Tokiwa Gym.

Accompanied by a crisp buzzing sound, the huge altar trembled slightly at this moment. The thousands of Pokémon sitting on it were all exuding a faint sheen. They let out a high-pitched cry, and then suddenly flew into the air.

One Pokémon after another has a pale white brilliance emerging from its body, and their auras soar exponentially.

"This...what happened?!"Ma Zhishi suddenly clenched his Pokmon Ball. He stared at this scene with a horrified expression, as if talking to himself or narrating to others,"How could it be... Those are thousands of Pokmon, how could it be? All evolve together……"

"Is it because the boss has mastered a special method of evolution? That’s not right either."Ah Ju frowned tightly, and felt the terrifying pressure, and his body was shaking. He looked hard, bit the tip of his tongue, felt the pain that penetrated into his bones, and suddenly shuddered, and then He became sober again.

He trembled and looked at the final forms of Pokémon, and murmured doubtfully,"The three evolved Charizards, Kuailosaurus, and Bangira... How did these evolve? Aren't they the ultimate form? They can actually evolve? Is the knowledge I have learned over the years about Pokémon evolution all false?"

Nazi remained silent. She glanced around indifferently, and then discovered that all the ordinary Rockets members who had gathered had passed out... No, there was also this man, a woman, and a cat, hugging each other at the moment. Together, trembling

"Obviously their aura is no different from ordinary Team Rocket members! But it is able to withstand this kind of majesty...Interesting, is it the reason for the potential?"Nazi said to herself in her heart.

With a sharp and high-pitched cry, finally, thousands of Pokémon evolved successfully.

A large number of Pokémon's bodies expanded at an extremely terrifying speed, turning into super huge ancient elves. Species.

The huge number and terrifying size... these giant elves almost cover the entire sky of Joban City...

There are also some elves and gods hanging high in the sky...

Their body size is normal, and their aura is compared to that of ancient times. The elves are even more terrifying. Either like the sun or the moon, they are brilliant, shining in the sky and the earth...

The only similarity between all the magical Pokémon that have undergone mutations is that they are powerful!

Even the most ordinary little one The X-spray and Y-spray that the fire dragon evolved into were terrifyingly powerful in terms of their senses... not even weaker than the Three Holy Birds that Team Rocket once tried to capture... The scene was completely silent. Everyone stared at this scene blankly.

Finally, it was Boss Sakaki who spoke,"This is impossible!"

Boss Sakaki, who presided over the whole process of the sacrifice, was the first to collapse.

What happened? Aren't these his sacrifices to the gods? Didn't they mean ascending to the Kingdom of God? Why did these sacrifices reach the sky in one step?...

Yes, you can reach the sky in one step.

The most basic aura of a juvenile body is enough to rival the Three Sacred Birds...Bite the land shark, the ultimate form of a quasi-god like Kuailong is directly comparable to a first-level god...As for Chaomeng.

Chaomeng suddenly Opening his eyes, his body became slender, with wisps of five-color brilliance centering on it and spreading to all sides. The world seemed to be unable to hold his breath, and was breaking and wailing.

"interesting."Chaomeng spit out two words coldly. At this moment, the collapse of the world stopped... No, it didn't stop.

Boss Sakaki shook his hands, took out a handkerchief from his collar, and gently He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He could tell with his champion-level eyesight... It was clearly Chaomeng who had used his telekinesis to forcibly heal the fragments of the world that had collapsed. Only then did the surface appear... It seems that this world is safe and sound.

But... what kind of method is this?! How powerful is it?!

Even the God of Space and Time in the Sinnoh region cannot make the void collapse just by releasing his breath... …unless……

"……Arceus."Boss Sakaki fell to his knees with a plop. Even though he was a generational hero... he had lost all his stability and calmness at this moment...

If so, the legendary being who created the world... under the condition of releasing his breath , the world cannot bear it, and naturally collapses... Is this a normal thing?!

However, the artificial beast they created has evolved to the extreme and has become a creation god-level existence... This kind of thing!

