The aptitude of the elf he cultivated with his heart must be excellent, and what he can put up for auction must be something that he despises.

Although these two are Heavenly King-level elves, they are only purple aptitudes. After entering the Heavenly King-level, their upgrades will become very difficult. If they don't encounter any adventures, their upper limit is basically here. .

Xia Zhimu clearly knew the value of these two elves in Zhang Feng's heart, but her father didn't see it that way. His father looked at the problem from the perspective of a family.

And the elf of the heavenly king level has a price and no market, and if you can buy it with money, it's not a loss.

"I believe everyone has seen the strength of this cross-shaped bat, and I will not waste your time!"

"A fork-shaped bat with the strength of the Heavenly King, with purple qualifications, the starting price is [-] million, and the increase shall not be less than [-] million each time!"

Shen Jiayi's voice sounded, and instantly there was an uproar in the venue, obviously frightened by this terrifying starting price.

"A group of cowards, heavenly king-level elves, the starting price of [-] million is not normal."

"Chicken heart, 1 million [-]!"

At the VIP seat on the third floor, a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows shouted at the woman behind him, "woman, immediately enter the number and raise the electronic card in his hand.

"Shancai City, Chi Family, bidding 1 million [-], is there any... to bid!"

Shen Jiayi also spoke excitedly, and at the same time was slightly surprised, with such a price increase, I am afraid that this Heavenly King-level bat can sell for a sky-high price.

Seeing that there was a bid for the VIP seat on the third floor, Zhang Feng also looked over.

"His name is Akashi, the Heavenly King-level trainer of the Chi family in Huancai City, and he is also a senior member of the Chi family."

At this time, Shangguan Wan'er also spoke from behind Zhang Feng. She had also done her homework for this auction. She had checked the background of the coming big forces without any omission.

Even the Bi family, who were disguised as wealthy businessmen and mixed in the VIP room on the second floor, was discovered by her.

"The Chi family, the Symphony City is... besides the Siruf Company, the biggest force, there are people in their family who also serve in the Elf Association, and their power is not small."

At this time, Xia Zhimu also spoke up. Obviously, as the little princess of the Xia family's first chamber of commerce, she knew more than Shangguan Wan'er.


Zhang Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man of the Chi family.

"Akaji, 1 million [-]! The elf who won the king level is too beautiful to think!"

"Our Yun family made [-] million."

At this time, a cloudy voice sounded in the VIP room on the third floor.

"The Yun family in Huancai City, although the family strength is much weaker than the Chi family, but it is related to the Siruf Company by marriage, and it is their young family owner, Yun Yifeng."

Shangguan Wan'er continued to talk to Zhang Feng.

"Although the Yun family is not very good, the strength of Siruf Corporation is unfathomable. My father said that Siruf Corporation may only be a little weaker than the Elf Association."

Xia Zhimu followed suit.

Hearing Xia Zhimu's words, Zhang Feng also showed a slightly surprised look on his face.

He knew that all Poke Balls were made by Siruf Corporation, and their strength must be very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

You must know that the Elf Association is the official force of China, and the strength of a family company is so strong that it can almost challenge the official. It is indeed a bit exaggerated.

211. Shocked, the best configuration

In the same way, having such an in-law family is also the reason why the Yun family dares to challenge the Chi family, who is much stronger than their own.

"I can't believe that Siruff has such strength."

Zhang Feng spoke slowly.

"Heh, the young head of the Yun family is desperately pursuing the daughter of the ruler of the Siruf Company!"

Xia Zhimu also said in a more sarcastic tone, obviously very annoying.

The young head of the Yun family.

While the three of them were discussing, the auction price also soared to 3 billion, which almost reached the accumulated amount of those...purple aptitude elves that Zhang Feng auctioned before.

At this time, the two sides of the competition also became the Yun family and the Chi family, and the people sent by the Elf Association also did not take action. Obviously, the Elf Association was not too interested in this cross-shaped bat.

In the same way, the contestants on the first and second floors were almost numb. Seeing that the VIPs on the third floor were competing for an increase in units of [-] million, they also understood that the elves who came over had nothing to do with them at all.

Even some powerful Heavenly King-level trainers who were not attached to their families gave up bidding.

For them, it is not easy to find an elf with good qualifications, and it is even more difficult to cultivate to the heavenly king level, but there is still a chance, so they can only give up the opportunity to directly own a heavenly king level elf this time.

"Kid Yun, give up! Your Yun family doesn't have the strength to compete with our Chi family!"

Akashi smiled and said to Yun Yifeng, who was at the VIP seat beside him.

The fundamental reason why the Yun family is not afraid of their bare family is that they have the support of Siruf Corporation, but when it comes to economic strength, the Yun family is absolutely impossible to compare with his bare family.

Sure enough, Yun Yifeng's expression changed when he heard Akashi's words.

"Hmph, 15 billion, this king-level cross-shaped bat is about to be ordered."

Seeing Akashi's contemptuous look, Yun Yifeng immediately became furious, and he spoke without thinking.

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