But these people soon realized that it was more than just a feeling... because they saw the proof. That is Emperor Donghua and the Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng!

The bodies of the two men suddenly shook, and they collapsed softly on the ground. Then they looked around blankly, as if they didn't know why they suddenly appeared here.

Everyone who pays attention to this place can see that this is the way of heaven leaving their bodies! As a special mechanism, Tiandao evacuated independently... no longer targeting Wutian! Other than Wu Tian being detached, what other explanation is there?!

Finally, Wutian opened his eyes.

He just stood there calmly, not deliberately releasing his majesty. But the natural release of wisps of Qi made the three worlds tremble, as if they couldn't bear his presence and would collapse in the next moment.

After a short period of silence, the Buddha, who surpassed all the imaginations of the great powers in the world, knelt down respectfully on the ground and kowtowed to the vast heaven above.

His voice was trembling due to the forced suppression of emotions,"Thank God! Let me see the great road! Let me break free from the shackles of fate... let me transcend everything." At this moment, everyone seemed to feel a kind of emotion. A feeling of oppression that is difficult to describe in words.

In the depths of the chaotic heaven, there seems to be an unimaginable existence, casting its gaze over

"Another degraded world?"It seemed that everyone heard such a sigh.

Then, infinite chaotic light erupted.

A beautiful woman with a human body and a snake's tail walked out of the vast heavenly palace, broke through the barrier of the vast world, and came forcefully.

Almost everyone saw Everyone who saw the woman learned her identity in an instant...Nuwa! The Holy Mother of the human race.


The old mother Lishan stared blankly at the woman, her lips were trembling. How could it be? How could she do it? It felt like that person was Nuwa.

You know, she is essentially the incarnation of Nuwa! She was very sure that she was not the incarnation of the woman hanging high in the sky...

That was Nuwa, but she was not Nuwa either!

Mother Lishan's mind was in chaos. The only thing she was sure of was that the power of that woman was definitely not inferior to that of Nuwa.……

"By the decree of our Lord," Zhao Ling'er spread her hands, and the terrifying power of creation spread around her,"Return to the origin! Rebuild the ancient world!"

Each of these eight words contains immeasurable power and resonates with heaven and earth. Brilliant brilliance erupts from another world.

In that world, nearly ten thousand ancient trees rise out of thin air and cross the border. Stationed in various parts of the world after Journey to the West.

With nearly 10,000 sacred trees, coupled with Zhao Ling'er's law of creation and life, the spiritual energy of this world is revived at this moment, returning to the ancient wilderness! The concentration of spiritual energy is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye! The laws of. are no longer dry and difficult to name, but become pure.One after another, ancient caves and paradise burst out with beautiful luster. Those ancient great masters who once left a great reputation in this world no longer continue to lie dormant. All their immeasurable Taoist charms have descended on Lingshan. Most of the great masters clasped their fists and bowed deeply to the sky. After bowing, a few even knelt down on the ground and began to kowtow to the sky like other ordinary heavenly gods.

They are thanking that majestic existence! Thanks to him for reversing the trend of continuous decadence in this world...

Thanks to that extremely majestic existence, so that this world can accommodate their existence again... so that they don't have to be limited to the cave heaven and paradise opened by themselves...

Tens of thousands of great light It rose towards the sky and crashed into another world. The wind and clouds surged, and the divine shadow shattered.

After bringing everyone back to their senses, they discovered that there was nothing in the sky.

Without Nuwa, there are no thousands of avenues of light... and there is no such glorious divine realm!

After a long silence, someone finally spoke.

"Everyone!"Buddha Wutian clasped his hands together and scanned the crowd.

Wutian was extremely conflicted at this moment. He seemed like an ordinary middle-aged man, but he also had that kind of sacred charm wrapped around him... holy and evil The interweaving of heterogeneity, the superposition of the ordinary and the extraordinary... This is Wutian at this moment!

He is neither good nor evil.

Wutian smiled and glanced at the people present, watching their bodies tense up, watching them remember What, he was sweating because he was afraid of himself...

He smiled hoarsely and said gently,"Are you interested... in joining our Creation God Cult! Will you serve the supreme God and Lord with me?"

After a long period of silence, scattered voices of agreement rang out. Finally, they were intertwined and turned into the common will of the last immortals and gods in this world.……


In the realm of gods.

Su Han was sitting on the throne of the central heavenly palace. He waved his sleeves, and avenues of light rose up next to him.

"It’s harvest time!"Su Han sighed with emotion. In the next moment, all the thousands of brilliance were absorbed into Su Han's body.

However, Su Han soon discovered that something had changed in his body. Because among the thousands of avenues Many of the Tao actually merged with each other at this moment, and then became more complete.

Then, the merged Tao continued to merge with other Tao...

Yes, the number in his body is calculated by the thousands. The Great Way, the upper god level merges with the upper god level, and then sublimates to the god stage. The god and the god's great road merge, and then sublimates to a higher level……

"what is happening?"Su Han's heart stirred up huge waves.

Of course, although he was extremely shocked, he had an inexplicable feeling that this change would be of great benefit to himself, and if he thought about it, it seemed that he could separate all those paths......

It is precisely because of this that he quietly comprehended the integration and changes of these Tao.

Finally, all the Tao were accommodated into the sun and lunar yin. These two main Tao of Su Han sublimated to a kind of transformation at this moment. It was unimaginable. Maybe they had stepped into the realm of the God King with half a foot, or maybe they were already the Tao of the God King realm. 867

Then, the sun and the twelfth formally collided and merged.

Su Han's eyes suddenly expanded, and his mind A large amount of information emerged. He understood something, but seemed to understand nothing.

Su Han didn't know how long he was in this state of half-understanding. When he opened his eyes again, Infinite chaotic light was erupting all over his body!

Su Han lowered his head silently and stared at his palms. He knew that now he could truly be called... He is one, He is the whole, He is the Tao!He is everything

"All things are unified!"Su Han raised his hands, with chaotic light flashing on them,"Evolve Chaos!"

Su Han has realized what happened to him.

Wutian sacrificed almost all the gods and Buddhas in the three realms. Each of these gods and Buddhas symbolizes a certain way, and together they can almost be said to symbolize everything. The path.

Almost all the Tao in a world resonate with the main Tao of Sun and Taiyin in Su Han's body! They automatically split into two batches and merged into the Taiyin and Sun...

Then, the two Suns and Taiyins were sublimated from the extreme. The various avenues collided and fused! Chaos was born!

Su Han can now say that there are thousands of avenues, because he thinks that he can separate all these thousands of avenues...

But he can also say that he only has one path now! That is the Avenue of Chaos.

And... it is the Avenue of Chaos in the realm of the God-King!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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