In a trance , Boss Sakaki suddenly thought of what the Rockets trio said……

"Yes, if that god could create Arceus! So now it may be normal to upgrade an existence like Mewtwo to Arceus.……"

Boss Sakaki couldn't speak any more. This is a normal hammer!

The key question is not whether that god can create Arceus... but that he just performed a sacrifice. The god has not really appeared yet. As a sacrifice, Mewtwo has naturally sublimated into this appearance.... and extrapolate from this...what kind of unimaginable existence is that god?!

"That's it...that's it!"Boss Sakaki kowtowed to the ground with a sudden sound. His voice was choked with sobs as if he had glimpsed the truth of the world,"That god is the God of Creation, but he is not the God of Creation of our world! Our world is not qualified to be created by him.……"

"Yes, it is Arceus who really created our world! Arceus was casually inspired by the God of Creation... We are conceived and conceived by the world created by God's creation...……"

This was heard by the three members of Team Rocket and woke them up.

Except for Nazi, the expressions of the other two people have undergone tremendous changes. One of them has a look of realization, and the other has a look of doubt and disbelief...

But with a very tacit understanding, they no longer dare to stand, and choose Prostrate on the ground.

Even if you don’t mention the miracle that happened in front of you, how terrifying it was... To put it simply, Boss Sakaki knelt down, but they, the Rockets cadres, were still standing still? What do you mean, are you really not afraid of being reckoned with later?……

"……Ban! Wood!"A low roar suddenly sounded, and the red-haired Du rushed over. Then, nearly a thousand extremely powerful elves in the sky turned their heads, and a terrifying sense of oppression pressed on Kuailong. Kuailong let out a cry. Wailing, his legs and feet twitched, he fell from the sky, and liquid spread out from under his body. This champion-level dragon was frightened to the point of peeing.

Du could no longer think about whether his dragon should be embarrassed or not. His face was dull. Staring at the scene in the sky, looking at the huge dragons that looked like mountains one after another, biting land sharks... There are also those beings that are small in size but have more terrifying auras than the dragons.……

"What on earth happened here?"There was a moaning sound from the ferry.

In the next breath, Kona also rushed over, but the stupid hippopotamus also trembled with fright, following in the footsteps of the champion Kuailong. The walls of the

Tokiwa Gym were torn apart. The big rock snake was wrapped around him. I rushed in with my remaining strength, but finally couldn't bear the terrifying pressure, and passed out directly. The three people Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi on my back were thrown off with a swish.

"Big rock...snake?!"Xiao Gang's screams only said one sentence. He stared at the scene in the sky, his eyes that were originally squinted slowly widened, and then he turned his head stiffly and looked outside the wall. What's going on... happened What?!

They were outside before and could only see the brilliance of the Viridian Gym. It looked a lot like the evolution of Pokémon... Originally, evolution was just evolution. Didn't he never see Pokémon evolve? But until they broke in Come on, he frowned and realized something was wrong.

Gods are so fast that dragons, biting land sharks and other quasi-god ultimate bodies... have evolved into existences as huge as mountains...

Gods have maintained their status one by one. The Pokémon in its original form transformed directly into a terrifying posture like a high-level mythical beast... The aura tore open dense cracks in the sky.……

"……So, is he really not dead?"Xiao Zhi looked at the terrifying existences in the sky and burst into tears.

He knelt on the ground and choked,"It's great... This is really great! merciful are You……"

Xiaozhi kept kowtowing.

He is really still alive...

That god is really like what the group said. Even if he offers a living sacrifice to him, the sacrifices will not die... but will sublimate to the extreme and transform into another life form...

Suddenly In the meantime, the sky was turbulent and shattered.

A vast and magnificent pure land of the gods that is difficult to describe in words suddenly emerged and spread, spreading to the end of the sky in an instant...

It appeared in front of everyone who was still awake in Joban City...

Even currently,People from the East, Chengdu, Fangyuan, and Sinnoh regions can also see the unimaginable sacred scene as long as they raise their heads...

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