"Emperor Yan, solve it, hot wind."

Dakoto also gave the order directly.

Hearing Dakto's voice, the flame energy in the Emperor Yan converged, and a burst of hot sparks swept away toward the giant needle bee.

"Stinger, Dangerous, Rising!"

Seeing Emperor Yan's actions, Heechul also hurriedly reminded with his pupils shrinking.

The big stinger was also aware of the attack of the Emperor Yan, and with a wing, it rose directly towards the sky at a high speed.

However, the scope of the hot air released by the fire-type divine beast Yandi is exaggerated. Although the giant stinger is extremely fast, it is still swept in by the hot air. on the wall.


Seeing this scene, the audience also took a breath of cold air, this level of hot wind is a bit scary.

"Big stinger, are you alright!"

Heechul hurriedly asked, looking at the scarred giant stinger on the ground.

The double needles supported the body, and the big needle bee also stood up again with perseverance.

The large needle bee with great strength and extremely fast physical strength is very weak, and the damage caused by Yandi's hot wind is too significant.

"Big Needle Bee, use the missile needle!"

Heechul's voice sounded, Big Stinger's physical strength was bottomed out, and he had to solve the battle as soon as possible.

The twin needles of the big needle bee flickered, and countless missile needles that shone with white light attacked Yandi at the same time.

"Emperor Yan, sharp stone attack!"

Dakoto shouted with a flat expression.

Immediately, Emperor Yan stomped his feet violently, and countless sharp stones appeared from the ground and shot at the giant needle bee.

The sharp stone also stopped all the missile needles of the giant needle bee.

Seeing this, Heechul gritted his teeth and continued to shout: "Big stinger, use billions of shock waves."

Ordinary attacks are difficult to take advantage of Yandi's hands, and to keep moving at a high speed, the stinger's stamina is also quickly lost, and Heechul is betting everything on this last blow.

The big needle bee raised its double needles, and the body was instantly wrapped in pink energy and attacked the Yandi who was on the ground.

"Emperor Yan, teach it a lesson! Charged flame attack!"

Dakdu waved his hands heavily and shouted.

Immediately, Emperor Yan let out a furious roar, covering his entire body with flames and rushing directly towards the Big Needle Bee.

In the audience's surprised eyes, in mid-air, pink energy and red energy collided.

After a stalemate for only a second, the pink energy that was protecting the giant needle bee was exhausted, and then, the giant needle bee was directly knocked out by the Emperor Yan.

"Big Stinger Bee!"

Following Heechul's eager cry, the big needle bee fell heavily to the ground, and at the same time the evolution was released... and directly lost the ability to fight.

"Big, the big stinger lost its ability to fight, and the winner is Emperor Yan."

After being stunned for a moment, the referee also hurriedly shouted.

Such a wonderful game, even the referee was a little ecstatic to watch.

"Alas! The game is over!"

Seeing that the giant needle bee lost its ability to fight, Zhang Feng also sighed and said.

This Yan Emperor of Dakdo is obviously much stronger than that Lucario, the divine beast is already rich in physical strength, and Heechul has already lost his trump card, the giant stinger, and it is only a matter of time before he is defeated.

After taking back the big stinger, Heechul touched the Poké Ball at his waist with the same expression, and saw the legendary Emperor Yan. He had no regrets at this Huaxia Conference.

And then, as Zhang Feng expected, Dakdo's Yan Emperor crushed all the elves that Heechul played next.

Since then, Daketo has also won the place in the top sixteen.

230, Shanaido vs Rogue Crocodile, Control Everything

After returning to the auditorium, Heechul also expressed to Zhang Feng and others with a relaxed expression that his China Conference was over, and he didn't look too sad.

Similarly, Sheba, who witnessed his son being eliminated from the high platform, was not too sad.

After all, it is rare for his son to regain his confidence and play such a wonderful game under the pressure of Dakoto.

Next, the game is still going on, but most of the audience at the scene are still immersed in the game between Dakdo and Heechul, and the evolution that is rarely seen and the handsome divine beast Entei left a deep impression on the audience. .

Soon, a red-haired boy from his own country, Akashi, also attracted Zhang Feng's attention.

Although the level of elves he played in was not high, his command and tactics were excellent, and his battles basically defeated his opponents easily and successfully advanced.

Zhang Feng also wrote down the name of Akashi! "After a fierce battle, it's finally the last match of the top 32 of the China Conference."

"We have invited both sides of the battle, Zhang Feng from Hanlin City and Liu Cheng from Izumo City to play!"

The host's high-pitched voice sounded.

The broadcast shouted Zhang Feng, and the audience cheered. Obviously, many people were looking forward to his battle.

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