At this moment, when they heard this offer, everyone at the scene was stunned, and the old man behind Yun Yifeng turned pale, Yun Yifeng raised three hundred million at once.

The task given to them by the clan was to compete for the second Heavenly King-level elf, and the first cross-shaped bat did his best, but he found that his young master seemed to have lost his mind.

"Hehe, it's really a piece of shit. I was hooked by the people of the Chi family. In my opinion, the Chi family didn't want to continue to compete for this cross-shaped bat after the Yun family started bidding."

Looking at Yun Yifeng's blushing face, Xia Zhimu said in a flat tone.

"Haha, then I have to thank this Chi family."

Zhang Feng also said with a chuckle.

It is true that 13 billion can be said to be an ideal price based on the qualifications and strength of Zhang Feng's cross-shaped bat, but 15 billion is indeed a bit too much.

However, the harder they fought, the happier Zhang Feng became. Without any aggressive tactics, I believe that the cross-shaped bat would not be able to sell at this price.

Sure enough, seeing Yun Yifeng's open bid of 15 billion, Si clapped his hands and smiled complacently, "Young Master Yun really made a lot of money, this cross-shaped bat has a fate with you, so I won't argue."

"you, you, what do you mean"

As for Akashi's reaction, Yun Yifeng also pointed his finger at Akashi in disbelief.

Akashi didn't pay any attention to him! "Yun Family, Yun Yifeng bid 15 billion, this is the first time!"


"Yun Family, Yun Yifeng bid 15 billion, the third time!"

"Deal, the cross-shaped bat belongs to the Yun family!"

With Shen Jiayi's final decision, Yun Yifeng sat slumped on the chair. Obviously, winning the cross-shaped bat is worth celebrating, but it also proves that he has to withdraw from the next dream demon competition. Compared with the cunning and cunning Akashi, He was still too young.

On the first floor and the second floor, there were also a lot of sighs. Obviously, they are also very sighed at...

"Then, next, is the item that everyone is most looking forward to and the last item in this auction, the Heavenly King Class, the Dream Demon!"

"Look at the big screen!"

Following the clear female voice, the eyes of the audience followed the direction of Shen Jiayi's finger.

Similarly, on the third floor, Akashi, the old man of the Elf Association, Xia Zhimu all looked at the electronic screen, they were more concerned about... Dream Demons.

"Dream Demon Hero: Spirit Element"

"Body type: 0.



"Talent: Purple Sky"

"Grade 1.


"Characteristic: Pokémon with the floating ability will not be attacked by ground-type moves.


"Tricks: Strange Light Dark Vision, Pain Sharing, Shadow Ball, Death Song, Magic Flame, Power Gem, Hidden Spirit Assault, Spiritual Intent, Shadow Clone, Evil Wave, Dream Eater, Hypnosis."

When the data of the dream demon was displayed on the electronic screen, Zhang Feng saw that most of the VIPs on the third floor basically showed a satisfied look, except...the Yun family who had lost the opportunity to compete.

"This dream demon is not only a ghost-type elf, but it also has such a perfect match."

"The dream demon is indeed a lot stronger than the cross-shaped bat, and Zhang Feng is also willing to take out such a top-quality elf for auction."

For a while, all kinds of discussions were heard.

Akashi stared at the electronic screen, frowned, and said softly: "Although the aptitude is a bit poor, the skill configuration is perfect, and it is a rare ghost type, it is worth fighting for!"

Obviously, he was also moved by the Dream Demon, and for their big family, this Dream Demon was worthy of their cultivation.

On the other hand, Yun Yifeng's expression became even more ugly after seeing the data of the dream demon.

"Zhi Mu, it's your turn to take action! Be generous."

Zhang Feng also laughed lightly, and said to Xia Zhimu, who was beside him with twinkling eyes.

Zhang Feng was not surprised by the reactions of the crowd. You must know that this dream demon was in the dark forest, and Zhang Feng almost followed its path.

After returning to Hanlin City, Liu Menghan handed over the dream demon to Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng naturally took it as the final lot.

"Cut, you are too embarrassed to calculate our relationship."

Xia Zhimu rolled her eyes and complained.

But just like Zhang Feng said, she still has to contend... After all, this dream demon looks very good even in her eyes.

212, fierce competition, [-] billion

"The last item in this auction, the Purple Qualification, the Heavenly King-level Dream Demon, has a starting price of 25 million [-]. Likewise, the price increase must not be less than [-] million each time!"

Shen Jiayi's voice is soft and sweet.

"I'll give [-] million!"

Soon, the first person to hold a sign appeared, from the second floor.

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