"Yo that's interesting!"

Seeing the evolution of the giant stinger, Dakto also gave Heechul one more look.

"Big Stinger, Attack, Missile Stinger!"

"Lucario, the wave of the dragon."

Lucario's Dragon Wave was almost finished accumulating at the same time as Big Needle's Missile Needle, and the next second it fired at the opponent.

In mid-air, the white light hit the dragon's wave. This time, the dragon's wave only lasted for two seconds before it was completely dissipated by the needle bee. The power of attribute moves will also increase.

Dodging to avoid the missile needles attacking him, Lucario also had a hint of surprise in his eyes, the power of the giant needle bee suddenly increased, and it was a little caught off guard.

"Big stinger, poison attack!"

Seeing the large stinger bee occupying the top, Heechul immediately.

Without hesitation, he commanded the hornet to attack.

Hearing this, the big needle bee also instantly glowed with purple light, turning into a golden streamer, and swooped directly towards Lucario.

"So fast, dodge quickly, Lucario."

Seeing the action of the giant stinger, Daketo's face finally showed a trace of seriousness.

Lucario's reflexes were excellent, and when he sensed the attack of the giant stinger, he immediately turned sideways to avoid it.

However, Heechul's stinger attack was too fast, and Lucario's right arm was still rubbed by the poisonous blow.

Enduring the severe pain, Lucario also jumped back, trying to distance himself from the giant needle bee.

"Don't give it a chance to react, Big Stinger, pursue it maliciously."

Seeing that Lucario wanted to escape, Heechul hurriedly shouted.

Malicious pursuit means that if the opponent has already taken damage during this turn, the power of the move will be doubled.

The double needles glowed with black awns, and the speed of the big needle bee skyrocketed, directly catching up with Lucario and slamming it at it.

Lucario can defeat so many opponents in a row, there is no doubt about its strength, even in such a difficult situation, it still creates a blue bone rod to try to parry the attack of the giant stinger.


With a light sound, Lucario's bone rod shattered in response to Dakdo's shocked gaze, and the giant stinger's attack with a black glow still landed on Lucario's body.

Lucario was hit hard again, and finally lost his ability to fight.

When the referee announced that Lucario was incapacitated, the audience burst into applause.

229. Fire King, Yan Emperor

"Huh finally won, and now the two elves of Heechul have lost their fighting power, and Dakdo is only Lucario who has lost his fighting power."

"Heechul should still have a chance!"

Serena sitting beside Zhang Feng also let out a breath and said with a smile.

Heechul's strong performance also won the support of the audience, and the abuse of... Heechul also disappeared, and many audiences even cheered for Heechul.

Hearing Serena's words, Zhang Feng frowned and looked at Ductuo, who recovered Lukalio, but his expression did not change.

To be honest, Zhang Feng is not optimistic about Heechul, after all, it is not clear how powerful Dakoto is, but Heechul has already used the ace spirit.

Glancing at Heechul, Dakto also threw the Poké Ball directly, and the white light dissipated. When Dakdo's elf revealed the whole picture, the audience was completely shocked.

Orange hair, iron rings on strong limbs:.

Behind it is a mane that is as elegant as a white smoke cloud, under the smoke cloud, is a brown hair like a sharp blade, a red hexagram-shaped structure grows on the cheek, and a clover-like golden hair shell is embedded on the forehead. The elf is the Emperor Yan of the Three Holy Beasts.

I saw that Emperor Yan stepped on the flames and landed in the venue under the shocked eyes of everyone, looking majestic.

"Actually, it's actually Emperor Yan!"

"What kind of monster is Dakdo!"

"Dakdo actually has divine beasts, what kind of monsters are the young trainers now?"

The audience also went crazy.

Similarly, when he first saw Emperor Yan, Zhang Feng was also a little surprised, not because of Emperor Yan's strength, but because Emperor Yan and Sui Jun in the anime, Lei Huang was also the spokesperson for Emperor Feng, and it was almost impossible for humans to tame him.

But the world is so unequal one by one.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but complain.

Seeing Emperor Yan, Heechul's eyes also changed, but he, who had experienced a blow before, was obviously not in a mess...

"Sure enough, it's Emperor Yan! The children of today are really outstanding!"

Seeing Emperor Yan, Uncle Liu on the high platform also sighed slightly.

Sitting on the side, Du also looked thoughtfully at Dakto in the venue, and he seemed to have a little impression of Dakto.


With a roar, followed by a burst of heat, the Emperor Yan who appeared on the stage looked imposing.

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