"I want to pay 250 million!"

As Shen Jiayi's voice fell, the audience's voices of price increases came one after another. The elves with purple qualifications are expected to be cultivated to the level of heavenly kings. Even the giant stinger bees have attracted many bids.

"Zhang Feng, this time your movement is too big, is your organization going to be established?"

Xia Zhimu's beautiful eyes flickered slightly when she saw the people on the first and second floors who were making frequent bids. There was no doubt that Zhang Feng could obtain a terrifying wealth in this auction, and Xia Zhimu also knew why Zhang Feng needed the money.

Hearing Xia Zhimu speak so easily about the organization, Shangguan Wan'er also looked at Zhang Feng with beautiful eyes.

"Well, this is just the beginning!"

Zhang Feng did not refute, but continued to watch the people who were bidding below.

In the end, this purple-qualified giant needle bee was also bought by a wealthy businessman at a price of [-] million.

And Zhang Feng also found that few of the forces on the second floor participated in the bidding, and there was no one on the third floor. Obviously, the big needle bees were not very attractive to them.

"Next, there is the second lot please!"

Under the guidance of Shen Jiayi, the atmosphere of the venue also reached a climax, and even many wealthy businessmen took pictures with money far exceeding the value of the auction in order to make Shen Jiayi smile.

Zhang Feng had originally prepared a few purple aptitude elves, and they were basically encountered in Tokiwa Forest, and soon they were all auctioned off.

At this time, the accumulated amount also exceeded Zhang Feng's expectations, and it has reached 13 billion, which is not far from Zhang Feng's purchase of the island.

Next, the Xia family also took out some treasures to polish the auction, such as dragon scales, metal coating, first strike claws, nest balls, and tranquil bells. After all, Zhang Feng's auction items were too bright. Other items must also be of sufficient quality.

And the scope of use of the secret treasure will be smaller, it can be said to be critical to... those who need it, but it is worthless to those who don't need it.

Although there were fewer bidders, they were all sold at high prices.

And so far, none of the VIPs on the third floor have participated in the auction. Obviously, they are... coming for two Heavenly King-level elves, and they don't want to waste their chips for other items.

210、The power that is just around the corner

Hanlin City, Xia Family Auction.

"The following is the twenty-second lot, goblin, scales, and the starting price is 200 million."

At the scene, the bidding of , was still going on, Zhang Feng looked around, and some people in the VIP seats on the third floor had even begun to close their eyes, apparently not very interested in... the auction at this moment.

During this time, Xia Zhimu and Shangguan Wan'er also got along very well, and they looked like good sisters, which made Zhang Feng have to sigh.

In the end, this fairy and scales were also photographed by a water-based gym owner.

At this time, Shen Jiayi on the high platform of the auction glanced at the VIPs on the second and third floors, smiled slightly, and shouted, "Dear VIPs, we are going to invite the finale of this auction. I believe everyone will spare no effort. It is for them that they have come from afar."

Shen Jiayi's clear and high-pitched voice rang throughout the audience, and for a while, the person who was still drowsy also opened his eyes and sat up straight.

"Finally, it's coming. I don't know what the price of the king-level elf can be."

Behind Zhang Feng, Shangguan Wan'er also spoke first. In her opinion, Zhang Feng wants to set up an organization, and the money needed to maintain a powerful organization is not a small amount. Naturally, she also hopes that these two elves can be sold for a high price.

"Below, there is the first king-level elf, the cross-shaped bat!"

As Shen Jiayi's voice sounded, the attribute panel of the cross-shaped bat on the electronic screen was also revealed.

"Fork Batwoman: Flight Department"

"Body type: 1.

8 "

"Talent: Purple Sky"

"Grade 1.


"Characteristic: The elf with the spiritual power and divine power characteristic will not fall into a flinching state, and it cannot be lifted by acquiring spiritual power....The existing flinching state"

"Trick: Cross: Venomous Ultrasonic Wave, Wing Attack, Strange Light, Air Blade, High Speed ​​Star, Venomous Fang, Dark Vision, Billion Shock Wave, Evil Wave."

Looking at the attributes and detailed information of the bat, a heated discussion began on the first floor and the second floor, and even a small number of the VIPs on the third floor showed interest.

"I'm going, it's really a king-level elf, the level is as high as: 1...


"And no matter what...

Is it the characteristics of the elf, or its unique trick configuration is very good!"

"This forked bat actually has waves of evil and billions of shock waves, it's worth taking pictures."


"Why, didn't you say that the king-level spirit is your target? You won't participate in the auction of this cross-shaped bat?"

Glancing at the excited crowd, Zhang Feng saw Xia Zibat's uninterested look again, and asked with great interest.

"Cut, the elf you can take out for auction doesn't have much potential."

"I originally didn't have any.

But my dad told me to take pictures of the dream demon!"

Xia Zhimu replied a little helplessly, obviously he had been traveling with Zhang Feng for a while, and he was still clear about... Zhang Feng's character.

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