Many powerful people stopped communicating. They vaguely felt that there was a huge secret hidden in it...

And then, when they probed with their spiritual thoughts, they faintly sensed that one after another What exactly does the ball of light mean? They were all silent! Then, the pot exploded.

The soul fluctuations of these powerful men trembled violently... Huge waves arose in his heart.

"From those thousands of rays of light, I sensed what the gods and Buddhas cultivated! But what is incredible is that although those Taoisms have the aura of the gods and Buddhas who were sacrificed by blood...but the Tao contained in each brilliance is far stronger than those cultivated by the gods and Buddhas themselves. In fact, there are many Taoist auras that surpass us!"

"Not a few ways... but most of them! We are powerful people who have lived from ancient times to the present... What on earth is this?"

"The three rays of light at the top of the sky... are so gorgeous and beautiful."Two, two, three" I just stared and fell directly into the state of enlightenment... I simply doubted that that was the Tao itself that I had been pursuing!"

"The light of those three paths...symbolizes the Buddha's way, the heaven's way, and the earth's way respectively...They obviously also have the charm of the Tathagata, the Jade Emperor, and Yama! It should have been cultivated by them... But the difference between the original Tao and the one manifested now cannot be calculated by reason.……"

"There is a big secret behind Wutian! There was a huge secret in that sacrifice... The peaceful scene at the scene... was simply not something he could create.……"

"Who can't see this? Can you say something useful?"

"I think...this is no longer a problem that Wutian can't solve! Even the way of heaven may not be able to do this kind of thing……"

"Yes, the Way of Heaven may be able to refine the avenues of dead gods and Buddhas, but can the Way of Heaven elevate the avenues of those dead gods and Buddhas to such an incredible level? The weakest path among them... I feel like it's not even weaker than me!"


It wasn’t just the ancient powers dormant throughout the world who were shocked. Those present at the scene, such as Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Yang Jian, Nezha, Chang'e, etc... also stared blankly at the thousands of lights on the celestial sphere.

Some people even entered the state of enlightenment just by looking at it, and then their aura began to soar, breaking the bottleneck easily.……

"What kind of monster are we... against?!" Sun Wukong almost groaned and said these words. Even though he was not afraid of anything, he was breaking out in cold sweat at this moment, completely soaking his clothes.

"Brother Monkey, why do you care so much? Remember it quickly!"Zhu Bajie used a special spell, and his round eyes were filled with brilliance. He stared at the dazzling brilliance above the sky, and there were even tears of blood falling from his pupils... However, he ignored it and didn't even have time to comprehend. Just blindly remembering.

The more he memorizes now, the wider his path will be in the future!

A harsh roar suddenly - the sky was shattered at this moment, as if a portal to other worlds had opened.

It was a world so brilliant that it cannot be described in words!

Above the sky, there was an ancient heaven hanging high, its glory surpassed that of the sun and the moon. The divine light shone on thirty million worlds.

On the earth, every tree stood tall with the sky and the earth, just like in the barbaric period. At the same time, each tree is engraved with the charm of Tao... No, where is the tree? It is clearly a high-quality spiritual material! Any one can be used to refine several spiritual treasures.The eyes of many ancient powerful men turned red at this moment. Their lips trembled, and their worldviews were shattered at this moment...

They were not shocked because those trees could be used to refine spiritual treasures... After all, each of them had They all have spiritual treasures, or even divine objects that surpass the character of spiritual treasures. After all, they have survived to this day in the wild ancient era and have a strong foundation...

But the key problem is that there are too many sacred trees on the other side. In other words, those sacred trees are on the other side. The world is just ordinary trees.

Ordinary trees can refine their extremely precious spiritual treasures... This is unacceptable to them! They even feel that they are like beggars entering the palace at this moment...

Suddenly, there is One after another, the ancient divine birds passed through the sky. Even though they were a world away, the powerful ones could clearly feel the sense of oppression... There is no doubt that the strength of those divine birds was not inferior to them at all...

But look The situation is that in another world, those magical birds are just the most common birds and beasts...

Wuzhuang Temple.

Zhen Yuanzi stared blankly at the extremely magical scene in the sky, especially the ones running all over the ground that completely turned into human shapes. Medicine King Ginseng...

After a brief silence, he stiffly turned his head and looked at the ginseng on his ginseng fruit tree... and showed a smile that was uglier than crying. How can this compare? The ginseng dolls opposite were as if they were alive......Although his ones look like human babies, they are just looks after all. They still have no breath of life and are just simple fruits..........

"What is going on in that world...Is that the world of gods?"Zhen Yuanzi murmured, as if he was in a dream,"I feel that comparing the heaven in our world with that world is just like the heaven versus the human world... No, the gap is much bigger than that. It's basically the heaven versus the underworld."

Gradually, Zhen Yuanzi's eyes turned red, and he grabbed his hair frantically,"How could there be such a world... And in that world, there is a heaven standing on the sky! So that’s it, is that world the real world of gods?"

"Could it be that we have been deceived all along? What we call the three realms has always been one world! Is the true heaven transcending the three realms?"

It's not just Zhen Yuanzi. All the powerful men and gods in heaven who saw that glorious world are doubting life, feeling that heaven is not heaven, and that heavenly world is the real heaven... Suddenly, a calm voice It came from another world. This voice seemed to contain endless majesty, and it seemed that it itself was the manifestation of Tao.

"Devout believers have no heaven, their sacrifices are meritorious, and they will be rewarded with thousands of years of Buddha power! Reward three thousand Buddhist baptisms!"

Just listening to these words, many living immortals naturally broke through. They shed tears at this moment, and even ignored the deep hatred between them and Wu Tian, ​​they fell directly on the ground and kowtowed to the sky....

They are kowtowing to the great road...Yes, the owner of that voice is already the ultimate pursuit of immortality in their eyes...4.7...Then the Tao itself! It is everything! The vast and gorgeous brilliance pours down from another world. , poured into Wutian's body suddenly.

Wutian's body trembled violently, and his breath soared geometrically at this moment.

What's even more terrifying is that thousands of light balls containing the Buddha's way in the sky are as if they are alive. Generally, they floated to Wutian's side and slowly rotated.

They did not merge into Wutian's body, but just rotating still made Wutian directly fall into the state of enlightenment! At this moment, Wutian was simply soaked in In the avenue! Even if he doesn't think about anything, he can advance at an extremely fast speed... Not to mention, he is trying his best to remember!

In just a few breaths, Wutian's aura has surpassed all the powerful people paying attention to this place. The imagination of the reader...

Some people even have a vague feeling that Wutian at this moment has transcended the three realms of heaven and earth!_Faloo reminds you: three things about reading-collect, recommend, and share!

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