Ye Hei:"……Damn it, can you do whatever you want if you have the strength?"

Wall-Facing Man:"I'm sorry! If you have the strength, you can really do whatever you want. What? Are you dissatisfied? If you don't obey, I'll push you to the ground and beat you until you obey."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"Shivering.jpg"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Of course, this is also the problem, because the Laoou area was conquered by strength! Therefore, our Creation God Cult has only taken over the Faith in God in name. In fact, those Cardinal-Cults and the like... are just smiling on the surface and having various calculations in their hearts. There are still many people who want to return their faith to God! Very messy."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"But there is nothing we can do about it. The goddesses have done everything they can. The next step is up to me... In other words, if all the goddesses have done what they should do, then what is the meaning of my existence?"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"And now, although there are many difficulties... But at least, I have held the hand of the king... I have obtained the right to the righteousness of Christianity, the most widely distributed church in the world... The righteousness is with me! I have the right to interpret the scriptures of the Creator God!"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"As long as I don't die, as long as I don't seek death, then I will be born invincible. Even if I simply do nothing and kill the older generation of Christians! Let this generation die... The next generation of Westerners will all accept the belief in the God of Creation from birth, not any God."

Wall-Facing Man:"Awesome!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Tesla is awesome."

Miaomushan Sage:"Although I don't know what you are talking this time, I just need to say awesome things."

Yue Worshiping Leader:"It's so true!"

Ye Hei:"I have said before that it is basically impossible for the kingdom of God to appear in modern society... because we want people from other countries in the world to all believe in one god! It's almost impossible, but now, after seeing the situation on Asing's side, I'm not sure anymore."

Ye Hei:"To be fair, if Ah Xing continues to follow this situation... in a few decades, it will almost certainly be possible to create a divine kingdom on earth. Crown yourself to the position of god!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I'm already thinking... Can I replicate all the operations of Ah Xing on my side?……"


Wall-facer:"Are you crazy? Do you really dare to do this? Even if your personal force is invincible, the Western official forces over there will probably grow mushrooms for you like crazy."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Yes Yeah, calm down! The World War II era is still completely different from modern time and space."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Okay. (Lost.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Originally, I was still thinking about whether this kind of big plan could be used Go and prevaricate Uncle Long and ask him to give me ten days and a half of leave to do some things... Then, you strangled my hope in the cradle... (crying bitterly.jpg)"

Gu Dazi:"Shocked! The West suffered a catastrophe... The reason was that this little girl wanted to skip classes?"

Yuan Dagu:"So, children control power beyond imagination! It is a very scary thing......Because they are still young, they can do anything without awe."

Ye Hei:"Well, this also shows that there is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​letting Chen Xiaoyu study hard from the beginning... Only how many Only by enduring severe beatings can you grow up at the fastest speed!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Wait a minute, Ye Hei, are you sure you are not talking about yourself?"

The Undead Evil King:"Liu Liuliu, you are getting seriously injured every moment. The future Emperor of Heaven."

Ye Hei:"Hmph, I have successfully healed my injury! Now, I have gone to block the gate of the Immortal Mountain. I have basically determined... the people who attacked me in the last wave are from the Immortal Mountain. The powerful people are planning behind the scenes."

Great Qin Zulong:"……Wait, if I remember correctly! There must have been many strong men looking for you in Immortal Mountain last time? And also invested in you?"

Ying Zheng's expression became solemn instantly.

Ye Hei:"Yes! This time those people came to mess with me... Immortal Mountain didn't even send me a message. Now it seems, haha, they are the ones we discussed last time, the kind of people who help me on the surface, but secretly want to kill me.……"

Ye Hei:"Hedge your bets...I asked them to hedge their bets! Today I will not be able to block the entrance to the Fairy Mountain and won't leave...I will make the dog forbidden area miserable. If they have the ability, they will come and fight me! Fighting at the same level I am invincible. If the older generation fights, everyone will die!"

The strongest man's deputy:"So, have you forgotten that you can be besieged by countless strong men of the same level?" The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"I It feels like something is going to happen to Little Yezi again this time! But it doesn’t matter. If he is beaten to death, he will be beaten to death, right? I believe he will not die. And even if the origin of being beaten is broken... God’s grace is immersed in his bones, It can also make him recover."

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Even if the grace bestowed by God this time is useless! Can Ye Hei sacrifice it again? In fact, I have always been curious why Ye Hei only sacrificed it twice.! To be fair, if I were Ye Hei, I would find that there are saints and strange beasts all over my place, and these guys would come to my door automatically, and I would drag them out for blood sacrifices every day!"

Su Han's eyes narrowed, He became interested. This question of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has actually been something he has always wondered about...

Ye Hei:"There is no way! The last time God sent down a divine favor, my strength increased by leaps and bounds... I directly stepped into the realm of saints. If I receive another divine favor this time, I'm afraid I didn't go directly to the Great Sage... I came here with the consciousness of killing myself! But after the killing, I ascended again? This is too weird."

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

Miaomushan Immortal:"……"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"?"

Liu Peiqiang:"So, you don't offer sacrifices because God's favor is too great?"

Prince Zhu:"God is angry! He said that he has remembered it, and he will never give you God's favor again if you sacrifice to him in the future."

Ye Hei:"No...I didn't say that either! Aren't I trying to stabilize the foundation? When it's stabilized, I'll go to the gods again...Ahem, and having said that, not offering sacrifices doesn't mean I'm against the gods. God is not loyal! Haven't I been trying my best to help God expand his faith recently?"

Ye Hei:"Since God last appeared, the number of people who believe in God... has exceeded 300 million.. And now it’s like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger... The number of people who believe in God is growing faster and faster every day... Now there are basically 30 million more people a day who believe in God!"

Peach Blossom Island Young Master Leader:"Awesome."

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"The total population here is only 10 to 20 million people! Damn! Now basically more than half of them believe in God, close to 10 million? It's useless to try to increase it......Now I can only follow the words of God and urge them to continue to become stronger! Let my world become an extraordinary world... (crying.jpg)"

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Apart from this, I can't do anything else."

Worshiping. Leader Yue said that his eyes were red. Ye Hei's side grew more than three times the number of believers on his side in one day... If it weren't for the inability to travel through the chat group, he would have definitely left his own world and gone to Ye Hei's side to fight for the mission.

Let Ye Hei show off in the chat group every day... and steal all his followers! Look how he still pretends!!

Dongfang Huaizhu:"@神. Lord God! Thank you for your divine grace, thank you for your commandments and restraints on humans and demons, and thank you for giving me the commandments of heaven."

Dongfang Huaizhu:"But that... I would like to ask, are there any taboos in writing heavenly laws and regulations?"

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