Su Han's expression became strange. He thought for a while and then spoke in the chat group.

God:"No taboos! It's all for spreading faith!"

God:"I won't impose any restrictions on those who believe in me! Whether you want to be a demon lord who destroys the world, or a saint who saves the world, you can do it! The only commandment is not to hurt each other among believers!"

For a while, the chat group became quiet.

Great Qin Zulong:"!!!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"My God... God, please bow to God in the front row and pray devoutly! I hope I can take advantage of God's love and mercy!"

Gudazi:"God is too generous, no matter how much he treats God, , or demons, as long as they are His believers, He will treat them equally!"

Ye Hei:"Didn't God say that last time? Except that believers cannot hurt each other, anything can be done!"

Liu Peiqiang:"I A serious question suddenly occurred to me. Since believers are not allowed to hurt each other... then the two countries of Citigroup in the Kung Fu world should not be able to fight!"

Wall-facer:"Two explanations... One is the Cold War model. It’s better not to fight, which makes it even more impossible for them to annex each other through force! They can only attract the other party’s people by promoting faith and improving the quality of life, and then enhance their own strength."

Wall Facer:"No. Two... That is to really fight and let the non-believers of God go to the battlefield! If there are heavy casualties, those people will probably force themselves to believe in God even if they consider surviving... This will lead to non-believers They all died, and there are more and more followers of God.……"

Wall-facer:"Shit! Thinking about it this way, the two Destined Daughters of the Evil King's world are really geniuses... The system they created is actually very stable! (Shocked.jpg)" I want to be

Zhao Gao :"Wonderful."

Ye Hei:"As expected of the Wall-Facing Man...he actually analyzed so much information at a glance."

Chen Xiaoyu:"So, what are the rules of heaven? (Dazed.jpg)"

Wutian Buddha :"Although I'm not sure about it, the word Tian Tiao... reminds me of Heaven inexplicably... No, it's nothing. Maybe I'm just overthinking."

Dongfang Huaizhu:"@神.上神. , I understand! Thank you for your clarification. However, I still have to make a promise to you! I will not use it for my own selfish purposes, but will only use it to spread your beliefs.……"

Yuan Dagu:"Wait a minute, have you already completed the sacrifice in your world?!"

Yuan Dagu finally reacted. After all, Dongfang Huaizhu had already found the Girl of Destiny before and led an army there.

Dongfang Huaizhu:"Yes, I know what you mean... I will upload the video now."

After that, Dongfang Huaizhu uploaded the video he had prepared for a long time.


Wall-facer:"Shangshen...Shangshen is not in heaven this time?"

Ye Hei:"I'm shocked...I always thought that Shangshen was actually a home god...Oh no, I hope Shangshen will forgive me. I said such blasphemous words."

Su Han looked strange. After a brief silence, Yu silently made a note in his heart...

Well, by the way, didn't Ye Hei dislike his cultivation level improving too quickly? Well, next time he offers sacrifices, he will satisfy your opinion!

Isn’t he holding a grudge? Is there a God who is more tolerant and friendly to believers than he is to satisfy his believers’ pretentious words?

Moon Worshiping Leader:"I have always felt that it is because God is too powerful! Every move he makes will have a huge impact on the world... In order to slow down this impact, he has been living peacefully in the depths of heaven. Thinking about it this way...God has really sacrificed too much for us and the world we live in. (Crying with gratitude.jpg)" The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"I believe that if God does not curb his own existence! He will step out in one step. It will inevitably be turned upside down... But God is so majestic, even if he suppresses his own energy scale to the level of ordinary people, he can still do it, right? So this is probably because you are overthinking."

Moon Worshiping Cult Leader:"……"

Ye Hei:"Mr. Worshiping Moon expressed his regrets!"

Daqin Zulong:"This time, God seems to have opened up the universe in chaos... Although I knew in the past that the world was opened up by God, but I saw it with my own eyes! I still feel very shocked."

Yao Lao:"Take a big universe as your clothes and wear it on your body at will... God, how majestic and sublime is it? It makes people respect and admire you!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Huh, so we must believe devoutly. Oh God. Otherwise, under the wrath of God, the universe you are in will be turned into clothes!"

Yuan Dagu:"!!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"……This threat is truly terrifying."

Wall-Facing Man:"That heavenly commandment... is it written on it and turned into the law of heaven and earth? The kind that cannot be violated?! Immortal Evil King:"

It does seem so!""

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Envy, if I can get such a... just write casually, I can easily dominate the world, right?"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Especially that Liu Bang... the first article of heaven I wrote! There is a man named Liu Bang in the world who has everything going wrong and suffers from all the serious diseases in the world! In the end, in the struggle, life was worse than death!"

Yuan Dagu:"……"

Gudazi:"You are really obsessed with Liu Bang."

Chen Xiaoyu:"After all, Mr. Zhao Gao entered the palace because of Liu Bang... I can understand it."

Daqin Zulong:"I am very strange, why is Miss Dongfang Huaizhu Instead of writing it directly on the Heavenly Rules, everyone in the world should believe in God?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said:"!!!"

Yao Lao:"……yes?!

Liu Peiqiang:"Is there still such an operation?" This is considered a stuck bug! But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case."

Su Han's expression changed slightly,"These guys!"

People in the chat group thought they had found a bug, but Su Han knew very well that this was not a bug, but a taboo!

Su Han had heard his teacher talk about this in junior high school. As a believer, you It doesn't matter whether he is deceived or deceived... As long as he devoutly believes in you, you can gain the power of faith.

However, you must not use coercive methods to attack believers. For example, if you control the avenue of the soul series, Just brainwash believers directly? This is absolutely not allowed!

If you do this, even if the brainwashed believer believes in you devoutly... he will not be able to provide you with a little bit of power of faith! Since ancient times, there have been countless The gods didn't believe in this evil, and then they all ate the turtles without exception... After working hard for a long time, it finally proved that this theory is indeed perfect. No matter what method you think of, you just can't get past it...

The academic god finally made an inference. , the emergence of this commandment may be traced back to the beginning of the birth of the world of gods... It is the rules formulated by the group of ancestor gods who forged many divine races. As for why they were formulated, it is unclear...

But in theory, if If you can break through the realm of the Ancestral God, you should be able to break this kind of taboo... Although this is nonsense! If you can reach the realm above the Ancestral God, who would be so embarrassed as to brainwash the believers?!

But before Su Han thought about how to avoid this possibility in the group, and found that someone spoke very emotionally.

Buddha Wutian:"Evil beast! Use commandments to force believers? It's so ridiculous and so despicable! If God really wanted to do this, he could have directly issued an order at that time and ordered everyone in the world to believe in him! I believe that God is completely able to do it, but you still need to write this with the commandments created by God?"

Wutian Buddha:"The reason why God accepts believers is not because he hopes to gain something from believers! He simply loves believers... You simply want to increase the number of believers, so you do whatever it takes... This is putting the cart before the horse."

Wutian Buddha:"Don't forget, God has come to my world! What did you do when you came to the world of the Moon Worshiping Master? He personally cut off the shackles called fate... but you want to use the power of God to put shackles on all living beings again? Cut yourself off! You dehumanizers are not worthy of believing in God!"

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