Zeraora immediately. If he continued to be attacked by Zeraora at such a close range, it would be fixed.

"Zeraora, use the chop now"

Seeing that the impact of the Plasma Lightning Fist on Latios was not too great, Zhang Feng was not disappointed, but continued to command Zeraora to attack.

Zhang Feng must take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, after all, the divine beast's resilience is amazing, and with Latios' resilience, a plasma lightning punch is not a big enough threat to it.

Zeraora watched Latios flying high into the sky with a sharp white light flashing on his right claw, and his body floated up with the help of the electromagnetic field and bounced directly towards Latios.


Looking at Zeraora who was getting closer, Latios let out a soft cry, and his claws flashed blue light. Since Zeraora was chasing after him, Latios naturally chose to fight back, after all. Zeraora's speed in the air is not as terrifying as it is on the ground, but Latios in the sky is like a duck to water.

Cleave and Dragon Claw head-on collision.

After the force collided, the two elves were bounced off by the shock force at the same time.

"Nice attack power, Latios."

Zhang Feng looked at the situation in mid-air and said with a chuckle, he was not surprised that the two sides were comparable in strength, after all, Zeraora was not a divine beast known for its strength.

"Zeraora, put a hundred thousand volts on Latios."

Zhang Feng continued to attack Latios.

Zeraora saw the lightning gathered in both palms, and in an instant, an electric shock slammed into Latios, and at the same moment, Latios propped up a golden wall of light around him.

"Wall of light to weaken Zeraora's attack?"

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